This is not the Chicago officer of the same name on trial for murdering Laquan McDonald. This is the attorney who...
"What began as an ill conceived attempt to kick start right wing organizing under the guise of a legitimate rally...
The Leni Riefenstahl of the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer out of the Northwest got a taste of his future...
UPDATE 9/6/2018: Kaitlin Bennett had her fundraising efforts for this bounced off GoFundMe, but she is going on other platforms....
In all the fervor about the so-called "alt-right" we didn't want anyone to forget the bumbling old school boneheads that...
Founded in 2015, the group is called the Nationalist Liberty Union and they are pissed off about the possible next...
Much is being talked about the German town of Chemnitz and how Nazis went around town in droves assaulting innocent...
This has been around for a few days now, and the Proud Boys have their heads in the sand about...
Now this is a blast from the past! Nathan Hardisty used to roll with a group of boneheads that was...
This was NOT the takeaway Officer Cole Daniels was supposed to have! (more…)