After dealing with the Proud Boys we are not surprising that the right thinks the laws they insist we follow...
CAW was the point people for security during the counter demonstration against the fascists on Stone Mountain last weekend organized...
A lot of actions happened on Saturday. This is a report back on one of them: folks supporting bad cops...
Mad props to everyone that came out to Stone Mountain, Georgia and routed the neo-Fascist scum that tried to hold...
Say Cannon Hinnant's name with love and sympathy for him and his family, but not for the conservatives who don't...
Two weeks ago, there were several rallies across the country in support of the protests in Portland. Some went well,...
New Jersey was the last of the Northern states to abolish slavery completely in 1804, but we still had sixteen slaves in New Jersey that were only freed in 1865 by...
Roy Den Hollander was so evil even Fox News’ Nick Cavuto thought he was effed up. (more…)
The violence that erupted at this rally was not between anyone associated with Black Lives Matter and those opposed to...
Just a handful showed up this time, but c'mon. Is it really this easy to freak these idiots out? (more…)