September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Neo-Nazis to Rally in Stockholm

Photo Credit: Getty Images

August 25, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Neo-Nazis to Rally in Stockholm @ Stockholm | Stockholm County | Sweden

“Att röra sig i nazistiska kretsar har helt enkelt konsekvenser.” That’s Swedish for “Moving in Nazi circles simply as consequences.” It comes from the announcement from Anti Fascist Action (AFA) Research that the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) plans to have a rally in Stockholm on Aug. 25, which just so happenes to be the same day that the Strike Back Network – Defending Strike Rights will be in the streets as well protesting the government’s restrictions on striking workers. According to AFA, NMR will bring out Nazis and the like from Sweden and all over the Nordic Region to march on Kungsholmen, and the permit is for 30 to 30,000 persons. AFA will be out to document every last one of them that come out and plan to put them on blast in the future. So yeah, in Sweden, being a Nazi will have consequences.