A lot of Black military heroes didn't get their get until years after they were they were gone. President Bill...
Black History Matters
In doing this Black History Matters series, we are learning about people who few might have heard of, including us!...
Not every soldier wore a uniform. There were 21 men who fought alongside John Brown in Harper's Ferry- in a...
There is an effort to have a school in Glen Rock, NJ rename after a hometown hero who flew with...
A legendary king who won great battles for the Zulu Kingdom and is known as the last king of an...
Yasuke is seen quite a bit in pop culture, but with that, little known about him. He warrants profile. (more…)
Today would have been the 105th birthday of Daniel "Chappie" James Jr., the first Black four-star General and one of...
You heard of Benedict Arnold? This is one of the men responsible ruining his life. (more…)
A sequel to the movie Glory has to happen. Glory was a great movie, it told an incomplete story about...