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The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Anti-Trump Rally At Trump Tower in NYC; Opposition Expected

December 20, 2015 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Trump Towers
725 5th Ave
New York, NY 10022
Anti-Trump Rally At Trump Tower in NYC; Opposition Expected @ Trump Towers | New York | New York | United States

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate that has ever generated this – a rally against him before he even gets the job, let alone the nomination. It should be expected however. He has made the hatemongering and thuggery we have spent the past 70 years beating back fashionable again, and people aren’t going to put up with it. On Dec. 20 a coalition of groups plan to be at Trump Tower in NYC at 2 PM to let him know. “The danger is not only with Trump, the event’s Facebook page announcement notes. “Other politicians are using Trump as a stalking horse. They can condemn Trump for calling for a ban on allowing all Muslims into the country, while at the same time advocating with greater urgency their own proposals to ban Syrian refugees and proposals that amount to expanding profiling, surveillance and repression.”

Over the past few weeks, Trump’s rallies have been punctuated with counter-demonstrations and disruptions, such as the one in Raleigh that shut his rally down after 45 minutes. It has also seen Trump supporters attacking those protesters with Trump cheering them on, not to mention the occasional Nazi salute, as what just recently happened at a rally in Las Vegas this week. “We salute the dozens of brave youth, migrant and anti-racist activists who braved terrifying punches, hair-pulling and racial slurs as they stood up to Trump’s fanatical supporters,” said Sara Flounders of the International Action Center, the main group putting on the Dec. 20 rally. “The righteous disruption of Trump’s North Carolina rally was the first real challenge that this racist candidate can’t ignore or explain away with his insulting lies or violent security beatdowns.”

And of course, the opposition plans to come out and do their thing too. Local NYC anti-immigration crackpot Joanna Marzullo is trying to mobilize her crew New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement (NY ICE) to oppose those that are coming out against Trump. She is not a big fan of Trump, although she initially supported him, because she sees him as more of a grandstander than anything. But despite that, she will be out because it’s the best chance her anti-immigration crowd has. “If the corrupt Media, of which Trump has been a part of for many years, wants to focus on him, then we can be there to propel our Issue, and that’s what I intend to do,” she wrote in an email.  “Trump has made speeches about our Movement, but he certainly did NOT invent it. Furthermore, I do NOT hold it against anyone in our Movement if they are a Trump supporter.  I was a fervent one myself for a while!”

The thing about her “movement” however, is that despite declaring she is an Hispanic-American, she has no problems working with neo-Nazis. It was at one of her rallies that we met Ron “Tremley” Sheehy, the neo-Nazi internet troll that people see online and at White Power rallies from time to time. And yes, she has been called out for this. We’re not sure if she cares though. So she will make Sunday even more interesting than it already will be.

From the Say No to Racist Trump & His Media Megaphone Facebook page:


Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the country is only the latest outrageous example of his racism. The time has come for us to come together and say ENOUGH!

A coalition of student, Muslim, antiwar, immigrant and anti-racist groups are having a demonstration Sunday to oppose the racism being promoted 24/7 by his campaign and the media. It will start at Trump Tower and march to New York’s CNN headquarters.

“Our outrage over the racism that is polluting the media must be galvanized into mass mobilization so that the world can see that progressive people will not tolerate racism,” said Larry Holmes of the Peoples Power Assemblies. “We will not allow Paris, or San Bernadino to be used as an excuse for racism and repression.”

“We can no longer dismiss Donald Trump as little more than a reality show performer parading as a candidate, who no one need take seriously,” Holmes said. “And even though Trump is a candidate, the election campaign is merely a pretext for his real mission.”

“Trump is providing an invaluable service to the 1%. At a time when a spiraling global economic crises is pauperizing those who until recently thought of themselves as middle class, Trump is to testing how far the powers that be can go in redirecting growing anger and fear away from Wall St., and against Muslims, Immigrants, and Black and Brown people.”

