September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! ‘Former’ Proud Boy Jovi Val to hold DC rally for the Proud Boys, James Fields and Other neo-Fascists in Trouble, Prison for Attacking People

January 5, 2019 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lafayette Square
ALERT! 'Former' Proud Boy Jovi Val to hold DC rally for the Proud Boys, James Fields and Other neo-Fascists in Trouble, Prison for Attacking People @ Lafayette Square

This specimen of stupid we are dealing with here calls himself Jovi Val, but his real name is Jovanni Valle. He is one of those Proud Boys that all of a sudden wasn’t one when he is called out for publicly associating with something that makes them look bad – like Nazis – but still is supportive of the Proud Boys. That’s what happened to Valle after he joined another former Proud Boy named Jason Kessler as he held his second “Unite the Right Rally” in DC on the anniversary of his first in Charlottesville, VA that after a massive riot ended with the death of Heather Heyer at the hands of James Fields, Jr., one of the neo-Fascists Kessler invited there. According to reporter Ford Fischer, Valle wants to hold a rally somewhere in Washington, DC in Lafayette Park – the location of that “Unite the Right Rally 2” event last summer – in support of those he says are “the men and women who put their lives on the line for freedom and liberty.” And who might those men and women be? Well, they would include Fields, now serving the rest of his worthless life in prison for the murder of Heather Heyer, the members of the Rise Above Movement, for going around the country assaulting people who aren’t down with their brand of neo-Fascism and was in Charlottesville, and of course, the Proud Boys who were arrested for attacking antifa in NYC while their founder (but doesn’t want to be called leader) Gavin McInnes was inside the Manhattan Republican Club mocking the killing of a Socialist leader in Japan over fifty years ago. The poster is a load of laughs, as it displays people wearing MAGA hats falling victim to – among other things – police. When you are through laughing, you can read the thread below:

For the record, with all the hell coming down on the Proud Boy’s head, they are distancing themself from this thing. They are publicly saying that they have absolutely nothing to do with this rally and do not want to have their name associated with it. And the Hispanic Valle responded in a Dec. 17 two-hour YouTube rant saying that he had “distanced” himself from the Proud Boys – which he says was about giving White men a voice in politics – because making a Black man as their leader made them “self loathing whites”, and that they are “not a White Nationalist group…anymore!” There’s a lot of giving away the store in that video, including where he notes that one of those Proud Boys arrested in NYC has a Confederate Rag tattooed on his arm that the group won’t let him display (16:46 timestamp), so we have to post it here!

He is still supporting those Proud Boys during his rally, and is making no bones about the fact that he believes White Nationalism is “a beautiful thing”. So if you see him in DC on Jan. 5, that’s what he is going to be defending. This one is going to be about the corniest thing you will ever see. Valle is good for that.