March 30, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

So a White Supremacist Group Protested Stacey Abrams and Threatened Black Veterans Tonight

Sept. 3, 2018: Stacey Abrams, Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia, addresses Nationalist Liberty Union associate Paul Lovett in Augusta.

Founded in 2015, the group is called the Nationalist Liberty Union and they are pissed off about the possible next Governor of Georgia removing the Stone Mountain Confederate Monument and taking their guns. This story and these people are a hoot!

AUGUSTA, GA – A little-known White supremacist group based in Georgia harassed participants of a veterans’ event in support of Stacy Abrams, the state Democratic nominee for Governor, threatening them with a Three-Percenter-led revolution if she is elected and her policies lead to the removal of the Confederate monument on Stone Mountain and gun control.

Four members of the three-year-old Nationalist Liberty Union (NLU), whose Facebook page states their mission is “to unify America as a Euro-centric Christian nation”, protested inside and outside the campaign stop at the Women Veterans Club of the CSRA. NLU associate Paul Lovett, whose own Facebook page shows that he is also a supporter of Matt Hale, a neo-Nazi leader currently in federal prision for 40 years for conspiring to kill a federal judge, was able to shout out a question about the Stone Mountain Confederate monument and what he said was her wishes to remove it from the face of the mountain. Abrams, who if elected will be the first Black female governor in United States history, cited the events of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA last year, where 34-year-old Heather Heyer lost her life allegedly at the hands of a White supremacist who was there to protest the removal of Confederate monuments there, saying the response from Donald Trump to her death inspired her opposition to the monument.

“At the time that this happened, the person who sits in the Oval Office said that she was no different than the people who killed her,” Abrams said. “That kind of moral equivocation is an embarrassment to our nation, and when the question was raised to me, ‘What would I do about the single largest monument to domestic terrorism in our nation’s history’, I said I would remove it because as a person, and more importantly as an African American woman standing for office in the Deep South, I cannot countenance that kind of celebration paid for by state dollars.”

Abrams also noted that the monument was created by those who restarted the Ku Klux Klan in the 20th century, but Lovett interrupted her by attempting to cite a 1958 U.S. law that has been distorted by neo-Confederates to imply Confederate soldiers as being equal to American veterans. “”You’re calling for the destruction of U.S. public law,” he yelled at her. “Let that be on record ma’am, that’s what you’re calling for.” No law has ever been enacted that explicitly grants Confederate soldiers status as United States veterans.

The remaining NLU associates were seen in a video standing at the club entrance, one of them who Twitter has identified as an anti-Muslim podcaster James J. Stachowiak of Evans, GA. Arguing with a Black woman who identified herself as an Air Force veteran, he made racist references to the July 2015 shooting of four military members at two military installations in Chattanooga, TN by a Muslim-American.  Calling the shooter “an Islamic raghead”, he notes how in the wake of the shooting in Chattanooga he volunteered to stand guard of military recruitment centers, doing so for six months to bring awareness to what he felt was then-President Obama’s inability to protect them.

Stachowiak, who says he has never served in the military, told the veteran that he believed Abrams’ plans for the state will have it “at the mercy of Islamic radicals” and threatened a right-wing insurrection if she enacts legislation against gun ownership. “Her policies will result in a revolution!” he said, “If she attempts gun confiscation, her policies will result in armed resistance, be it local, state or federal. Gun confiscation will be met with lethal resistance!” He then goes on to cite the Three-Percenter movement as the ones who will lead such a fight.

James Stachowiak is a onetime peace officer in Georgia who had his certification revoked following a misconduct allegation, and has been arrested several times over the past decade.A podcast he runs called Freedom Fighter Radio is primarily of racist and Islamophobic rants as well as violent threats, and in the past he has organized open carry anti-Islam rallies in Georgia.

With Stachowiak were two holding signs reading “Save Stone Mountain” and “Hands Off Our Monument”, and of them, one was identified on NLU’s Facebook page as Daniel Martin, a former candidate for the city council of nearby Blythe, GA who saw controversy for racist Facebook postings on his personal page, but was eventually indicted for attempting to buy the vote of an 18-year-old, buying tobacco and alcohol for him, in order to sway his vote in Blythe’s mayoral race. Martin lost his council run in July and the charges are still pending.

This was one of a series of campaign stops Abrams has until November, but it is not known if the NLU or any other White supremacist group will protest her at others.

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One People’s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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