September 22, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


Chris Cantwell to Appear in Court @ Albemarle County General District Court
Oct 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Chris Cantwell to Appear in Court @ Albemarle County General District Court | Charlottesville | Virginia | United States

The most satisfying thing to come out of Charlottesville is Christopher Cantwell of Keane, NH. This guy, who runs a Nazi podcast out of Keane, New Hampshire, was all about the shit talk in a video posted by Vice hours after Charlottesville blew up on Aug. 12. Scheduled to be one of the speakers, he boasted about being a racist and called for more violence on the part of himself and his fellow boneheads. In fact, he all but cheered on the death of Heather Heyer during the rally, saying  “I think that a lot more people are going to die before we’re done here.” For a refresher, this is the full video:

And when he got news about a warrant for his arrest and this gem was placed in everyone’s laps:

On Aug. 24, Cantwell surrendered to authorities and was charged with two felony counts of illegal use of tear gas and one felony count of malicious bodily injury by means of a caustic substance. Denied bond, he has been locked up ever since in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail and will more than likely be there until at least a preliminary hearing on Oct. 12, his next court appearance. We can only hope that he gives us even more tears as this case goes along, especially since he is looking at twenty years!

Dick Spencer to Speak University of Florida @ Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Oct 19 @ 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Dick Spencer to Speak University of Florida @ Phillips Center for the Performing Arts | Gainesville | Florida | United States

Once again, in the name of free speech, someone who doesn’t want you to have yours – or any other freedoms – if you are not his kind of American is coming to a college campus near you. The University of Florida, here in the hometown of musician Tom Petty, who died Oct. 2, tried to keep Dick Spencer off their campus, when he tried to organize an appearance last month in the wake of Charlottesville.  But it’s on again and folks are preparing for him and his crew of boneheads to make it down to the Sunshine State. They have been preparing for a few months as it is, so expect numbers.  The University of Florida has a website up for anyone who has questions.  The Torch Network also has a call out for everyone to come and oppose this event.

Nazis to Rally in Shelbyville, TN @ Shelbyville, TN
Oct 28 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Nazis to Rally in Shelbyville, TN @ Shelbyville, TN

Bradley Griffin, who posts under the name “Hunter Wallace” on his blog Occidental Dissent, has announced that a “White Lives Matter” rally will be held in Shelbyville, Tennessee three days before Halloween. According to him this will be organized by Nationalist Front, the coalition of of organizations that includes not only the White Lives Matter organization, but also Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Worker Party, the National Socialist Movement, League of the South and Vanguard America. In short the very same people who were responsible for the violence in Charlottesville are bringing it to Tennessee. In fact, before this was called a “White Lives Matter” Rally, it was called “Unite the Right 2.0” recalling the Aug. 12 event that ended with the death of Charlottesville resident Heather Heyer allegedly at the hands of someone who was seen earlier holding a Vanguard America shield.

This is the third event this year in Tennessee that locals are mobilizing against, the other two being the American Renaissance conference in July just outside Nashville and the Stormfront conference in Crossville just a few weeks ago. They are looking forward to making a go at this one as well!

Nazis to Rally in Murfreesboro, Tennessee @ Rutherford County Courthouse
Oct 28 @ 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Nazis to Rally in Murfreesboro, Tennessee @ Rutherford County Courthouse | Murfreesboro | Tennessee | United States

Looks like Tennessee is going to be a hotspot on Oct. 28, because in addition to the town of Shelbyville,  the Nationalist Front, a coalition of groups that include the National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Worker Party, League of the South and various Klan groups, will be holding a march in Murfreesboro as well. Below is the statement from Murfreesboro Loves, the main coalition organizing against them:


As you are aware by now, several groups of bonafide white supremacists (League of the South, National Socialist Movement, and Traditionalist Workers Party) have decided to hold a “White Lives Matter” rally in Murfreesboro. The League of the South applied for a permit to rally from 11-4 on Saturday, October 28, 2017, in the inner circle area of the County Courthouse on Murfreesboro’s square. That application is pending.

