September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! Neo-Fascist Proud Boys to Rally on Patriots Day, where the American Revolution Began

April 16, 2018 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Minute Man National Historical Park
Monument St
Concord, MA 01742
ALERT! Neo-Fascist Proud Boys to Rally on Patriots Day, where the American Revolution Began @ Minute Man National Historical Park | Concord | Massachusetts | United States

The Proud Boys are saying they are commemorating the anniversary of the 1775 start of the American Revolution, but let’s be real. That other anniversary three days from this date, where 168 people, many of them children lost their lives in Oklahoma City at the hands of a bomber who had the same kind of ideals that the Proud Boys have is more akin to what you are going to see them represent. One of the rally organizers is John Medlar, the guy who tried to hold a rally in Boston last summer just after Charlottesville’s Unite the Right rally and was met by over 40,000 angry counter-protesters. This time around he is saying he doesn’t want to rile up the opposition noting of his little rally, “We’re here to celebrate a battle, not fight one.” That might be news to Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman, who is one of the speakers and is always looking to fight someone. In fact, the Proud Boys themselves are a organization formed out of the need for political violence. At one point in their two-year existence, they required you to engage in some act of violence against someone you politically disagree with to gain full membership. So we hope they understand if the “We’re not here to fight a battle” sentiment rings a little hollow with most folks. Expect the opposition to be thick.