September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


Free! Two Shows! Staged Reading of Hello My Name Is . . . @ Raritan Valley Community College
Nov 2 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Hello My Name Is . . . written by the women inmates of The Edna Mahan Women’s Correctional Facility and The Meta Theatre Company tells the story of Luz Ramierez de Paloma and her family as they migrate from Puerto Rico to the United States. Does The American Dream exist? Is there an American Dream after incarceration? Find out what happens to Luz and her family when they experience inter-generaational incarceration, while trying to make it in America. Two Shows! FREE! 1:00 pm & 6:00 pm at The RVCC Conference Center. There will be a post show discussion after the 6:00 pm show. This is FREE to the general public and students of RVCC. Sponsored by RVCC’s Women’s Center & The Meta Theatre Company.

2nd Annual TORCH Conference
Nov 7 – Nov 8 all-day
2nd Annual TORCH Conference @ Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | United States

This November 7th and 8th Antifa Philadelphia is proud to host the 2nd annual Torch Antifascist Network conference. The Torch Antifa network is comprised of autonomous Antifascist groups who share information and resources. We expose, oppose and confront Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Anti-migrant and Anti-Choice groups and individuals, as well as other bigots and fascists.

For more info on our analysis of fascism and our points of unity, as well as contact info for our chapters, go to

We do not believe that these groups a small problem. Thousands upon thousands of act of violence and discrimination are perpetrated in this country by people who belong to these organizations every year. Thousands more by people who may not hold formal membership from fear or laziness but have similar beliefs. These cases are isolated and minimized as much as possible because the media has no interest in vilifying sexists or white supremacists the way they do Muslims, Black people and environmentalists.

In reality groups like American Freedom Party, Blood and Honor USA and the KKK recruit, train and embolden the “lone wolf” shooters, bombers and bashers. They also profit from it in money and privilege while injecting their racist, sexist and homophobic analysis into the mainstream political dialogue and making any sort of better world impossible.

The tactics of Torch and groups like us have proven effective time and time again for years all over the world for neutralizing our enemies organizing abilities and recruiting methods. Because Antifa represent another example of people power trumping state authority, specifically its desire to coddle racists and fascists, repression for Antifascists has become a normal expectation. This, partnered with the danger represented by the Fascists themselves, makes attending this conference all the more crucial.

We are calling on all Anti-Racists, Anti-Fascists and egalitarians to join us in Philadelphia this fall to Network and socialize and maybe get involved in Torch.

This conference will include both a public and private portion. The public portion will be open to all interested (no Fascists, obviously). More information on exact events will be released as the conference approaches. The private portion will be only for Torch Network members and potential members who have been vouched in. So crews looking to join the network should contact us via the closest chapter to you (contact info below) as soon as possible.

Housing is available to vouched Antifascists. Food will be provided at the public events.

If interested in attending the conference, send us an e-mail at [email protected] with “Torch Conference” as the subject line.

In Solidarity,

Antifa Philadelphia and the rest of the TORCH Antifa Network

Anti-Trump Rally At Trump Tower in NYC; Opposition Expected @ Trump Towers
Dec 20 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Anti-Trump Rally At Trump Tower in NYC; Opposition Expected @ Trump Towers | New York | New York | United States

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate that has ever generated this – a rally against him before he even gets the job, let alone the nomination. It should be expected however. He has made the hatemongering and thuggery we have spent the past 70 years beating back fashionable again, and people aren’t going to put up with it. On Dec. 20 a coalition of groups plan to be at Trump Tower in NYC at 2 PM to let him know. “The danger is not only with Trump, the event’s Facebook page announcement notes. “Other politicians are using Trump as a stalking horse. They can condemn Trump for calling for a ban on allowing all Muslims into the country, while at the same time advocating with greater urgency their own proposals to ban Syrian refugees and proposals that amount to expanding profiling, surveillance and repression.”

