September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! White Supremacist National Policy Institute Conference

October 31, 2015 all-day
National Press Club
Munsey Trust Building
529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045

After the murders of nine African Americans in Charleston, SC by confessed killer Dylann Roof, who was inspired by the White Supremacist organization Council of Conservative Citizens, it has become more of an importance to oppose these types of hate groups that attempt to go under the radar and achieve power in government, academia and business. One of those organizations associated with the CCC has been organizing conferences in the Washington, DC area, and has one planned for this fall.

On Sat. Oct. 31, for the second time this year, the politically connected and benign-sounding White Supremacist group National Policy Institute (NPI), whose efforts, among others, included the promotion of eugenics, campaign to make the Republican Party exclusively white, and to build alliances with White Supremacists and Fascists in Europe, is going to hold a conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

In February, during the week that the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was taking place, NPI held a conference which brought out a number of people who were in town to attend CPAC. In 2014, NPI held a similar conference inside the resort that CPAC was being held. Later that year in October, NPI attempted to hold a conference in Budapest, Hungary, but it resulted in police shutting the event down and detaining it’s head, Richard B. Spencer who is not allowed to return to much of Europe for the next three years as a result.

Spencer has a close working relationship with Jared Taylor, the publisher of American Renaissance who once served on its board and was the spokesperson for the CCC in the wake of the Charleston shooting. Spencer has spoken at conferences sponsored by American Renaissance and Taylor has similarly been a speaker at NPI events.

In addition to Spencer himself, among those scheduled to speak are:

Ronan Bernard – French writer and member of Génération Identitaire, the youth wing of the fascist Bloc Identitaire. Founded in 2003 they promote what they consider to be French heritage (which of course means exclusively white), and opposes inter-racial marriage. In 2006, the group was accused of distributing pork-laden “identity soups” to homeless people in Nice, Paris, and other European capitals with the express purpose of excluding Jews and Muslims. Their slogan is “Ni keffieh, ni kippa”.(“Neither [Palestinian] keffieh, nor yarmulke”)

Guillaume Faye – Another French writer and journalist known for his anti-Muslim extremism. He was a onetime members of the nationalist think-tank GRECE (“Research and Study Group for European Civilization”), whose founder Alain de Benoist spoke at the NPI conference in DC in 2013.

Kevin MacDonald – Psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach and board member of the white supremacist Charles Martel Society, Director of the American Freedom Party. MacDonald is known for his rabid antisemitism and racism. Referred to Anders Brevik, the mass shooter of 77 persons including children at a left-wing camp in Oslo, Norway as a “serious political thinker with a great many insights and some good practical ideas on strategy.”

Jack Donovan – A writer best known for his contributions to White Supremacist and Men Rights blogs and websites. Although a gay man he has written a number of articles attacking the gay community, and while he says he is not a White Nationalist, he supports them, saying. “They are not all equally right about everything, but I am sympathetic to many of their general aims.”

Keith Preston – A phony anarchist from Richmond, Virginia that promotes fascism under the guise of anarchism.

R.N. Taylor – Self-described “White Sepratist” Folk musician best known for his band Changes, which is known for its Nazi imagery and fascist symbols on stage. Taylor has also worked with members of the neo-fascist band Death in June. A one time member of the violent right wing paramilitary group of the 1950s and 1960s the Minutemen, he has boasted of taking part in attacks against the homes of African-American families, as well as hanging African-Americans in effigy from lampposts in Chicago during the late 1960s.

Michael Hill – Neo-Confederate leader of the White supremacist secession group League of the South who recently tweeted that “If American Negroes don’t like White Privilege, they should avoid it by going back to Mother Africa.” and once opined that “[T]he evil genie of universal ‘human rights,’ once loosed from its bottle, can never be restrained because rights for women, racial and ethnic minorities, homosexuals, pedophiles, etc., can be manufactured easily.”LOS member Michael Peroutka serves on the County Council of Anne Arundel County, MD.

While this would be the third time NPI has used the National Press Club as a venue, the issue of such a group having a conference there should still be a concern for them. The Press Club needs to know of that concern!

The National Press Club
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC 20045

We want to make the Press Club aware, do not say or infer anything that will be rude or threatening! Be polite and professional

It also should be noted that NPI is also planning a “Supporters Summit” on Oct. 30 from 7 – 9 PM and a “Sunday Champagne Brunch” on Nov. 1 from 10:30 AM – 1 PM at locations not yet announced.