You know that fight against government tyranny that libertarians and militia say they are a part of? Well, many of...
Roy Den Hollander was so evil even Fox News’ Nick Cavuto thought he was effed up. (more…)
The violence that erupted at this rally was not between anyone associated with Black Lives Matter and those opposed to...
We are amazed he was smart enough to inhale and exhale. (more…)
He couldn't get into Congress, his restaurant went belly up, he's being sued by the restaurant property owner and now...
It's not only the right that wants to threaten people who don't threaten them. It's folks who are left-leaning but...
Just a handful showed up this time, but c'mon. Is it really this easy to freak these idiots out? (more…)
It has been said before: Pacific Northwest is REALLY getting sick of these clowns! (more…)
We are curious as to where this goes, actually. This group doesn't like people looking into them all that much....
Why did the Mayor of St. Louis, MO catch so much hell after broadcasting the names and addresses of protesters?...