They let bonehead Brien James promote this thing, and this is what they get for their troubles. (more…)
Let us now look inside the crew that is comprised some of the lowest scum on earth! This is a...
A few weeks ago we reported on neo-Fascist Sayed "Robbie" Javid's harassment of a toddler. Well perhaps all the attention...
“I'll blow your f---ing windows right out of your g-----n car” -- Thomas Leager to a peaceful protester in Madison,...
This group isn't exactly lighting a fire under anyone, not even the people among their circles. So folks just show...
We are sure the Proud Boys like it when they have attorneys within their ranks, but should officers of the...
If conservatives are going to lecture everyone about waiting until all the facts come out when one of their police...
This all stems from them being clowned for not showing up at a rally they announced. It’s ironic that the...
The Proud Boys have been getting smacked around for a few years now, and if last night’s first presidential debate...
We need to know who this child is so their parents can be alerted, but we already know who Sayed...