October 16, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project



No upcoming events
This is to inform about a threat to a community that is about to take place.


No upcoming events
Bookfairs will be in this category

Court Appearance

No upcoming events
To inform about an upcoming court appearnce.


Next Event

'Truth Tuesdays' Demo outside Fox News HQ in NYC - October 22, 2024 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

See All

Protests and Rallies under this category.

Music and Arts

No upcoming events
Concerts and other performances are under this category.

OPP Public Appearences

No upcoming events
Public appearances by One People's Project members and associates and events organized by One People's Project are here. This does not include events that OPP [...]

Before you go…

We appreciate you coming to Idavox and learning more about the craziness of today’s political climate. We expect it to get crazier which means we want to make sure you are informed about all the crazy as it happens! What isn’t crazy is supporting us along the way. Trust us, you will be totally sane! Idavox will always be free and never behind a paywall but we need your help to keep the mission going! Please donate whatever you can via One People's Project so we can continue to deliver the crazy and most importantly inform everyone how we can keep crazy in control!

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