Over the past few weeks, Trump’s rallies have been punctuated with counter-demonstrations and disruptions, such as the one in Raleigh that shut his rally down after 45 minutes. It has also seen Trump supporters attacking those protesters with Trump cheering them on, not to mention the occasional Nazi salute, as what just recently happened at a rally in Las Vegas this week. “We salute the dozens of brave youth, migrant and anti-racist activists who braved terrifying punches, hair-pulling and racial slurs as they stood up to Trump’s fanatical supporters,” said Sara Flounders of the International Action Center, the main group putting on the Dec. 20 rally. “The righteous disruption of Trump’s North Carolina rally was the first real challenge that this racist candidate can’t ignore or explain away with his insulting lies or violent security beatdowns.”

And of course, the opposition plans to come out and do their thing too. Local NYC anti-immigration crackpot Joanna Marzullo is trying to mobilize her crew New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement (NY ICE) to oppose those that are coming out against Trump. She is not a big fan of Trump, although she initially supported him, because she sees him as more of a grandstander than anything. But despite that, she will be out because it’s the best chance her anti-immigration crowd has. “If the corrupt Media, of which Trump has been a part of for many years, wants to focus on him, then we can be there to propel our Issue, and that’s what I intend to do,” she wrote in an email.  “Trump has made speeches about our Movement, but he certainly did NOT invent it. Furthermore, I do NOT hold it against anyone in our Movement if they are a Trump supporter.  I was a fervent one myself for a while!”

The thing about her “movement” however, is that despite declaring she is an Hispanic-American, she has no problems working with neo-Nazis. It was at one of her rallies that we met Ron “Tremley” Sheehy, the neo-Nazi internet troll that people see online and at White Power rallies from time to time. And yes, she has been called out for this. We’re not sure if she cares though. So she will make Sunday even more interesting than it already will be.

From the Say No to Racist Trump & His Media Megaphone Facebook page:


Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the country is only the latest outrageous example of his racism. The time has come for us to come together and say ENOUGH!

A coalition of student, Muslim, antiwar, immigrant and anti-racist groups are having a demonstration Sunday to oppose the racism being promoted 24/7 by his campaign and the media. It will start at Trump Tower and march to New York’s CNN headquarters.

“Our outrage over the racism that is polluting the media must be galvanized into mass mobilization so that the world can see that progressive people will not tolerate racism,” said Larry Holmes of the Peoples Power Assemblies. “We will not allow Paris, or San Bernadino to be used as an excuse for racism and repression.”

“We can no longer dismiss Donald Trump as little more than a reality show performer parading as a candidate, who no one need take seriously,” Holmes said. “And even though Trump is a candidate, the election campaign is merely a pretext for his real mission.”

“Trump is providing an invaluable service to the 1%. At a time when a spiraling global economic crises is pauperizing those who until recently thought of themselves as middle class, Trump is to testing how far the powers that be can go in redirecting growing anger and fear away from Wall St., and against Muslims, Immigrants, and Black and Brown people.”

Moreover, Trump is helping to lay the basis for an intensification of the war against people of color. That war includes, but is in no sense limited to, racial profiling, murder and brutality at the hand of the police, even greater mass deportations, mass incarceration, war and occupation.

The danger is not only with Trump. Other politicians are using Trump as a stalking horse. They can condemn Trump for calling for a ban on allowing all Muslims into the country, while at the same time advocating with greater urgency their own proposals to ban Syrian refugees and proposals that amount to expanding profiling, surveillance and repression.

“People must be reminded that Hitler was elected,” said Chris Silvera, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 808. “He didn’t come into power in an overthrow of the government. The one percent creates an environment to justify all the money drying up. Then they get people to blame everyone except them. That’s what makes Trump so dangerous now,” Silvera said.

“We salute the dozens of brave youth, migrant and anti-racist activists who braved terrifying punches, hair-pulling and racial slurs as they stood up to Trump’s fanatical supporters,” said Sara Flounders of the International Action Center. “The righteous disruption of Trump’s North Carolina rally was the first real challenge that this racist candidate can’t ignore or explain away with his insulting lies or violent security beatdowns.”

“Since the corporate media seems capable only of acting as a giant megaphone for Trump’s racist vitriol, it has fallen on the people to seriously oppose him and his fascist rallies, which encourage acts of terror against oppressed people,” Flounders said.