Moreover, Trump is helping to lay the basis for an intensification of the war against people of color. That war includes, but is in no sense limited to, racial profiling, murder and brutality at the hand of the police, even greater mass deportations, mass incarceration, war and occupation.

The danger is not only with Trump. Other politicians are using Trump as a stalking horse. They can condemn Trump for calling for a ban on allowing all Muslims into the country, while at the same time advocating with greater urgency their own proposals to ban Syrian refugees and proposals that amount to expanding profiling, surveillance and repression.

“People must be reminded that Hitler was elected,” said Chris Silvera, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 808. “He didn’t come into power in an overthrow of the government. The one percent creates an environment to justify all the money drying up. Then they get people to blame everyone except them. That’s what makes Trump so dangerous now,” Silvera said.

“We salute the dozens of brave youth, migrant and anti-racist activists who braved terrifying punches, hair-pulling and racial slurs as they stood up to Trump’s fanatical supporters,” said Sara Flounders of the International Action Center. “The righteous disruption of Trump’s North Carolina rally was the first real challenge that this racist candidate can’t ignore or explain away with his insulting lies or violent security beatdowns.”

“Since the corporate media seems capable only of acting as a giant megaphone for Trump’s racist vitriol, it has fallen on the people to seriously oppose him and his fascist rallies, which encourage acts of terror against oppressed people,” Flounders said.

“New York is well acquainted with Trump’s racism, going back to 1989 when he financed a racist media campaign to reinstate the death penalty and execute the ‘Central Park Five.’ The five youths after years in prison were proven innocent,” Flounders said. “This demonstration will reclaim New York as a No-Trump Zone, with zero tolerance for fascism, bigotry and racism of any kind.”

“Whenever fascism rears its ugly head, it is the duty of all progressive forces to unite in solidarity and struggle against it,” Flounders said.

On December 20 let’s join together and say ENOUGH!

Join the Unity Rally!

Coalition Partners: List in Formation – Add your support ([email protected])

Al-Awda USA: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
American Muslim Alliance
American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights & Elections
American Islamic Committee for Woman & Child
ANSWER Coalition
Ayotzinapa Student Front
Addicted To War
Bail Out the Peoples WI
Bangla Bazar Jame Mosque, Bronx
BMCC Students Without Borders
Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network – B.A.N
CCNY Students Without Borders
Chelsea Coalition on Housing
Community Labor United with Postal Jobs & Services
Coordination Dessalines (KOD)
Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR NY
Equality for Flatbush
Eztudio 43
Fight Imperialism–Stand Together
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Friends of Human Rights
Guyanese American Workers United
Haiti Liberté Newspaper
Humanist Society of Metro NY
International Action Center
Internt’l Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
International League of People’s Struggle-U.S.
Jersey City Peace Movement
Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee
Labor Against Racist Terror
Laundry Workers Center
May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights
Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War and Injustice
Millions March NYC
Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shutoffs
Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
Movement to Protect the People
Muslim Alliance in North America
Muslim American Society – MAS NY
National Congress of Black American Indians
NYC Shut It Down
NYC Students for Justice in Palestine
New York University Students for Justice in Palestine
Party of Communists USA – NY Metro Branch
Palestine Youth Movement
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Parents to Improve School Transportation
Peace Action – Manhattan
People’s Organization for Progress
People’s Power Assemblies
Postal Defenders
Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Queens Peace Council
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Seattle Anti-war Women In Black
SI-Solidarity with Iran
South Asian American Parents, Teachers & Children
South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship & Training
Students for Justice in Palestine at Hunter College
Students for Justice in Palestine at St. Joseph’s College
Students for Justice in Palestine at College of Staten Island
Students Without Borders at Hunter College
Southern Christian Leadership Conference – Baltimore SCLC
Syrian American Forum
Team Solidarity-United School Bus Union Workers
Teamsters Local 808 IBT
United National Antiwar Coalition-UNAC
U.S. Peace Council
USW Local 8751 Boston School Bus Union
Why Accountability
Women’s Fightback Network
Workers World Party