Redneck Revolt was just one of the several antifa groups that came out and took on the Nazi rally in...
Needless to say we will have a lot more later today. (more…)
We are used to these potshots at Antifa by mainstream liberals, but this one went beyond the pale. Gerry Bello...
This just might be the last AmRen conference at this location, if Jared Taylor still has them at all. That...
No one else was snatched up for the attack on two twin brothers for one having an antifa sticker on...
Not long after the liberals and Democrats finished their Trump impeachment rally, that was when things went somewhere else. UNICORN...
The state capital of Texas is a powderkeg. KIT O'CONNELL (more…)
Excerpt from the Enough is Enough blog that introduces everyone in Los Angeles to one of their "anti-antifa" (aka "fa")...
If Michael Savage DIDN'T source American Renaissance in his pathological "leftists are out to get us" shtick (well, there's some...