Mark Kauffman
Days prior, we wrote about the death of Nazi Sara Kauffman, and her innocent baby Ellie. Philly Fash Watch dives into some of the abhorrent behaviors of Mark Kauffman, widower and new father.
Philly Fash Watch
We’ve long since established that Mark Kauffman is a piece of shit. From his early days on our radar attempting to create a national socialist youth group called NSYA and S14, we’ve meticulously documented his actions. Because of our effective work, neither group exists anymore. Eat shit Mark. Here is where Mark was originally documented and doxxed, via a collaboration between Jersey Counter-Info and SunlightAFA NJ Hate Watch: S14’s Neo Nazi Leaders Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer – Jersey Counter-Info.
As first noted on a gofundme, Mark’s wife Sara had a massive heart attack while pregnant. Sara had been Mark’s ride or die, from their days homeless in Massachusetts while abusing meth. In June of 2024 the two were supposed to be married but the event was raided by US Marshal’s the night before, as Mark had been a fugitive from Massachusetts for years on weapons and drug charges. No, not simple possession. 200+ grams of meth.

Due to Sara and the baby’s complications from birth, Mark’s trial has been delayed. The previous status hearing January 24, 2025 was delayed again until March 26, 2025. We suspect there will be no further delays and that his trial will finally begin. Co-Leader of Philly Area Nazi group, S14, Dies: Her Newborn Struggling On Life Support – Idavox
Mark and Sara lived in Kensington. If you’re familiar with the area, you know that nazis are not welcome. We made certain that their neighbors knew exactly what these two were about. After extensive flyering and community outreach, they fled their home and moved into Mark’s grandfathers home in Delaware. It should be noted that Mark does not have a valid driver’s license. This is about to become important to this terrible story.

There’s a wonderful program called The Ronald McDonald House, where families of sick patients at Penn Hospital and CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) are given free rooms to stay in while their loved ones are very ill. Family Rooms – RMHC Philadelphia Region. As I’m sure comes to no surprise to you, our dear reader, Mark Kauffman took advantage of this generous gift he was given. While his wife and baby were dying, Mark would go out drinking at night with his nazi buddies at bars in the area. This includes a nazi security guard at the hospital who we aren’t naming…yet (your time is limited). This article is strictly about Mark and how horrible of a human he is.
While going out drinking isn’t against the law, there’s something to be said about a man’s morals who chats up ladies while his wife and infant are dying. Eyewitness accounts flagged this behavior not just as the bars, but also when he brought them to his room at the Ronald McDonald House. He also brought his nazi buddies up there, where blowing lines of cocaine became his passion. Since Mark is unemployed (his nazi buddy Alex Chubbuck whom we wrote our first article as PhillyFashWatch about Nazi Alex Chubbuck of Boyertown, PA | Philly Fash Watch fired him because Alex is more concerned about his business than anything in the world) we can only assume that he was using money from the gofundme fundraiser to feed his nose candy addiction.

On the day of Sara’s death, Mark unsurprisingly went out to the bars again. Upon returning Mark was met at his room at the Ronald McDonald House, room 902, by security. Maintenance workers had responded to a plumbing issue in his room and found cocaine and white power crap. Mark was immediately kicked out of this charitable place for being a piece of shit (remind us if this sounds familiar). Forced to move back to his grandfather’s home in another state since he couldn’t return to Kensington and without a license we don’t know how he could visit his infant in the NICU unit.
Our hearts break for the baby. They didn’t deserve to be born to two wannabe fuhrers. Now that Mark Kauffman is alone, we need to discuss the arsenal of weapons that he has in Delaware at his grandfather’s home. Mark is a trained killer by the US military. He’s facing a long jail sentence for the drug and gun charges the US Marshal’s picked him up for in June. With that hearing no longer facing delays, all of us are fearful that Mark could be a mass shooter before that March 26th date. As always, fuck nazis. They will never feel peace as long as we’re around.
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