Murfreesboro’s citizens reject their white supremacist ideals. The diversity of faiths, nationalities, race and sexual orientation are the things that make our community such a beautiful place to live and work and raise our families. And we intend to show them that #murfreesboroloves on October 28th.

This will be a peaceful, nonviolent, non-confrontational event.
Details coming soon. But this will include a march, prayers, speakers, fellowship, food and more.
We plan to make it family friendly.
This event will still take place even if the hate rally is canceled.
This will depend on the rally permit.
It will be in the afternoon.


The following organizations support this event.
if you want your organization to be added please message one of the hosts.

AAUW Murfreesboro ❤
Advent Lutheran Church ❤
American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) ❤
Key United Methodist Church ❤
MTSU Student Coalition Against Hate ❤
Murfreesboro Cold Patrol ❤
Murfreesboro Muslim Youth ❤
Radical Arts (theatre org) ❤
Roots for Refugees ❤
Rutherford County Democratic Party ❤
Rutherford County Interfaith Council
Rutherford County Chapter – SOCM ❤
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition [TIRRC] ❤

ALERT! Mike Cernovich to Speak at Columbia University @ Room 501 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University
Oct 30 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
ALERT! Mike Cernovich to Speak at Columbia University @ Room 501 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University | New York | New York | United States

It looks like the College Republicans at Columbia U. are trying to get their Fash on,  booking two fascists to speak at the university in recent week. The first one was Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League, and that didn’t go over too well last week. The other is “Pizzagate” hypeman Mike Cernovich, and he’s coming to the school on Mischief Night. Now Cernovich is more than just the peddler of debunked conspiracy theories. This garbage in human skin who pushes the routine that “diversity is code for white genocide” believes that Black women should be slut shamed to prevent them from getting AIDS, says that date rape does not exist and was actually charged with rape in 2003 (it was knocked down to misdemeanor battery), promoted a campaign of harassment against women in the video game industry called Gamergate, and according to one tweet, will not support immigration of Muslims into the U.S. (as if it is his choice in the first place) until we all stop talking about white privilege and Islamophobia:

Hell, he just doesn’t like Muslims period, nor does he likes Jews who call out antisemitism:

Freedom is not big on his list of favorite things, apparently:

And of course, he has a weird tweet about Harvey Weinstein:

So in the interest of preserving his right to question the rights of those he doesn’t like, especially those of women, he will be given a space to speak. And so be it. We are sure there will be people coming out and demanding that same space to speak in to call him out.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins is Speaking at James Madison University @ Grafton-Stovall Theatre, James Madison University
Nov 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Daryle Lamont Jenkins is Speaking at James Madison University @ Grafton-Stovall Theatre, James Madison University | Harrisonburg | Virginia | United States

One People’s Project Founder and Executive Director Daryle Lamont Jenkins will be speaking at James Madison University, and the event is open to the public! Recent events have prompted many to ask what direction are we going in as a people, and most importantly, how do we make sure that direction isn’t backward. That’s why the name of this talk is Replacing Them: How Society is Putting Hate Politics on the Trash Heap of History! DLJ has been a doing this antifascist thing for thirty years, but it is only in recent years that people have been taken notice with him appearing on numerous news programs on MSNBC, CNN and Fox News, being awarded the Daniel Pearl Multimedia Award by the Pocono Mountains Film Festival just this month and soon being played by Bryan Tyree Henry (Paper Boi from the FX TV program Atlanta) in a new movie called Skin, which is based on the life of Bryon Widner a former neo-Nazi who left that life thanks to DLJ. We hope to see you there!

About Daryle Lamont Jenkins

Daryle Lamont Jenkins is the founder and Executive Director of One People’s Project (OPP), a Philadelphia-based anti-hate organization that researches, monitors and reports on right wing groups and individuals that seek to polarize communities. OPP’s mission has been to encourage those communities to come together and be proactive against hate groups and diminish their ability to function in a diverse society.

