Personally, we feel for the car, the real victim in all this! (more…)
Proud Boys
Even with how hard the law is coming for Tiny Toese, it remains to be seen how long they are...
After Kyle Rittenhouse, we should have seen this coming and in fact insisted upon it. We still need to for...
We knew ol' Henry was going to get snatched up for Jan. 6 at some point. Seriously, it looks like...
Proud Boys: A problem determined to correct itself. (more…)
But the Proud Boys have a Black leader and Black members you say? Well, that just makes them the stupidest...
This is a statement regarding the Proud Boys and their attendance at Woodbridge, NJ Council meeting with nary a peep...
Remember that whole thing about the Proud Boys starting a brawl at their rally in Portland last summer that involved...
A Skrewdriver bass player, a Proud Boy and a racist author walk into a bar in Hell. Bartender says, "Things...
This is the chapter of the Proud Boys who went to a Woodbridge, NJ Town Council last month - even...