September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


Oppose Nazis, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Sunday in Washington DC @ Lafayette Park
Dec 3 @ 2:00 pm

All Out to Oppose Nazis, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Sunday in Washington DC

The Nazis will be at the White House on Sunday, 2 PM. Of course, people of conscience will be there to oppose them. DC activists are calling on anyone who stands against white supremacy, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, anti-immigrant bluster, Islamophobia, and more to join us and prevent the Nazis from holding their rally. Please join us. The movement needs you!

Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch both sent out tweets on Saturday afternoon, stating that they will be at the White House, Lafayette Park, at 2 PM, for an anti-immigrant rally. Their “organizing” seems to consist of just sending out tweets, so we expect their numbers to be small.

With less than 24 hours notice, the people of the Washington DC area are responding. We will be present in the park to create a wall of noise and drown out Nazi voices. We will stop them from organizing toward their hateful agenda.

Come join us. Bring your passion and your noisemakers. Wear black, if you wish, in solidarity with antifascism.

The supposed reason that the Nazis want to meet tomorrow is to protest against the recent not-guilty verdict in the highly politicized San Francisco trial of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, an undocumented immigrant. Garcia Zarate was accused of the murder of Kate Steinle, who was white, but the prosecution did not present enough evidence, and the jury did not find Garcia Zarate guilty.

Right-wing pundits, white supremacists, and Nazis have been using this trial as a lightning rod for anti-immigrant sentiment.

Let’s show them that the Washington DC community stands behind immigrants and will protect our communities. And we stand against Nazis!

We need you to stand with us on the right side of history. Please join us!


Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Participate in Panel Discussion on Hate Groups @ Theatre N at Nemours
Jan 30 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Participate in Panel Discussion on Hate Groups @ Theatre N at Nemours | Wilmington | Delaware | United States

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Executive Director of One People’s Project will join others to discuss how to deal with hate groups that are feeling some sort of momentum with Donald Trump in the White House. He and others who were there in Charlottesville, Va. on Aug. 12 will be there to give there perspectives on that particular day and how we can build the opposition against fascism even more in its wake. This is co-sponsored by Co-sponsored by the Islamic Society of Delaware (ISD) and YWCA Delaware.

Dublin Antifa to oppose Nigel Farage and UKIP @ Graduates Memorial Building, Trinity College
Feb 2 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Dublin Antifa to oppose Nigel Farage and UKIP @ Graduates Memorial Building, Trinity College | County Dublin | Ireland


A far-left organisation, referring to itself as AntiFa Ireland, has announced its intentions to protest former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage’s planned speech at Trinity College Dublin this Friday (2 February).

Farage is scheduled to appear before the College Historical Society (The Hist) after his initial invitation was rescinded three months ago.

He was scheduled to receive the society’s Gold medal, which is awarded for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse’. However, this plan was revoked after the news sparked controversy, before the decision was subsequently reversed and rescheduled for 2 February.

The event, which is titled ‘Anglo-Irish Relations and the Future of the EU’, is to be chaired by Pat Leahy, Political Editor at the Irish Times.

On 30 January, members of AntiFa expressed their intentions to protest, telling JOE: “Mr. Farage is no ordinary speaker, his record of stoking racial tensions in the U goes beyond objectionable speech, and we hope to highlight that this sort of thing doesn’t fly in Ireland, let alone in our universities. The man is simply the modern day Enoch Powell [MP for the Conservative and Ulster Unionist Party] or Oswald Mosley [Leader of the British Union of Fascists].”

Turning Point USA to Have Some Opposition in Colorado! @ Lory Student Center, Colorado State University
Feb 2 @ 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Turning Point USA to Have Some Opposition in Colorado! @ Lory Student Center, Colorado State University

From the Facebook Event Page:

Colorado State University’s (CSU) chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), a bigoted hate group cleverly disguised as a conservative free-market-promoting college recruitment club, is hosting their founder and executive director Charlie Kirk who plans to speak on “smashing socialism.” The group, TPUSA, harbors members who consistently display anti-LGBTQ, racist, xenophobic, and nationalistic ideals and practices.* To allow Charlie Kirk, the founder of this group, to speak on campus is to continue normalizing the hate speech and dangerously prejudicial sentiments this group gives sanctuary to. We invite concerned community members, students, and targeted/affected parties to show up to the Lory Student Center at 5:30pm on February 2nd. The end time is 9:00 but people may stay as long as they wish. We intend to articulate our disgust and disappointment with CSU for allowing a hate group to speak on campus. We implore you: stand up alongside us and voice your disgust and disappointment as well.

