
The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Conservative Whites: Unity? Trick, Not on Your Terms.

This weekend will see Super Bowl Sunday. It’s supposed to be a time when we can all come together as a nation and forget about all the division we have in this country. Except we really can’t.

Story by Chuck Tackett

“All we say to America is be true to what you said on paper.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. From his final speech – “I’ve Been To The Mountaintop.”

It is Sunday, January 19th, and the Kansas City Chiefs football team won the AFC championship, propelling them to play in the Super Bowl. Their opponents will be the San Francisco 49ers.

There was a lot of excitement in the air in the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs. One would think it was New Years’ Eve, at the stroke of midnight, or it was the 4th of July.

The excitement was in the air. If you were not downtown at the entertainment district, you witness crowds of fans jumping up and down with glee. Balloons and confetti were everywhere. If one was home, like I was, you heard fireworks going off. It has been over 50 years that the Kansas City Chiefs participated and won the Super Bowl.

While the AFC football game was on television, I was on Facebook debating politics with a Conservative high school classmate of mine. When the Chiefs won the game, he told me in his excitement that there are no Democrats or Republicans. Nothing else mattered at the moment in his mind. The Chiefs won. I was excited for him.

Later on, that night as my excitement died down, I put on my “critical thinking” cap and my thoughts turned to Patrick Mahomes, the Kansas City Chief’s star quarterback and darling of Kansas City.

I imagined a scenario where, that night after the game, Patrick was driving home, and was stopped by a policeman who had no idea who he was. An incident occurs, and Mr. Mahomes is either shot dead or wounded seriously. The officer claimed he felt threatened.

We can take another scenario. A group of White thugs severely beat or killed Mr. Mahomes. They have no idea who he is. 

Would people be so cavalier about police brutality as they were when Colin Kaepernick put it in the spotlight? Would people be so glib about Gay-bashing if Patrick Mahomes were gay and the victim? Would his perpetrators be given leniency if they claimed Mr. Mahomes made unwanted advances at them?

Historically, when great tragedies such as 9-11 occur, or a major event happens that brings about massive joy, then everybody is treated as equals. “WE ARE ALL AMERICANS!” is usually a rallying cry. But shortly when all the excitement dies down, it is racism and bigotry as usual. It is always on the oppressors’ terms when it begins and when it ends. Well trick, that is going to be coming to an end, as more and more people become aware of the merry-go-round crap that goes on.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know I have always said, “With great progress comes great backlash.” Most recently was the election and re-election of the United States’ first Black President: President Barack Obama. It was not supposed to happen, ever. The great backlash was the election of the mango colored demon now residing at The White House and all the mayhem and foolishness he has caused. All because of racist, bigoted Whites’ fear of not being superior.

Despite the horrors of the past 3 years, the clown who was elected has bestowed on us, I try my best not to have any despair. People have shown their true colors, and Cyndi Lauper, they are not always beautiful like a rainbow. One of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. was from his final speech, the night before he was assassinated. He proclaimed, “But I know somehow even when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”

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