John A. MacDonald made no bones about how much he despised people who were not of "Aryan" stock, and they...
One People's Project is a founding member of the newly-formed Antifascist Unity Coalition. (more…)
Looks like some boneheads wanted to pick a fight in Deptford. (more…)
They are being left to die, and what's worse is that the right is laughing about it. Blood won't be...
It's funny how conservatives always want the rules they put on all of us to be different for them. (more…)
Much is being talked about the German town of Chemnitz and how Nazis went around town in droves assaulting innocent...
Antifa has had a busy summer, much to the chagrin of the neo-fascists. Today alone was an example of that!...
Robert Spencer is Islamophobe Pamela Geller's equally bigoted partner, and Canadians are urging their government to follow the lead of...
They call themselves the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) and they chose Yom Kippur to come to Gothenburg 500 deep - and...
The notorious Holocaust denier died in Germany where he was deported and jailed after pissing off much of North America...