March 31, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Madison WI: Randin M Divelbiss And The Aryan Chariot Identified

Please meet Randin M Divelbiss of Madison WI and his dog whistles that can be heard loud and clear!

Oh THIS guy wants to be seen! We shall oblige him!

Reporting From The Wastelands Known As Wisconsin 

With his car containing the imagery that it does, including at least three 88’s, countless images of the Nazi SS symbol, the words ‘Aryan Chariot’ and numerous German flag images, there is no one who needs to take a guess on what Randin M. Divelbiss truely stands for.

What brings us here with this insignificant individual and his piece of shit car? Perhaps it’s because he wants to be seen? We believe it to be true and we are always happy to oblige. This one goes back more than a  year and Divelbiss initially proved to be a tough one to identify. He and his piece of shit car has been spotted several times in the city of Madison WI and It has always caught the attention of concerned local residents of the city. After multiple reports of his presence and behavior, and after relentless follow ups and endless dead ends, a lead to his identity finally came in. We finally met our goal. Individuals like Divelbiss always make a mistake in time.

Mugshot of Randin M Divelbiss after his arrest in May of 2020 for a road rage incident that potentially involve a handgun based on witness statements.

Divelbiss was right under our nose the entire time, we just had to see it. A report came in from a local activist group with regards to a very aggressive road rage incident and an unknown individual in Madison WI. The witnesses of this incident state that Divelbiss also picked up an object and displayed it like a handgun in a threatening manner. The police in Madison released camera images of the vehicle in hopes that the community could identify it, and a short time later Divelbiss was placed in handcuffs. These released photos are exactly what exposed Divelbiss to the doxxing world that he has been destined to meet.

Comparison photos: Madison police image on the top, photos from another local activist on the bottom.
Above is the police report for one of what appears to be many road rage incidents that he has been arrested for/involved in.
Divelbiss was quickly spotted at a far right car caravan rally in Madison WI on 10/31/20

On October 31st 2020, far right trump supporters converged on Madison WI for what was dubbed a Trump Caravan. Local AntiFascist activists spent the entire afternoon holding down half of the square with blockades and security. One antifascist activist stated:  “In the middle of all this, the local Nazi “Aryan Chariot” was a prominent caravan car.  No surprise, he shows up to harass and intimidate activists around the city. Thankfully, he’s been outed now” These same activists also joined at the far right meeting point that was leaked. These activists documented every vehicle and licence plate that was in attendance. It is also reported that the word went out within this dence immigrant community of this meeting point that was taking place in their neighborhood. The community showed up in force and kicked the Trumpers out.  “Many families posted rotating security through the day and successfully kept the chuds out, and their neighborhood safe”

This group of activist also stated to us “After a painfully long time taking pictures of the trucks and cars in the mall parking lot, we hoisted our own BLM flag and blasted ‘Fuck Donald Trump’ and rode alongside the caravan headed downtown”

The witness who ran into Divelbiss in the above video states: “The night I saw him, he seemed to just be driving around aimlessly in the middle of a big snowstorm, in his shitty ass car with a moonroof stuck open and a driver side door that doesn’t close either”

There is also a reddit posting which appears to describe Divelbiss perfectly that came out of Madison WI. The linked post describes this person as a white supremacist and a possible stalker

Randin Divelbiss was most recently spotted in Madison WI during the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
Mugshot of Divelbiss from 2011, Divelbiss is not new to law enforcement

Randin Divelbiss also has a very extensive criminal record dating back more than ten years. From forced sexual assault to battery, Impersonating an officer, to road rage, Divelbiss has also been arrested for commiting a hate crime and has numorous disorderly conduct charges on his criminal record.

Charges related to 4th degree sexual assault, battery, and disorderly conduct
Divelbiss plead no contest for 4th degree sexual assault and battery and spent 6 month in jail and two years probation.
Divelbiss was charged with a hate crime and disorderly conduct.
Divelbiss was arrested for impersonating an officer, disorderly conduct and two counts of bail jumping.

Who Protect Us? We Protect Us! Stay Safe Madison!

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One People’s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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