September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! Neo Confederate ‘Memorial Service’ in Lexington, VA

January 13, 2017 @ 10:00 am – January 14, 2017 @ 4:00 pm
VA 24450
ALERT! Neo Confederate 'Memorial Service' in Lexington, VA @ Lexington | Virginia | United States

As America observes the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend, Virginia has other plans. Friday, January 13th is the Virginia State Holiday for Lee-Jackson Day, and Saturday, January 14th is officially recognized as Lee-Jackson Day in Lexington. This is just fine fort he neo-Confederate Virginia Flaggers who want to flag the town of Lexington for action taken by City Council to ban all flags from city light pole flag stands, rather than allow the Confederate Rag to fly for the week leading up to the holiday. They are also pissed at Washington and Lee University, which is in town because they removed the Confederate Rag from Robert E. Lee’s grave on campus and refused to allow the Sons of Confederate Veterans to hold a memorial service in the Lee Chapel. Their plans are tentatively to meet at Stonewall Jackson Cemetery Friday at 10:00 a.m, Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Unfortunately for them, there are others that want to do things differently:

From Workers Assemble 

Three “Southern Heritage” groups with white supremacist ties – ACTBAC from Alamance County, the Virginia Flaggers, and League of the South – are coordinating to organize an annual Confederate memorial service in Lexington, VA on January 14, 2017, in retaliation against the MLK Community Parade organized by CARE Rockbridge, an anti-racist organization.

ACTBAC held a rally for Trump on 11.08, has issued threats on social media against a planned mosque, held Confederate memorial rallies at UNC-Chapel Hill, and has had members show up armed at HB2 protests. They are a pro-Confederacy organization that wants to have confederate flags raised on the Interstate. They are likewise the “sister” organization of Citizens of North Carolina Against Relocation of Muslim Refugees. The Virginia Flaggers also want Confederate flags raised on the I-95, and they protested the removal of a confederate memorial in 07.15. The League of the South is an open white-supremacist and neo-confederate organization with ties to the KKK, National Socialist Movement (NSM), and the Traditionalist Worker Party. Matthew Heimbach is also a member of LoS.

We are not going to allow these organizations to march. This is a call out to all #antifa crews, affinity-groups and local chapters to mobilize and #shutitdown.

#WorkersAssemble will be organizing a caravan of #antifa/anti-racist comrades to shut down “Southern Heritage” white-supremacists. We will be assembling a caravan to leave for Lexington at 8:00AM from Durham, NC. It’s time to organize, protect one another, and #fightback. We will be coordinating our caravan with any others that are heading to Lexington.

To coordinate with us, please email us at, with the subject line “01.14 WorkersAntifa”. The location of the caravan will be given out only through email. If you’re coming with an affinity-group, let us know how many medics/legal-observers/scouts you’re coming with. If you’re part of an antifa crew, please let us know which. Bring banners, signs, flags, noisemakers, water, and snacks. We encourage folks to come to and leave the demo in pairs or in groups so no one is stranded and caught in a bad spot. We cannot emphasize this enough!

¡No Parasán! Durham is an #Antifa city!