*For more information on the bigoted activities going on within TPUSA and why it is important to actively demonstrate in opposition to them, read the detailed post in the event discussion.

CANCELED Neo-Fascist Britain First Calls Rally for Trump at London’s U.S. Embassy
Feb 26 @ 11:00 am – Feb 27 @ 8:00 pm
CANCELED Neo-Fascist Britain First Calls Rally for Trump at London's U.S. Embassy @ England | United Kingdom

We are learning that Donald Trump is planning a visit to the U.K. so he can open the new US Embassy and Britain First folks – the neo-Fascist group that saw headlines after Trump saw fit to retweet some of their propaganda – are coming out to show their support for them. Well, they are going to have company. A few folks who don’t like Trump – and damn sure don’t like Britain First will be there too, and they are going to be particularly loud about that opposition. We are sure Britain First will be none too pleased, but they won’t be voicing their displeasure in a tweet since Twitter canned their account.

UPDATE: After hearing that there was going to be massive opposition to his visit, Trump decided to cancel the trip. But he couldn’t say it was because Londoners didn’t want him there in the first place. Instead, he tweeted this:

And by the way, it was actually George W. Bush that signed off on it.

Hate Group Plans Conference Somewhere in Detroit
Mar 4 @ 12:00 pm – Mar 5 @ 10:30 pm
Hate Group Plans Conference Somewhere in Detroit @ Detroit | Michigan | United States

Trying to do something the same time Dick Spencer will be speaking at Michigan State University, his attorney and MSU alum Kyle Bristow and his group the Foundation for the Marketplace of Idiots…sorry Ideas (actually we’re not sorry, FMI) want to hold some sort of conference in the Detroit area. This is its second  outing, the last one being in summer 2016 just after the Republican National Convention, and similar to when neo-Nazi concerts whenever they are put on, they aren’t disclosing where it is and those who want to attend have to be “vetted”. That means the venue might not even know they have this thing happening at their spot, and won’t know until the last minute, so consider this a heads up to hotels and restaurants in the Detroit area to check out their scheduled events for Sunday, March 4, and Monday March 5.

Here’s something else. According to their schedule. Among the speakers are Bristow, Spencer, Cameron Padgett, Elliott Kline, aka Eli Mosley, and Matthew Heimbach, so basically you have the folks involved with leading the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia last summer coming to Detroit. More to the point, with Heimbach speaking and his partner and National Socialist Movement leader Jeff Scheop living in Detroit, their umbrella group the Nationalist Front will be there. Even more to the point, all attendees are asked to go to Dick Spencer’s speaking engagement at MSU in Lansing. Being that they have been about attacking people and were the instigators of the violence in Charlottesville, not to mention in Shelbyville, TN last November, we should all be mindful that this might be what they are looking for in Detroit and Lansing. That’s something both venues and residents are going to have to deal with. But look at it like this: if the Foundation for the Marketplace of Idiots have to hide from us, they’re afraid of us!

Dick Spencer Speaking at Michigan State University @ MSU Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education
Mar 5 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Dick Spencer Speaking at Michigan State University @ MSU Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education | Lansing | Michigan | United States

So it seems that Dick Spencer has himself another speaking gig, and it is at the alma mater of his attorney Kyle Bristow, who while a student there worked to get white supremacists to speak on campus. After much wrangling around Spencer will be at Michigan State University (MSU), per the terms of an agreement per the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Bristow on Spencer’s behalf – that agreement including the stipulation that Spencer never tries to hold anything else at the University ever again! We can’t help but be reminded of how this is kind of what Creativity Movement leader Matt Hale was doing with his public library appearances back in the early ’00s, and he is one of many examples of that crowd pushing and pushing people until they push back because his ass is in federal prison for 40 years. Will that happen to Spencer? Who knows? Considering the last time he held one of these things three of his people ended up in jail for shooting at people, it’s probably only a matter of time before Spencer sees the pushback tailor-made for him!

And we can’t always fault the universities for allowing Spencer and his ilk to infest their campuses. They are indeed trying to keep these things from happening. Kent State University, for example, was able to shut him out from a planned event on May 4 – the anniversary of the 1970 “Kent State Massacre” when the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine.

