Robert Warren Ray, aka Azzmador, in Charlottesville during the 2017 Unite the RIght rally.
Damn! He promised to see us again too! Oh well.
Robert Warren Ray, a neo-Nazi writer and podcaster known as “Azzmador” who was wanted for his activities in Charlottesville but was never arrested, died June 17 at his home in Texas. He was 57.
According to a notice on Telegram by Lee Rogers of the neo-Nazi website infostormer, Ray’s mother informed him that he died from a heart attack. Rogers was a frequent guest on Ray’s podcast “The Krypto Report” on Rumble and was his guest on what would be his last podcast two days prior. On his last Telegram post June 16 on the Krypto Report channel there he complained of “godawful cramps in the long muscles on the outside of the shins on both my legs” and said he was going to bed.
Ray was a prominent neo-Nazi in Texas particularly as a writer. The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website that can only be found on the dark web after the events of the tragic “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August of 2017 domain registrars began to reject the site, cited Ray as among those responsible for its development. Ray has also been cited in a Breitbart news article that targeted the British Broadcasting Corporation, accusing it of targeting “right wing Twitter users”.
Ray had a long criminal record that goes back to the early 1990s that included weapons charges, drunk driving, disorderly conduct, drug possession, theft, assault and evading arrest and more. While none of those crimes were connected to any neo-Nazi activity, at the time of his death there was an outstanding warrant for his arrest on a felony charge in Virginia that was issued in June 2018 for his alleged use of pepper spray on counter-demonstrators during the march the night before the Unite the Right rally. He was never arrested or extradited.
Ray was featured in a Vice production about Charlottesville and also had a confrontation with Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project that was captured on video where Jenkins smacked him across the back of his head after he called him the N-Word. After a vain attempt to get police involved, he simply snarled to Jenkins that he will see him again. No such meeting ever materialized.
“I encountered Azzmador with a cadre of Patriot Front and assorted Neo-Nazi pals when they threatened the Houston Anarchist Bookfair in 2017,” Writer Kit O’Connell told One People’s Project. “This forced the organizers to blockade the building in defense of the families with children, undocumented immigrants, queer people and other vulnerable folks inside. The nazis were offended by both my class on the history and tactics of modern antifascism, and a class about inclusive sex education; in retrospect, both of these grievances have become part of the mainstream, but increasingly extreme right-wing of the US, today.
“Azzmador, like so many of his kind, seemed obsessed with meaningless but violent displays of masculine bravado, and the world will be better off when more people like him are buried,” they concluded.
Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin, himself currently hiding from law enforcement, took to a neo-Nazi gamer website to blame White Nationalist Richard Spencer for Ray’s death as well as the deaths of others, even though Spencer has not been connected to those he worked with during Unite the Right for several years.

I grew up with that hillbilly junky piece of shit. Can’t wait to take a colossal shit on his grave.
Wow, what was he like?