March 31, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Kentucky Fried Chickensh*t – Nazis Come to Pike County, KY


The best chant of the day: “Applachia comin’ at ya, Nazi scum, we’re gonna smash ya!”

PIKEVILLE, KY – The annual outing of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), which this year was under the umbrella of a coalition with the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) and Klan groups called the Nationalist Alliance, was met as usual by antifa and community members opposed to their presence. The one thing that was out of the ordinary from past conferences and rallies came at the end, when a court summons was given to TWP head Matthew Heimbach for assaulting a black woman at a rally for Donald Trump last year in Louisville.

As the assorted neo-Nazis went back to their vehicles after holding a rally in at the Pike County Courthouse, Heimbach was approached by a police officer who served with the summons for assaulting University of Louisville student Kashiya Nwanguma, was at the March 16, 2016 rally for Trump to protest the then-presidential candidate, when video showed Heimbach shoving her around. She has since filed a lawsuit against Heimbach as well as Trump and his campaign while Heimbach claimed in a federal court filing that he “acted pursuant to the directives and requests of Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President.” The summons shows a Cincinnati, Ohio address for Heimbach, who currently lives in Paoli, Indiana.

The day for the neo-Nazis started off rocky as an hour before the 2:00 PM time they were scheduled to come to the courthouse, only representatives of the League of the South along with its president Michael Hill marched there. A much larger crowd of those opposed to them which was comprised of both antifa and locals were already assembled across the street, barricades and police keeping the two sides apart as they heckled each other. Occidential Dissent blog author Bradley Griffin, also a member of both the League of the South (LOS) and Council of Conservative Citizens, took pictures as people called him out by name, and the small group of LOSers were completely outnumbers as an even larger group of antifa approached the courthouse. It wasn’t until close to 3:00 PM when the TWP, NSM and Klan made it to the courthouse and augmenting the numbers of the assembled neo-Nazis, but they were still dwarfed by those opposing them. The delay from the much larger crowd reportedly angered the LOSers, who had just spent close to two hours besieged by taunts from antifa, many of them chanting “We want Heimbach!”

Among those who joined the neo-Nazis in their rally was podcaster Mike Peinovich, who’s “Mike Enoch” pen name was compromised by his own people who also exposed him earlier this year as being married to a Jewish woman, reportedly ending in their divorce. Three weeks ago, Peinovich, who spoke at the Pikeville rally, was with National Policy Institute head Dick Spencer at a rally outside the White House where Spencer was glitterbombed by antifa. Both sides also carried firearms in anticipation given the recent clashes between antifa and neo-Fascists at rallies of any aggressive actions that might take place, as well as a contingent of Oathkeepers who stayed out of both crowds and maintained a position of silent observers. It is believed that there was an effort to spark a violent confrontation at the conference the night before, as it was announced weeks ago, that it would be held at Jenny Wiley State Park, a departure from the usual practice of keeping the location of the conference private. Officials at the park however blocked the event from happening there and they eventually did move to an undisclosed location.

As the neo-Nazis left the courthouse and drove off from the parking lot they all parked in, those opposed to them stood on the sidewalk to heckle them further as well as take down their license plates. It was only after they all were gone and both sides dispersed that the assembled Oathkeepers, until now mostly silent began to heckle any remaining antifa and chanted “Blue Lives Matter”. When a local was arrested, they applauded and continued chanting.

Pikeville, Kentucky is best known as one of the towns playing a role in the Hatfield-McCoy feud, and many of the McCoys lived and are buried here. The courthouse was where several Hatfields were tried, convicted and either sentenced to life or, in the case of one Hatfield associate, executed. This rally was held on the 25th anniversary of the L.A. Rebellion that erupted after four police officers were cleared for assaulting motorist Rodney King in Los Angeles.


TN – Plate:V69 43X, VIN:1D7HU18D53J632761
NH – Plate: 338 6505, VIN:1FAHP2H83DG222880
KY – Plate: 379 VKJ, VIN: 4M2DU86W32ZJ42173
KY – Plate: 697 LJY, VIN: 2G1WF52E949273263
PA – FXG 2049 VIN: 2T1BR32E05C359774
PA – KCC 6916 VIN: 2G1WG5EK1B1169456

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One People’s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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