Jason Kessler on Trial for Perjury
Mar 20 @ 9:00 am – Mar 21 @ 5:00 pm
Jason Kessler on Trial for Perjury

It is only by pure coincidence that we are posting this on the one year anniversary of the day White Supremacist Jason Kessler assaulted someone at Charlottesville, Va’s Downtown Mall. He got in trouble for that and pled guilty to a misdemeanor. Now it would have been nice if they charged him with perjury then for saying that he punched back in self defense when video shows otherwise, as opposed to after his so-called “Unite the Right” rally on Aug. 12. We probably all could have avoided the tragedy that we would eventually see that day. But it is what it is, and he did indeed get charged. He has a motion hearing for Jan. 30, but if all goes as it is currently planned, two-day trial is set for March 20. We don’t think Kessler is going to fare well in this or any of the other things that may be coming his way to take him down, and this will be the first shot at him that serves as a comeuppance for his bullshit over the past year. If the dates change, we will note it here.

Rock Against Fascism II: The Punks And Skins Strike Back! @ Cider Riot
Mar 29 @ 6:00 pm – Mar 30 @ 12:00 am
Rock Against Fascism II: The Punks And Skins Strike Back! @ Cider Riot | Portland | Oregon | United States

RASH NW and the Red and Black Subculture Club presents:
ROCK Against Fascism II: The Punks and Skins Strike Back with:
The Brass: East Coast antifascist oi!
Petite: Female fronted PDX poltical Punk
Empire Justice: Seattle antifascist oi/hardcore
Violent Traditions: PDX antifascist hardcore

The Red and Black Subculture Club’s Soul Survivor, DJ Dispissed and DJ Mcskally will play the best in boss reggae, antifascist oi, soul and punk

$5 donation to an antifascist charity. No turn away.

ALERT! Neo-Fascist Generation Identity to Hold Conference in London @ TBA
Apr 14 @ 12:00 am – 11:45 pm
ALERT! Neo-Fascist Generation Identity to Hold Conference in London @ TBA | London | England | United Kingdom

From the Oppose ‘Generation Identity’ website:



The frightened little snowflakes think they can keep us from figuring out where they’re gonna be hosting all their filthy little fascist mates from across Europe for their “European Reunion” conference, setting up ridiculous amounts of security just to get a ticket – but that hasn’t stopped us, so follow the @OpposeGI handle on Twitter for updates and locations on the day 😉


‘Generation Identity’ (to be referred to as ‘Generation Snowflake’ from here on in) are a fascist group for the 21st century, using the language of liberal identity politics to argue that white Europeans, rather than being aggressive imperialists who have raped and pillaged the entire globe, are in fact victims of some great conspiracy, using terms like ‘the Great Replacement’ as code for the popular fascist conspiracy theory that ‘liberal’ world leaders are orchestrating ‘white genocide’ in the West. This movement, which began in France and is strongest in Germany and Austria, targets university campuses with its carefully worded propaganda in an effort to normalize hateful and racist discourse in mainstream education. The ultimate goal of this movement? Ethno-pluarlism. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? Pluralism is a good thing, isn’t it? Well, no, not in this context – ethno-pluralism means apartheid, racial segregation and the creation of states along racial and ethnic lines. So in simple terms – ‘Generation Snowflake’ wants to ethnically cleanse all people of colour from Europe to create a series of white ethnostates.

The most high profile stunt so far by ‘Generation Snowflake’ was the failed ‘Defend Europe’ project in summer 2017, which saw ‘Generation Snowflake’ members take to the seas and try, unsuccessfully, to block the boats of NGOs from coming to the rescue of migrants drowning in the Mediterranean. The UK chapter of ‘Generation Snowflake’ launched in the autumn with a *super dramatic* banner drop on Westminster bridge. Their actions have largely been confined to stunts like this – giving out (pork) dinners to the (British only) homeless in branded hi-vis tops an taking some pics, coming onto university campuses, putting up stickers or handing out a couple of leaflets, getting some pics for the all important social media. Then fucking off as quick as they can. So far, this has meant that they have been easy to miss –  until an attempted banner drop at Birkbeck University last week, which led to the ‘Generation Snowflake’ banner being quickly seized and disposed of by students and the fascists being chased off the campus with their tails between their legs. But these aren’t just students playing pranks – the recent revelation that ‘Generation Snowflake’ member Jacob Bewick was a member of now banned Nazi terror group ‘National Action’ shows that they are attracting members who are deadly serious about their goals.


There isn’t just one good reason to shut down fascist gathering like this one. There. Are. Shitloads. Firstly, of course, it sends a message of solidarity to those people being targeted by their hateful rhetoric. It is also to demonstrate to those that hold such dangerous views as the desire for a white-only Europe that they will not be tolerated in society and any attempts that they make to organise with others to execute those ideas will be resisted by any means necessary. Make no mistake, this is what the ‘Generation Snowflake’ conference is – a meeting of like minded people from across the continent, seeking to work together to organise and execute the ethnic cleansing of Europe. We cannot – we will not –  let this happen. We’ll see you on Saturday the 14th.


