Aug. 18, 2018: Sign at Boston rally directed at the neo-fascists. Photo credit: @FordFischer
Antifa has had a busy summer, much to the chagrin of the neo-fascists. Today alone was an example of that!
Curiously, it was the weekend that saw the 31st anniversary of the death of Nazi Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess that neo-fascists decided to hold a number of rallies not just in Berlin but also in the United States. For antifascists, the day became a continuation of what has been called #AllOutAugust, as antifa met each of the rallies held in overwhelming numbers.
In Berlin, Germany, thousands of counterprotesters thwarted the 500-person neo-Nazi march, first driving them out of the main event location in the Spandau district, then again out of Friedrichshain on the opposite end of the city. Those opposed to the march hurled bottles and rocks at the participants, among them a group calling itself National Socialists Berlin. Ultimately, the march was canceled.
At least one police officer was injured in Berlin on Saturday when around 500 activists shouting “Nazis out” clashed with an equal number of far-right activists marking the 31st anniversary of the prison suicide of Nazi convict… https://t.co/1FD2QGiUy8 pic.twitter.com/j93yjBKY4h
— Globalnewshunt (@globalnewshunt) August 18, 2018
Berlin protests: Far-right and anti-Nazi activists clash on anniversary of Rudolf Hess death: At least one police officer injured as demonstrators hurl bottles and… https://t.co/hEM9xHMiAC pic.twitter.com/6W4oPvInfB
— CITIZENS for CHANGE™ 🌊 (@cfcpac) August 18, 2018
Why did the police protect a Nazi march today? A Coalition member tries to understand https://t.co/S0XJIatlqg https://t.co/S0XJIatlqg
— The Coalition Berlin (@TheCoalitionDE) August 18, 2018
The neo-fascists in Boston not only could not match the numbers in Berlin, bringing out only 30, but also found themselves embarrassed yet again as hundreds turned out to oppose them. As was the case a year ago when tens of thousands came out to oppose the neo-fascists in the wake of Charlottesville, and again just a few weeks ago when they were chased out of Providence, Rhode Island after a half hour, the groups represented included Boston Free Speech, Resist Marxism and the American Guard, a group founded by neo-Nazi Brien James, who also founded the Vinlander Social Club and is a member of the Indiana chapter of the Proud Boys.
John Camden/ “Josh Cameron” from the violent neofascist group American Guard seen at today’s far-right “Boston Free Speech” rally sporting a tattoo of the Wolfsangel, a rune symbol heavily associated with Nazi Germany pic.twitter.com/r88d0NWc7q
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) August 18, 2018
A number of far right demonstrators just arrived at Bunker Hill in Charlestown pic.twitter.com/kIxvWDrAPS
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) August 18, 2018
American Guard neofascists sticking close to Mark Sahady, who is trying to convince the police to escort them to Haymarket station so they can try to march to Bunker Hill (maybe a Shiva rally there), @GreggHoush overheard in recent minutes pic.twitter.com/DF2ovpWBli
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) August 18, 2018
The neo-fascists holding the rally in Austin, Texas managed to turn out 100 of their number, but they too were outnumbered 5 to 1 by counterprotesters drowning them out. This rally was significant because while it was hosted by Texans United for America, state law requires organizations to get a state lawmaker to sponsor any event held on Capital grounds and attest to the State Preservation Board that it benefits the “community at large”. That sponsor, Texas State Rep. Dan Flynn was on hand to address the neo-fascists saying, “It’s exciting to be here to represent the conservative values and our commitment to free speech, firmly and peacefully. Thank you for showing up today in defense of our First Amendment.” Ironically, some of those he spoke to were wearing shirts supporting Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and included Christopher Ritchie, who was among those who attended the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last year, engaged in the fighting there, and according to some reports, was involved in an assault during Austin’s rally as well.
Opposition groups far outnumber the protesters with the March Against Far-Left Violence, perhaps 5:1. They are blowing whistles and sounding bull horns to drown out speakers at the Capitol. pic.twitter.com/B8UiMbipZg
— Mary Huber (@marymhuber) August 18, 2018
Yes, this man’s shirt says “Pinochet did nothing wrong.” But they’re just conservatives, they just love the constitution. pic.twitter.com/uLBwYE1eRK
— Gus Bova (@bova_gus) August 18, 2018
Right-winger with large knife came into antifa side. DPS snatched him out of crowd, zip-tied him and disarmed him. pic.twitter.com/c2OTaJWTqI
— Gus Bova (@bova_gus) August 18, 2018
Speaker at Austin right-wing rally is claiming that he “denounces” white nationalism and the KKK immediately after calling UTR participant Christopher Ritchie up to the stage and calls him his “brother”. pic.twitter.com/a6agLmgTHH
— Stop the Next ‘Unite the Right’ (@stopthenextutr) August 18, 2018
In Seattle, Washington 3 Percenters, Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys were holding what they called a “Liberty or Death” rally outside City Hall to protest a gun control initiative there. This was just two weeks after the contentious rally in Portland, Oregon where police clashed with counterprotesters. This time, three persons were arrested for assault, and curiously some counterprotesters, were carrying firearms openly. One of those groups were passing out flyers urging the Patriot movement to cut from hate groups such as Patriot Prayer.
“All day, all night, shut down the Alt Right,” chant anti-fascist protesters across from open-carry rally at Seattle City Hall. pic.twitter.com/Q873Iqpsbr
— Arun Gupta (@arunindy) August 18, 2018
In #seattle, patriot prayer fascists were weak, outnumbered
and on defense, hounded all day by anti-fascists. only able to gather, rally and march because of protection from their allies in seattle police dept. #TrumpPenceMustGo #TrumpFascism #TrumpIsTheEnemyOfThePeople pic.twitter.com/5ZE4BtDY6W— curtis johnson (@curtisjohnson70) August 18, 2018
Members of a local gun club showed up w assault rifles. #AllOutAugust #Seattle pic.twitter.com/ZV26PQlgFd
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
Reportedly there were supposed to be rallies in Los Angeles and Charleston, West Virginia.
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