October 26, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

2500 Voter Applications Show Up In Penn. County Scott Presler Has Been Canvassing and Law Enforcement Has Questions

To be clear, no Amish are in this picture. Photo credit: Telegraph

Just a few weeks after that WTF of an event in Bucks County that Presler had, Lancaster County is looking at their own WTF!

“We have over 90,000 Amish in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and we are courting the Amish vote,” neo-fascist Scott Presler said at an event in Newtown, PA that he organized with podcaster Tim Pool and White Supremacist reporter Jack Posobiec. He noted how him and his people via his organization Early Vote Action went to farmers’ markets to try to register members of a community where less than 10% vote. Soon, posts began to appear on Twitter and Threads thanking Presler for helping to register 180,000 in the Amish community even after Presler himself noted only half that number resided in the Commonwealth.

The concern for officials in Lancaster County however is not so much that number but rather 2500 voter-registration applications that were submitted just before Pennsylvania’ registration deadline on Oct. 21, citing a number of indicators that they might be fraudulent.

On Friday at a news conference, Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams said that she was contacted by the Lancaster County Chief Clerk of elections on Tuesday, the day after the deadline in regards to those applications which were received on October 18 and October 21. “While preparing to process these applications, staff noticed that numerous applications appeared to have the same handwriting, were filled out on the same day, with unknown signatures, and some were previously registered voters and the signatures on file did not match the signatures on the application,” Adams said, noting further that there were inaccuracies with the addresses listed on the applications, false personal identification information, false names, names that did not match provided social security information, She also noted that while there were some forms that had the proper information, when asked about the forms by law enforcement, individuals said that they never asked for a form and the signatures on the form were not theirs.

“At this point, it is believed that the fraudulent voter registrations are connected to a large scale canvassing operations for voter registrations that date back to June, however the majority of the applications received are dated August 15 and after,” Adams said. “Those canvassing for voter registrations were employed and paid to obtain voter registration applications.”

According to Adams, while the majority of the applications were reportedly from the town of Lancaster, many of them were purported to be from other parts of the county. She further stated that there are other counties involved and they were able to determine violations of their crimes and elections code.

Adams did not name any specific organization in her remarks and Scott Presler, who recently moved to Pennsylvania, took to Twitter to deny that Early Vote Action had nothing to do with fraudulent registration, saying that the most registrations they ever submitted were in Luzerne County, claiming that this turned the county from Democrat to Republican. “The reason why (D)emocrats are attacking us is because we’re effective,” he wrote, despite Heather Adams being a Republican. “They’re also attacking us because their voter registration advantage is the lowest it’s been in 50 years & their mail-in ballot “firewall” is severely lagging. Furthermore, we’ve made a concerted effort to register the Amish to vote in Lancaster — a group that (D)emocrat Governor Shapiro & the Dept. of Agriculture is waging a war against.”

Focus on his efforts to register the Amish has been met with skepticism since this news broke, especially considering the Amish rarely if ever participate in elections. A Tweet that Presler posted the day before the deadline indicated that his Early Vote Action was “delivering voter registration packets to hundreds of Amish homes” and to join their regional captain Ryan Sexton at a Walmart parking lot in Lancaster. Presler had since deleted the tweet.

Scott Preseler’s deleted tweet.

Presler tweeted on Saturday that he plans to be in Lancaster on Tuesday.

Before you go…

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