Born in Newark, NJ and raised in nearby Somerset, Jenkins served in the Air Force in the late eighties and upon returning home spent the nineties in the underground music scene documenting local bands on video and producing public access programs that spotlighted the punk rock scene and the people that played a part of it. One show was called Channel X which was produced from 1992 to 1995, and it profiled local unsigned acts of the day, some eventually becoming big names in music. From 1996 to 2000, he produced another, The Life We Lead with Pedro Angel Serrano, and it focused primarily on the punk scene and the culture surrounding it. Eventually, that program was handed over to producers in Boston who continued the show for another seven years. He even tried his hand in performing in a few bands and musical projects, but many of them could not even get out of the rehearsal space before falling apart.

Around the same time that he was in the New Jersey music scene, Jenkins also had worked as a reporter for the City News, a now-defunct weekly newspaper in New Jersey that covered African-American issues, and briefly as an editor for his hometown weekly, the Somerset Spectator. This was conflicting for him however, and although he has wanted to be a journalist since he was a boy, felt he could not provide the objectivity that one needed for such work however and moved on to mediums that fit him best.

Much of the reason why there was a conflict was because he was involved in political activism, participating in groups like the New Jersey Freedom Organization (NJFO) and the New Brunswick (NJ) Coalition Against Police Brutality. He recognized the power of media, however, and he used his journalistic skills to advance the issues that concerned him. He began writing letters to the editor of his local newspaper and calling and debating local radio talk show hosts on their call-in programs. From 1994 to 1995, he began writing op-ed pieces for the Courier-News and from 1996 to 2000 the Knight-Ridder (now McClatchy) news line.

In 2000, a White supremacist rally in Morristown, NJ was planned for the Fourth of July and it prompted Jenkins and others to organize a counter-protest under the banner of the One People’s Rally. After the rally, it was decided that the coalition and website be maintained to continue monitoring the various hatemongers that were not only working on the fringes of right wing politics but also in the mainstream of society as elected officials, academics or otherwise important figures. That coalition eventually became One People’s Project. Working under the motto “Hate has consequences”, OPP became a go-to resource on such individuals, and has been instrumental in removing them from their positions, shutting down their events such as concerts and conferences to when the hosting venues were made aware of the true intent of those events, and in addition helping individuals leave neo-Nazi politics behind and become productive members of society. One such story is featured in the documentary Erasing Hate, which is soon to become a major motion picture starring Jamie Bell (Turn, Billy Elliot) and Danielle MacDonald (Patti Cake$), with with Bryan Tyree Henry (Atlanta) playing Jenkins.

Since the rise of Donald Trump, OPP was important in helping America understand the so-called “alt-right” and in particular White supremacist Richard Spencer, who the organization had been monitoring since 2006. OPP continued being a resource on those individuals with Trump’s ascension to the White House and during the tragic events of Charlottesville, VA last summer which Jenkins was there to witness.

Needless to say, Jenkins and OPP has been the subject of scorn from those on the right who prefer to remain in the shadows. He has been the subject of smear campaigns and bogus lawsuits, and one neo-Nazi band even recording a particularly weird song about him! On the other hand, he and the organization has received praise from those who are trying to beat that element of society back. Jenkins has appeared on A Current Affair, the Montel Williams Show, Fox News, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show and AM Joy with Joy Reid, ABC’s 20/20 and in countless newspaper and magazine articles.

Oppose Nazis, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Sunday in Washington DC @ Lafayette Park
Dec 3 @ 2:00 pm

All Out to Oppose Nazis, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Sunday in Washington DC

The Nazis will be at the White House on Sunday, 2 PM. Of course, people of conscience will be there to oppose them. DC activists are calling on anyone who stands against white supremacy, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, anti-immigrant bluster, Islamophobia, and more to join us and prevent the Nazis from holding their rally. Please join us. The movement needs you!

Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch both sent out tweets on Saturday afternoon, stating that they will be at the White House, Lafayette Park, at 2 PM, for an anti-immigrant rally. Their “organizing” seems to consist of just sending out tweets, so we expect their numbers to be small.

