March 4, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Pennsylvania Benefit for Neo-Nazi 86’ed By Venue

New Nation Productions

Update, 10/14/2015: The singer of two of the bands slated to perform, Coffin Spell and Jaw Horse, has posted a statement on their position in the comments section. We should say for our part that there is nothing that says that any of the bands are down with the philosophies of New Nation Productions or Martin Cox, and we don’t feel that any of the bands should be taken to task for what looks like nothing more than just a chance to play out. It is unfortunate that decent bands get swept up in this kind of thing, but the only way this can stop is if people start going after the promoters and others in the music scene that keep trying to sneak hate politics into the scenes out there.

SHAMOKIN, PA – A venue in this upstate Pennsylvania town canceled a benefit show planned there for Nov. 14 when it learned Saturday evening that it was to raise money for neo-Nazi Marin Cox and that the promoter had associations with neo-Nazis, notably the Keystone State “Skinheads” (KSS).

The show was promoted two months ago on the Facebook page of New Nation Productions in a post that announced three bands to perform, Coffin Spell, Geniverse, and Jaw Horse, and that it would be in Shamokin, but not mentioning where. Not long after, one of the bands posted a flyer for the show, which was called “Rock Out With Your Heart Out”, that noted the venue and two more bands that were to perform, Hate to Say It and the Martian Conspiracy Theory. All the bands are from Pennsylvania, and it is not known if they were aware of the nature of the show, although some of them have performed at New Nation-sponsored shows in the past.

Justin Gloseck
Neo-Nazi Justin Gloseck of New Nation Production

On their Facebook page, New Nation Productions touts itself as “a purveyor of white rights,” and has been promoting shows in Northeast Pennsylvania over the past year. In an interview on the KSS website, New Nation promoter Justin Gloseck said the outfit is a non-profit organization specifically to promote shows under under the Rock Against Communism (RAC) banner, which was a campaign launched in 1978 by the National Front, a neo-Nazi organization in the UK, to counter the Rock Against Racism organization with something that championed neo-fascist politics. RAC shows featured bands that shared those views, among them Skrewdriver, No Remorse and Bound for Glory, and has continued on the campaign in recent years, adding to their efforts Rock Against Islam.

“NNP got started when New Nation founding father, Brian “Herbie”, and I were sitting down talking about an RAC event coming up,” Gloseck said. “We discussed the facts that rac shows are a dying breed. After deciding that we needed a “show – thrower” in the scene, New Nation productions was born.”

Martin Cox is a neo-Nazi who performed in at least two RAC bands, Final War and Youngland, both of them also associated with the Hammerskin Nation, a neo-Nazi gang that has a staple in White racist circles for over 30 years. In August 2012, one of Cox’s bandmates in Youngland, Wade Michael Page, shot and killed six people in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin before turning the gun on himself. In recent years, Cox’s health has been failing and supporters have attempted to raise money [] so he can receive a heart transplant, but it is not certain if those efforts will be enough to reach the goal.

Owners of the venue, which will not be identified by Idavox, were outraged when they learned their establishment was going to be the site of such an event. According to one owner, Gloseck was working there as a temporary worker when he asked if he could hold a benefit show there in November for approximately 50 people, but he never said who or what the benefit was for, and while it was on the calendar, nothing more was said about the event until One People’s Project contacted the venue, and upon learning its nature, they immediately canceled the show. “He took advantage of my kindness,” the owner said. Shame on him.”

Gloseck also promoted this show under the name Outlaw Booking & Sound, and has another promotion company, Peace Metal Productions, that books more mainstream shows.

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One People’s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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