“New York is well acquainted with Trump’s racism, going back to 1989 when he financed a racist media campaign to reinstate the death penalty and execute the ‘Central Park Five.’ The five youths after years in prison were proven innocent,” Flounders said. “This demonstration will reclaim New York as a No-Trump Zone, with zero tolerance for fascism, bigotry and racism of any kind.”

“Whenever fascism rears its ugly head, it is the duty of all progressive forces to unite in solidarity and struggle against it,” Flounders said.

On December 20 let’s join together and say ENOUGH!

Join the Unity Rally!

Coalition Partners: List in Formation – Add your support ([email protected])

Al-Awda USA: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
American Muslim Alliance
American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights & Elections
American Islamic Committee for Woman & Child
ANSWER Coalition
Ayotzinapa Student Front
Addicted To War
Bail Out the Peoples WI
Bangla Bazar Jame Mosque, Bronx
BMCC Students Without Borders
Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network – B.A.N
CCNY Students Without Borders
Chelsea Coalition on Housing
Community Labor United with Postal Jobs & Services
Coordination Dessalines (KOD)
Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR NY
Equality for Flatbush
Eztudio 43
Fight Imperialism–Stand Together
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Friends of Human Rights
Guyanese American Workers United
Haiti Liberté Newspaper
Humanist Society of Metro NY
International Action Center
Internt’l Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
International League of People’s Struggle-U.S.
Jersey City Peace Movement
Justice for Aiyana Jones Committee
Labor Against Racist Terror
Laundry Workers Center
May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights
Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War and Injustice
Millions March NYC
Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shutoffs
Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
Movement to Protect the People
Muslim Alliance in North America
Muslim American Society – MAS NY
National Congress of Black American Indians
NYC Shut It Down
NYC Students for Justice in Palestine
New York University Students for Justice in Palestine
Party of Communists USA – NY Metro Branch
Palestine Youth Movement
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Parents to Improve School Transportation
Peace Action – Manhattan
People’s Organization for Progress
People’s Power Assemblies
Postal Defenders
Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Queens Peace Council
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Seattle Anti-war Women In Black
SI-Solidarity with Iran
South Asian American Parents, Teachers & Children
South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship & Training
Students for Justice in Palestine at Hunter College
Students for Justice in Palestine at St. Joseph’s College
Students for Justice in Palestine at College of Staten Island
Students Without Borders at Hunter College
Southern Christian Leadership Conference – Baltimore SCLC
Syrian American Forum
Team Solidarity-United School Bus Union Workers
Teamsters Local 808 IBT
United National Antiwar Coalition-UNAC
U.S. Peace Council
USW Local 8751 Boston School Bus Union
Why Accountability
Women’s Fightback Network
Workers World Party


Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Appear at Scranton Radical Book Fair @ Nazareth Hall at Marywood University
Apr 9 @ 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Appear at Scranton Radical Book Fair @ Nazareth Hall at Marywood University | Scranton | Pennsylvania | United States
The Scranton Radical Book Fair and Really Really Free Market is held yearly at the Nazareth Student Center at Marywood University. The book fair aims to promote the ideas of social, environmental and economic justice in the Scranton area. The book fair will include an exposition of lectures, demonstrations, books, zines, pamphlets, art, video, and other cultural and political creations.

Bring what you can; take what you need. A really, really free market puts in to practice the anarchist principal of mutual aid. Basically we are challenging the notion that the capitalist “free markets” are “free” (or even fair!). Instead of being free, capitalist markets depend on scarcity to keep prices for goods and services high. This scarcity means that, by design, some people can’t afford to get what they need, but it does create profit for capitalists.

