A short term, daily podcast from Molly, covering the three-week trial of James Alex Fields. In August 2017, Nazis marched...
Of all the groups that were in Charlottesville that day, this one was really trying to make themselves a problem...
The Triangle Area of North Carolina is not having it with the Confederate statues around them, and UNC learned that...
We never been critical of Daryl Davis' efforts to reform Klan members, but this time they stunk of a foul...
The new documentary featuring DLJ is about to hit select theaters on Aug. 17. (more…)
Mayor and 100+ delegation honor Charlottesville lynching victim from 1898 with trip to new Alabama lynching memorial. (more…)
Hey fascists, if you lost Jeff Sessions, c'mon. You lost, period. (more…)
Slated to be released to select theaters in August, and digitally on Oct. 30, Kam Williams reviews the new documentary...
The neo-Fash thought pretending this guy was a martyr was going to be the key to making their troubles go...