February 23, 2025


The Media Outlet of One People's Project

Racist Marcus Epstein Gets Props From Pat Buchanan in New Book

When we first broke the story two years ago about racist provocateur extrordinare Marcus Epstein’s arrest for attacking a black woman on the streets of Washington, DC while calling her the N-word, it ended up going everywhere, and it transformed him from an up-and-coming hatemonger in DC to that town’s biggest pariah. Even though we managed to see him pop up every now at again at various events he kept his head down since the story got out there. Well his ol’ boss Pat Buchanan put him in the spotlight once again, simply by thanking him for providing the research for his latest book on how white people are being overrun by brown people. This was the first time his name came up in public since the arrest story broke, so you know he is not happy about being in the news again. No tears coming from us, that’s for damned sure, but one thing that we look forward to is all those conservatives who have been doing a lot of crying about Al Sharpton getting his own program on MSNBC now being just as critical of Pat Buchanan being a contributor to the station. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

One People’s Project

Marcus Epstein, the Korean-Jewish racist activist whose arrest for assaulting a black woman and calling her a racial slur was made public while he worked for the organizations of both Pat Buchanan and Tom Tancredo, has been thanked by Buchanan for what he said was “invaluable assistance and untold hours he devoted to researching ideas, issues, and anecdotes.”
According to an article on the Media Matters for America (MMfA) website, Buchanan thanked Epstein in the acknowledgements of his forthcoming book, Suicide of a Superpower : Will America Survive to 2025? which is due to be released on Oct. 18. It is the lastest written by the white nationalist author lamenting how, in his words, “the European and Christian core of our country is shrinking.”
Chapters in the book have titles like “The End of White America”, “Equality or Freedom” and “‘The White Party'”. The latter title speaks to a narrative among Buchanan and other white nationalists recently that this is how the Republican Party should be seen. In January 2009, Epstein, along with Bucanan’s sister Bay, white nationalist Peter Brimelow who edits the anti-immigration website VDARE, and Fox News Analyst Jim Pinkerton held a press conference at the National Press Club to urge the GOP to abandon efforts to reach out to Black and Hispanic voters and focus solely on its core group, white voters. On Sept. 9-10, the National Policy Insititute, led by Epstein’s friend white nationalist Richard Spencer, held a conference where this effort was discussed in full as something called the “Majority Strategy”.
At that time Epstein was the Executive Director of both Tancredo’s Team America PAC and Bucanan’s The American Cause, which sponsored the aforementioned conference. He began to make a name for himself in 2009 as a person with particularly hostile views towards other races, and was once noted as a co-founder of the white nationalist student group Youth for Western Civilization, which had its official start at that year’s Conservative Politcal Action Conference (CPAC). In May 2009, an article by One People’s Project broke the story of how Epstein was to be sentenced that July for a 2007 attack on a black woman two years ago where he, according to police records, was drunk muttering offensive things and attacked a black woman with a “karate chop” while calling her the N-word. He was later arrested by Secret Service agents in the area. Ultimately, he pled guilty via an “Alford Plea”, where he did not admit guilt, but acknowledged that the goverment had enough evidence to prove him guilty. Epstein had these charges dismissed that July once he was able to show he met the conditions of the plea agreement which was to not violate any laws, agree to continue mental health therapy, seek treatment for substance abuse, write a letter of apology to his victim; and donate $1,000 to the United Negro College Fund.
When the story broke Epstein had said he intended to enroll at the University of Virginia Law School, but when the school was reached they noted that there was no record of enrollment or intent to enroll for him.
After the news of his arrest went public, Epstein has kept a low profile. Youth for Western Civilization head Kevin DeAnna began to deny that his longtime friend was ever a founder of the organization, however in 2011, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Epstein was offered a Vice-President position of the organization, which he declined. Epstein did however attend the YWC workshop held at CPAC this year that brought out well known white supremacists like American Renaissance publisher Jared Taylor and William Johnson, the head of the white supremacist political party American Third Position. Epstein has also been seen at press conferences for the Center for Immigration Studies.
Since Epstein has acknowledged publicly that the story of his arrest has taken a toll when he was interviewed about conservative propagandist James O’Keefe attending a white supremacist forum sponsored by the Robert A. Taft Club, a paleoconservative think tank that Epstein, Spencer and DeAnna founded. “Iโ€™m used to being smeared, and these guys have more or less successfully harmed my career, so I donโ€™t see what else they could do to me,” he said. “A lot of stuff they said about me wasnโ€™t true, but I definitely made a few mistakes.”

25 Years of Hate Having Consequences !

2025 is a milestone year and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters who have been in the trenches with us for the past 25 years. A lot of groups and people we have dealt with since we started are long gone: Richard Barrett, Matt Hale, the Minutemen and others! But we are still here fighting the good fight, contending with the new generation's version of hate politics. There are trying times ahead, but we believe our reality would be even worse if we did not come together to do this work. If you value the research and reporting that we have done at One Peopleโ€™s Project and Idavox- and you want to see it continue- we hope you will consider helping to keep our mission fired up.

One People's Project is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 47-2026442

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