From Truth Tuesdays website:
Tell Fox: Stop Hurting America!
Truth Tuesdays is a working group within the direct-action group Rise and Resist. We are dedicated to defeating Fox Propaganda TV — an extremist right-wing disinformation machine that disguises itself as a “news” network.
Since August 2021, Truth Tuesdays has held weekly protests at Fox’s headquarters — right smack on the Fox Plaza in New York City (1211 6th Ave., NY, NY 10036)
YOU CAN HOLD A PROTEST AGAINST FOX’S LIES in your town. Whether you are two, three, or twenty truth-loving people, stand up and tell FOX: STOP HURTING AMERICA! Send us your photos: and we’ll add them to our Gallery.
CAN WE SUCCEED? Of course we can. We may be just a speck of sand in Rupert Murdoch’s eye, but think what a single speck of sand in a eye can do!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead