
The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Invitation to the First International Gathering of Anarchist and Anti-Authoritarian Practices in Tijuana, Mexico

Announcement for an anarchist gathering in so-called Tijanaa, Mexico from January 25th – 27th of 2024.

From the territory dominated by the Mexican State, we sound this call for the First International Gathering of Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian Practices to take place in the borderlands of Tijuana, Mexico.

We are organizing for the gathering to take place January 25, 26 and 27 2024, with the goal of agitation, solidarity, and self-organization of anarchist and anti-authoritarian rage against the borders across lands, the borders in our minds, and the emotional borders between us as individuals. As part of the anarchist legacy of confrontation, we have never invested any hope in the political spectacle of elections, nor waited passively for some rupture from “the masses,” nor expected the appearance of a clearly defined revolutionary subject to descend upon us and make the revolution or raise the consciousness of the bosses, the rich, or their lackeys.

Accordingly, we invite all collectives, projects, and individuals involved in publishing, audio-visual propaganda, counter-information, anti-prison work, and anyone else that advances daily on the treacherous path of anarchism and anti-authoritarianism—of attacks against power—to send in your proposals for workshops, discussions, book presentations, short films and documentaries, musical performances, works of theater or other art, which will be spread horizontally, in solidarity, and self-organized in an offensive against power and its henchmen.

To propose an activity, please reach us at: [email protected].

We will update the organization of the gathering as we continue to confirm the activities.

For more information:
