January 22, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Calls For a “Final Solution’ to Muslim ‘Problem’, And To Kill Obama Is How the Right Responds to Paris Attacks

Final Solution

As has often been the case in the aftermath of attacks alleged to have been committed by Islamic extremists, the attacks in Paris, France on Friday resulted in the usual bigoted targeting of all Muslims. A number of websites and blogs have noted, the immediate response on twitter and other social networking outlets that ranged from ridiculing the French for their gun control, to attacks on immigrants and the refugees who were fleeing Syria, where ISIL, the group claiming responsibility for the attacks, is based, to the somewhat obligatory swipes at President Obama. In addition to these reactions however came calls for genocide and assassinations of U.S. leaders, namely President Obama, from bitter conservatives pushing an agenda that ironically is more aligned to the terrorists they hate than the country they say they wish to protect.

Pat Dollard on FoxOn Friday, writer Pat Dollard, a Hollywood agent who has contributed to Breitbart.com and whose tweets are often 140-character rants against Muslims as well as African Americans, whom he often calls a “problem”, took to Twitter to call for genocide to eliminate Muslims:

Dollard continued on with further tweets over the next few hours:

On Sunday, Dollard continued by tweeting, “Just got back from Mass. Spent the whole service thinking about killing more jihadis.”

This was not the first time Dollard has called for the extermination of Muslims. Last year, a shooting at Ft. Hood, Texas was reminiscent of when former Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people there in 2009. Although the latest incident eventually proved not to be related to terrorism, Dollard who was live tweeting as news broke on the shooting made news when he tweeted, “If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them.” After a backlash, Dollard backtracked by saying he was joking and eventually deleted the tweet. Even the conservative Breitbart.com distanced themselves  from Dollard, noting his last article on the website was three years prior in 2011.

11152015DeathThreatAnother declaration appeared on a Facebook page, but instead of Muslims, the poster made an open call to kill President Obama. On the page titled “Mark Levin’s Fan Club of Intelligent, Thinking Women (and Men)”, which is full of crass and simplistic political observations from fans of the right wing attorney and radio show host, Virginia Faye Kimbler posted a response to an article where Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal reportedly wrote a letter to Obama demanding suspension of bringing Syrian refugees to the United States through New Orleans. “Bobby, you will not get any answers, no reply,” Kimbler wrote. (T)his piece of shit in the WH needs to be shot.. NOW..”
According to her Facebook page, Kimbler is from Jacksonville, Florida but currently resides in Savannah, Georgia and is a supporter of Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential run. The entire thread where she made her threat has since been removed, but Kimbler makes several more threats towards Obama on her personal page as well.
In the wake of the Paris attacks, there has been some acts of violence reportedly committed as well as hate groups increasing their activity. When the fascist French political party National Front attempted to participate in a rally in support of the victims of the attacks with a call to deport Syrian refugees, other participants pushed them out. The NF does have its support in the U.S. however. On Friday New York City Councilman Joseph Borelli retweeted  National Front leader Marine Le Pen, although he later backtracked after being asked about his stance.

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 a milestone year and we want to we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in trenches with us in from the past 25 years! A lot of groups and people we had dealt with when we started like we started are long gone Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others but we are still are here dealing with the new generation trying to version of hate politics on all of us! There’s might be trying times ahead but we think they would be even worse if we did not the support from you! And if you like the research and reporting that we have gone at One People’s Project and on Idavox and want to see it continue we hope you can will be considerer help keep our mission going.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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