It's going to be a long, hot summer. What say we get acquainted with those holding the matches, hmmmm? KITOCONNELL.COM...
Excerpt from the Enough is Enough blog that introduces everyone in Los Angeles to one of their "anti-antifa" (aka "fa")...
If Michael Savage DIDN'T source American Renaissance in his pathological "leftists are out to get us" shtick (well, there's some...
Story is developing as we post. Suspect in custody. (more…)
No codewords needed. The guy who turned an entire generation of Nazis into whiny little online trolls will not be...
The biggest weapon today's hatemongers have is the internet. There they can be whatever they want to be pretend they...
They are not fighting terrorism. They are fighting Muslims. That makes them the terrorists. ANTI-FASCIST NEWS VIA IT'S GOING DOWN...
His people are getting arrested in Boston, and he lost a speaking gig in Chicago. Folks are becoming wise to...
No love or respect for a guy who spent his life ruining the lives of others. THE HILL (more…)
WeSearchr was created because Nazis got tired of getting kicked off GoFundMe, but now it seems it's been kicked off...