Photo Credit: By Way of Plymouth
What, you thought Charlottesville was in the legal rearview mirror? Pizza Boy probably thought so too!
Ryan Roy, who gained fame for being fired from Uno’s Pizza and Grill after being exposed for attending the ill-fated “Unite The Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA, August 12 2017, has been charged with “burning an object with the intent to intimidate”. This Virginia law was enacted to stop the KKK from burning crosses and torches to instill fear and the charges stem from a recent effort to identify participants in the tiki torch march on the University of Virginia August 11 of that year. Emily Gorcenski, one of the counter-protestors cornered by the tiki torch marchers, posted a video to twitter at the time
According to “Ignite the Right” @UnmaskUTR, Roy was the fifth person indicted for burning an object with the intent to intimidate.
Ryan Roy went to Charlottesville as an associate of Vanguard America and later became a mainstay of Patriot Front in Vermont and New England. Patriot Front is a successor split off of Vanguard America. His comments on private Patriot Front chats were exposed by Unicorn Riot who also maintains the actual leaks are hosted at this address:
Roy uses the username Rex VT or variations of that username in most of
these chats.
Mainstream and antifascist press has had widespread coverage of Ryan Roy and his alleged associates.
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