September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! White Supremacists to Hold Second ‘Rock Stone Mountain’ in Georgia to Oppose Black Lives Matter

February 2, 2019 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Stone Mountain Park
Stone Mountain
FrontLine Organization Working to End Racism

So here we go again. Fresh from stealing the Governor’s seat from Stacy Abrams, the characters that gave us the 2016 rally to oppose Black Lives Matter is coming back because the Super Bowl is being held in Atlanta in 2019, and they are scared that the NAACP use the publicity around it to raise funding to remove the neo-Confederate Stone Mountain carving. “This is a Resistance to Communism rally to call attention to the attempt by the Marxist left to remove the landmarks of Our People. While they kneel in the NFL, we shall Stand for what this country originally was.”

The turnout at the last rally in 2016.

Two hints of irony here. When you are supporting a monument to people that waged a war against this country, it might make one wonder what they might mean in saying “what this country originally was”. Two, if they are so worried about how the NAACP is going to use the publicity around the Super Bowl, imagine the field day the media will have with a Nazi rally not too far away! The group organizing the counter-demo is FrontLine Organization Working to End Racism (FLOWER), and they will make sure that media will get an earful about what the boneheads are up to. “If the Klan holds another Rock Stone Mountain II rally on February 2, 2019, we must be present in large numbers, bearing a bouquet of tactics to prevent them,” they say on their website. “We must bring a clear message: Hate has no place here.” So if there is an effort to remove the carving, the Nazis pretty much expedited it!