March 6, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

The Curiosity Dilemma: Being Patriot Front in 2025

Patriot Fart marched in DC again. But folks don’t have to wait until they show up to handle them. Then again, it’s getting easier to figure out when they will!

The neo-Fascist group Patriot Front is known for their flash mob style of rallies. While the tactic of sneaking around a pre-planned location allows them to record propaganda pictures and videos of themselves, which they then frame as some sort of conquering heroics, it reveals the deep fear of being confronted. Their tactics don’t always work. 

During the July 4 weekend four years ago they were met in Philadelphia with hostilities, resulting in minor injuries to their members- from the moment they poured out of the rental box truck they had arrived in- through the entire march. That night ended with police detaining them and making them either walk or find rides back to where they parked their personal vehicles. In Pennsylvania, like most states, it is illegal to carry passengers in the back of  box trucks and also a violation of all rental contracts.

There was also their most infamous attempt to repeat this rally tactic a year later at the Pride event being held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  This time 33 of their members were arrested and charged for conspiracy to riot after they had planned a march through the event. It was a particularly embarrassing episode for Patriot Front. It became more so as this group prides itself on concealing identity, when its participating members were identified to the public. The arrests resulted in the releasing of mugshots and names of the members arrested. One was found to have child porn on his phone and another who was out on bond in Dallas County, Texas, for felony assault on a Hispanic man, with whom it was alleged he was in a romantic relationship. Court documents, from when Steven Derrick Tucker pleaded guilty and accepted a two-year sentence, showed a reference to the dating allegation being crossed out.

While Patriot Front has always relied on not divulging their plans beforehand, they have repeatedly attended the annual “March for Life” held in Washington, DC. This is a march and rally in which thousands of anti-choicers come from across the United States to participate. Washington is one of the cities that Patriot Front frequents with their rallies. They made a point to come out for this anti-abortion march in 2019, 2022, and 2025. Some news agencies reported Patriot Front has some supporters from the other anti-choice attendees, picturing some young men going to them and giving them a fist bump. The union of racist organizations and anti-choice organizing is long documented. Patriot Front’s ideology is not only racist but is deeply misogynist, calling for the complete subjugation of women.

In a video produced the day of the march, Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau made it clear that Patriot Front’s attendance goal was to marry his organization’s agenda to the agenda of the anti-choice march. “Many are here today to represent conservatism, opposition to the intolerable practice of abortion or a myriad of other interests. No other organized or institutional entity is in Washington today that advocates specifically for the American family,” Rousseau said. Later, he made sure to clarify that when he says “American family”  he means  “those of the European race.” It is well known that “European” is not a race, but this term is often used as a racist dog whistle. “While we oppose the murder of the unborn in any context, of course, we are here for what we support as much if not more than what we oppose, that being the defense of the American family unit.”

March organizers however felt the need to denounce the group in a statement.  “March for Life promotes the beauty, dignity, and worth of every human life by working to end the violence of abortion,” Jeanne Mancini, outgoing president of March for Life said in the statement. “We condemn any organization that seeks to exclude a person or group of people based on the color of their skin or any other characteristic.”

Antifascists chose to give Patriot Front hell, whether they were fortunate enough to be there to directly confront them while they were marching or if they were online looking  for information about the members who were attending. Patriot Front members are among the most doxed within the neo-Fascist circles, especially after the Idaho arrests, which proved to be residuals as Front member Graham Whitson, one of the few members who was not masked, was quickly identified, not only from pictures of him, but also from Thomas Rousseau saying his name in a conversation picked up on video. Whitson has an active warrant in Idaho from his arrest three years ago after he failed to appear in court. News reports from his arrest in 2017 Prince Frederick, Maryland, for multiple charges of possession with intent to distribute indicate that had lived in Mechanicsville, Virginia, at the time. It is known that he has lived in Texas, but it is not currently known where he now resides.

Graham Whitson on Left talking with Thomas Ryan Rousseau at last week’s rally.

Patriot Front showing up to the march was a surprise for another reason: it was the first time they were seen in public since a federal court in Boston, Mass., ruled against the group, ordering them to pay $2.7 million in damages to a Black man they had attacked during the group’s July 4, 2022, “flash” march in Boston. That march came less than a month after some of the same members were released from jail in Idaho, following their arrests at their ill fated anti-Pride march. According to court papers, when Charles Murrell, a musician, composer, and civil rights activist who considers himself an “artist” that uses art to create social change, saw Patriot Front marching he attempted to record them with his phone. Some in the march started attacking him with racial slurs and when Murrell was trying to walk on the sidewalk they blocked his way and began shoving and kicking him. Despite police on the scene, an officer telling Murrell that the police were “watching the group,” no one from the Patriot Front was arrested for the assault. In the days that followed the Boston Police concluded an investigation that “the incident appeared to be more likely than not motivated in whole or in part by Anti-Black bias.”

In her ruling, Judge Indira Talwani awarded Murrell $25,000 for physical injuries, $500,000 for psychological injuries and emotional distress damages, $230,000 in special damages for lost wages and earning opportunities, and $2,000,000 in punitive damages, for a total judgment of $2,755,000, plus attorneys’ fees. Neither Patriot Front nor Thomas Rousseau, the only member identified by name in court documents, appeared in court. It is not known what, if any assets, Rousseau has that can be seized. The Patriot Front URL is registered under his name

Patriot Front continues to annoy our cities and communities with their self promoting propaganda stunts. It is shown that their membership is riddled with run of the mill racists and self-hating criminals. They still operate as a pyramid scheme funding Rousseau’s delusional lifestyle with the mandatory sale of merchandise and propaganda from which he profits. As with last week, they will never let an opportunity like the March for Life pass them by. And Antifa notices.

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One People’s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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