September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

ALERT! Anti-Semitic American Free Press to Hold Event in Memory of Jim Trafficant

November 7, 2015 all-day
Capitol Skyline Hotel
10 I St SW
Washington, DC 20024
ALERT! Anti-Semitic American Free Press to Hold Event in Memory of Jim Trafficant @ Capitol Skyline Hotel | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

You would think that after a while when a hotel has caught some hell for keeping itself open to neo-Nazi and White supremacist conferences it would knock the shit off, but here we are again at the Capitol Skyline Hotel, only blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, and they are the venue for yet another get-together put on by the American Free Press! This time it’s to pay tribute to the anti-Semitic ex-congressman and ex-con Jim Trafficant, who died last year at the age of 77. No doubt they are also going to make this a tribute to AFP’s founder Willis Carto, who died Oct. 26 at 89. Participating in this event will be Paul Topete, the lead singer of the Allentown, Pa. Band Poker Face, who once told us that only 70,000 Jews died in the Holocaust. That’s the caliber of stupid we are dealing with here, and its that caliber that the Capitol Skyline Hotel has been particularly fond of for years now.