Robert Spencer is Islamophobe Pamela Geller's equally bigoted partner, and Canadians are urging their government to follow the lead of...
Nazis - that's Nazis with a capital NATIONAL SOCIALIST - will be coming out to Middle Tennessee, and despite the...
Dick Spencer wants to go to other universities, but they don't have to put up with his crap if this...
His name is Brian Brathovd, and the National Guard might not take to kindly to his side work. UNICORN RIOT (more…)
It didn’t take long for antifa to mobilize against the latest outing by the Keystone State ‘Skinheads’ (KSS) and friends...
Thousands are expected to come for Dick Spencer as he makes his first announced public appearance since Charlottesville, but law...
Interesting what could have been - or not have been - had we caught this four years ago. Back then,...
It was ironic that one of the panelists mentioned Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” considering...
They call themselves the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) and they chose Yom Kippur to come to Gothenburg 500 deep - and...
It's a social movement. It's a belief. It's not an organization. And a cop in Louisiana essentially tried to sue those...