When someone as Jean-Marie Le Pen begins the journey to the stokes the fires of Hell as its latest charcoal...
The election is over and folks are figuring out next moves. DLJ went to speak to a group of students...
If you want to control the world, we should at least know who you are. At least that's what antifa...
The Atlantic Nationalist Club (we are SO not calling them the ANC!) doesn't have a lot of members and it...
Luis Enrique Marquez new book is available now and this is just a short passage from its pages. (more…)
Upper Darby, PA community members' work quickly put the finger on David Miller who runs an auto detailing company. (more…)
Proud Boys strutted out feeling they could take on the world and antifa showed them they couldn't even take on...
It was Candace Owens' gig but she was about as irrelevant as she always is in the long run. It...
It took the last big violent Proud Boy event in Portland to take this clown down. He’s looking at a...
“At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed." -- Frederick Douglass (more…)