With less than 24 hours notice, the people of the Washington DC area are responding. We will be present in the park to create a wall of noise and drown out Nazi voices. We will stop them from organizing toward their hateful agenda.

Come join us. Bring your passion and your noisemakers. Wear black, if you wish, in solidarity with antifascism.

The supposed reason that the Nazis want to meet tomorrow is to protest against the recent not-guilty verdict in the highly politicized San Francisco trial of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, an undocumented immigrant. Garcia Zarate was accused of the murder of Kate Steinle, who was white, but the prosecution did not present enough evidence, and the jury did not find Garcia Zarate guilty.

Right-wing pundits, white supremacists, and Nazis have been using this trial as a lightning rod for anti-immigrant sentiment.

Let’s show them that the Washington DC community stands behind immigrants and will protect our communities. And we stand against Nazis!

We need you to stand with us on the right side of history. Please join us!


Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Participate in Panel Discussion on Hate Groups @ Theatre N at Nemours
Jan 30 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Participate in Panel Discussion on Hate Groups @ Theatre N at Nemours | Wilmington | Delaware | United States

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Executive Director of One People’s Project will join others to discuss how to deal with hate groups that are feeling some sort of momentum with Donald Trump in the White House. He and others who were there in Charlottesville, Va. on Aug. 12 will be there to give there perspectives on that particular day and how we can build the opposition against fascism even more in its wake. This is co-sponsored by Co-sponsored by the Islamic Society of Delaware (ISD) and YWCA Delaware.

Dublin Antifa to oppose Nigel Farage and UKIP @ Graduates Memorial Building, Trinity College
Feb 2 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Dublin Antifa to oppose Nigel Farage and UKIP @ Graduates Memorial Building, Trinity College | County Dublin | Ireland


A far-left organisation, referring to itself as AntiFa Ireland, has announced its intentions to protest former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage’s planned speech at Trinity College Dublin this Friday (2 February).

Farage is scheduled to appear before the College Historical Society (The Hist) after his initial invitation was rescinded three months ago.

He was scheduled to receive the society’s Gold medal, which is awarded for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse’. However, this plan was revoked after the news sparked controversy, before the decision was subsequently reversed and rescheduled for 2 February.

The event, which is titled ‘Anglo-Irish Relations and the Future of the EU’, is to be chaired by Pat Leahy, Political Editor at the Irish Times.

On 30 January, members of AntiFa expressed their intentions to protest, telling JOE: “Mr. Farage is no ordinary speaker, his record of stoking racial tensions in the U goes beyond objectionable speech, and we hope to highlight that this sort of thing doesn’t fly in Ireland, let alone in our universities. The man is simply the modern day Enoch Powell [MP for the Conservative and Ulster Unionist Party] or Oswald Mosley [Leader of the British Union of Fascists].”

Turning Point USA to Have Some Opposition in Colorado! @ Lory Student Center, Colorado State University
Feb 2 @ 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Turning Point USA to Have Some Opposition in Colorado! @ Lory Student Center, Colorado State University

From the Facebook Event Page:

Colorado State University’s (CSU) chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), a bigoted hate group cleverly disguised as a conservative free-market-promoting college recruitment club, is hosting their founder and executive director Charlie Kirk who plans to speak on “smashing socialism.” The group, TPUSA, harbors members who consistently display anti-LGBTQ, racist, xenophobic, and nationalistic ideals and practices.* To allow Charlie Kirk, the founder of this group, to speak on campus is to continue normalizing the hate speech and dangerously prejudicial sentiments this group gives sanctuary to. We invite concerned community members, students, and targeted/affected parties to show up to the Lory Student Center at 5:30pm on February 2nd. The end time is 9:00 but people may stay as long as they wish. We intend to articulate our disgust and disappointment with CSU for allowing a hate group to speak on campus. We implore you: stand up alongside us and voice your disgust and disappointment as well.

*For more information on the bigoted activities going on within TPUSA and why it is important to actively demonstrate in opposition to them, read the detailed post in the event discussion.