March 4, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Neo-Nazi Band Beaten Down in NJ

Foreign Object, a band associated with the Atlantic City “Skinheads”, gets a little comeuppance in Trenton. New Jersey definitely has a nasty habit of doing this to Nazis, does it not?

TRENTON, NJ—When the iconic punk band DRI performed at a club in town that they have often performed, they did not know it was with a local band opening with ties to the largest and most violent neo-Nazi crew in the state. And the person who booked them at the club did not know until it was too late. But when Foreign Object started playing Skrewdriver covers, it became immediately apparent what this band was about. That was what precipitated a brawl that reportedly resulted in the band being beaten down and thrown out of the club.

Jack Warren on vocals and Kenny Souder on guitar

According to reports, patrons to the club showed their displeasure with the band’s choice of music by confronting the members after their set. Random reports have been circulated of the drummer being the recipient of much of the blows and band members attempting to run angry patrons down with their truck as they tried to escape.

Foreign Object is an Atlantic City-based band who counts among the band members lead singer Jack Warren, and guitarist Kenny Souder. Both are longtime associates of the Atlantic City “Skinheads” (ACS). Warren also plays with the band Hard Way while Souder also plays in the neo-Nazi band Chaos 88 with fellow ACS associate Warren Meickle, formerly of the white power band Aggravated Assault. Chaos 88 has recently played a show for the Confederate Hammerskins and in September plans to play a show for the Keystone State “Skinheads” in Pennsylvania.

ACS has been in the news lately due to its founder and leader Bryan Bradley being struck and killed by lightning in September. Last month, Bradley’s fellow union members and state senators paid tribute to him at an Atlantic City, NJ monument to workers who lost their lives on the job, many of them not aware of his life as the leader of a hate group for 25 years.

While DRI has not as of yet made any statement in regards to the brawl and Foreign Object’s ties to ACS, the Houston-based band has a long history against racism, including performing at shows put on by the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee. It is not known who was involved in the brawl or the extent of injuries sustained.

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One People’s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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