We have been going after Kyle Bristow (on the right, with Richard Spencer) for years now, and we all knew...
This just makes the holidays sadder, but for 51 years, the revolution was a party thanks to her! (more…)
After years of planning, the so-called #TwitterPurge has begun of accounts associated with hate politics. No, the fash isn't happy...
While many were celebrating the defeat of Roy Moore in Alabama, a neo-Fascist group called Patriot Prayer was protesting a...
In the wake of Roy Moore's defeat Tuesday in Alabama we really need to discuss this fascism in the name...
Neo-Fascists spent two years using the death of Kate Steinle as part of their political agenda, and they lost it...
It's okay to be White. Not okay to be a dick about it. (more…)
The Liberty Lamp reported on this court appearance, which was a rather sad affair to be honest. The archive of...
Now Alex Carmichael of the American Freedom Party is not known for much else except being a neo-Fascist, so ya...
Southern Nationalism on the Skids: How the Tennessee Hate Rallies Became a Comical Fail for the Fash
It was the first outing of the Nationalist Coalition since Charlottesville. It might as well have been the last. (more…)