September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! National Socialist Movement to Hold Annual Conference in Rome, GA

April 23, 2016 all-day

The National Socialist Movement (NSM) has been a curious bunch in recent years. It’s as if they are being tapped by other hate groups to distract from whatever event they are holding with an event of their own the same day. Two years in a row, the NSM held their conference and rally in Chattanooga, TN and Dayton, OH respectively on the same day the American Renaissance Conference was held. This year, in the wake of the announcement that a neo-Nazi rally will be held at Stone Mountain, GA on April 23, here they come again, announcing their annual conference and rally on the same day 85 miles away in Rome, GA! They have also announced an after-party that evening at the Georgia Peach in Temple, GA, a place known for its racist message boards and for hosting events like Hammerfest back in the day. Now is this really an attempt to divide opposition, we don’t know. A few posts on Stormfront suggest their fellow boneheads aren’t happy about it since it means it also draws people away from the Stone Mountain event. But regardless, expect the usual corniness the NSM comes with when they come out this year with their annual circus act.