We will never see Aryan Terror Brigade’s Steven Masten (pictured) again. Thanks to him and Frank Casciano, neither will their former friend and fellow bonehead David Phillips!
PHILADELPHIA, PA – In court, Judge Timika Lane noted that as a boy Steven Masten’s father would often take him on outings “to assault various people of color”. It contributed to the mental issues he developed that made him a hateful and violent adult. However, it was attacking one of his fellow neo-Nazis, not a person of color, that will see him spending quite possibly the rest of his life in prison.
Judge Lane, sentenced Masten, 33, to 41 ½ to 83 years in prison after his guilty plea for the gruesome 2012 assault on former friend David Phillips, in which Masten gouged Phillips’ eyes out, blinding him for life. Both, were members of the neo-Nazi Aryan Terror Brigade (ATB), as was Frank Casiano who joined Masten in the assault at Phillips home. With Casiano’s guilty plea last April and sentence of 20 to 40 years, Masten’s sentence Monday closes one of the more bizarre cases in the city regarding neo-Nazis.
Masten and Casiano broke into Phillips’ home on the evening of May 6, 2012 and beat him for allegedly attempting to date Masten’s girlfriend while he was in prison for burglary. Casiano then pinned down Phillips while Masten gouged out his eyes.
“Every day Dave Phillips thinks about being blinded is a day I have to think about what I did,” Masten said in court. “I don’t expect Dave to forgive me.”
Indeed, when Phillips spoke to Masten before the judge there was no forgiveness from him. “I never did anything to you,” Phillips said to him. “How can a human being do something like this? You’re not human.”
Phillips still remains active in White Supremacist circles. He attended the Feb. 13 event sponsored by the White Supremacist groups Keystone State “Skinheads” and Matthew Heimbach’s Traditional Youth Network at the State Museum of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg.
Masten’s sentence was particularly stiff because Judge Lane agreed with prosecutors that he posed a dangerous threat to society, as he also plead guilty to the Nov. 30, 2012, assault on a prison correctional officer where he yelled racist comments and spat at an officer in “an attempt to infect him with hepatitis,” according to Assistant District Attorney Erica Rebstock. The prosecutor noted 17 other infractions while in prison, including being caught with a homemade 8 ½ – inch weapon in his cell.
“What troubles me is that you spoke a lot but you didn’t apologize (to Phillips about blinding him),” said Lane to Masten after remarks he made in court. “That says a lot about who you are.”
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