12:00 P.M. – Jess Meoni – The Graphic Design Techniques and Cultural History of Radical Publications

12:30 P.M. – Shalefield Organizing Committee

1:15 p.m. – John Dobbs

1:45 P.M. – Daryle Lamont Jenkins – Standing Up and Shutting Down PA’s Fascists

2:15 P.M. – Break

2:30 P.M. – Mitch Troutman – Coal Region, Stories and Potential: Organizing in the Anthracite Region Today

3:00 P.M. – Margo and Marnie Azzarelli – Labor Unrest in Scranton

3:30 p.m. – Break

3:45 p.m. – Suren Moodliar – The Human Right to Water as a Movement Building Project

4:15 p.m. – Joe Ramsey – The Critical Communist Writings of Richard Wright: Lessons for us Today

5:00 p.m. – Jamie Longazel – Undocumented Fears: Immigration and the Politics of Divide and Conquer in Hazleton, Pennsylvania

6:00 p.m. – Poetry Reading Featuring: Amanda J. Bradley, Maggie Gilbertson, Brian Fanelli, Sarah Zane Lewis and Daryl Sznyter

0161 Festival 2016 @ The Miners Community Arts and Music Centre
Apr 29 @ 12:00 pm – May 1 @ 11:45 pm
0161 Festival 2016 @ The Miners Community Arts and Music Centre | Manchester | United Kingdom
The 0161 Festival Crew are happy to present the 3rd edition of 0161 Festival. We wouldn’t be able to do any of this without the people who have supported us over the past couple of years so thank you to everyone!

The festival again will consist of bands and artists from all over Europe as usual, a whole variety of music but all united under the anti-fascist banner. There will be three stages, a main stage with bands and artists, an acoustic stage featuring solo acts and bands and a third stage that will be hosted by different DJs and soundsystems throughout the weekend.

As we did last year, all money raised from the festival will go towards anti-fascist groups throughout Europe to help keep the fight! Thanks again for the continued support.

Confirmed bands and artists are as follows, with a few more to be added ;



Inner Terrestrials
Hagar The Womb
Acid Drop
Enraged Minority (Ger)
One Step Ahead (Ger)
Poisened Electrick Head
The Hurriers
Random Scandal (Sco)
Trioxin Cherry
Almighty Uprisers


The Oppressed
The Prowlers (Can)
Rude Pride (Spai)
Hors Controle (Fra)
Bierdosen Freunde (Ger)
Gipsy Mafia (Ser)
Lion Mentality (Ger)
Andy T
F.A.T.A.J.S. (Pol)
No Decorum


Blaggers I.T.A.
What We Feel (Rus)
Action Sedition (Can)
Les Trois Huits (Fra)
Addictive pHilosopHy
Sophie Sparham
Attila The Stockbroker
Defenders Of The Universe (Ger)
Herida Profunda (Pol)
Declaration Of War
The Yalla Yalls
Sods Law



Paper town
Johnny Campbell
Pete Greenfield
Bar Bowen


Tracey Curtis
Jessi Eastfield
Chris Butler
Efa Supertramp
Joe Yorke
Lab Rats
Hello Mabel
Joe Solo
Brian Curran
Zac Jones
Rich Gulag
Jonny Maveriq


Capt. Hot knives
Al Baker
Rob Galloway
Don Mercy
Sleeping Rude Boy
Sam Rabin
Carl Moorcroft
Andy Carrington
Sound Reaction



Beats 4 the Streets
Special Guest TBA
Deludamol b2b Brocka T
Caloe b2b Gurn
Special Soundsystem TBA


ITAL Guidance Sound System // Conscious Youth


Potential sounds presents –

Salvage – (Short Circuit Records)
Nothing To Lose – (Grand Theft Audio)
Potential Sounds Duo – (Majestic-Realm/No:Point)
L35 – (Bass Klinic)
Sonic-!nnovator – (Twisted Future)
Synthetic – (Low End)
ONE40 Grime Time Djs

Venue :

“The Miners Community Arts and Music Centre was a social club on a working class estate in North Manchester until it was left and neglected. We were established in 2011 and it is a family run Community Project. Over the last 3 years we have totally refurbished three quarters of this building which was an eyesore. Our aim is to provide a local multi functional building that will bring the local Community together for all aspects of socialising activities and a safe haven for the youth of today. There is space for local bands to rehearse and local artists to exhibit their work, there is also a community cafe.”

We wanted to do the event at a venue that is part of the community. They do so much amazing stuff there, and a huge variety, so we hope everyone visits the venue and after, they are a great part of the community and it is a pleasure and honour to know and work with them.

Map to the venue :

Hotels / Hostels

We know that people will be travelling to the venue so here are some hotels nearby within 10 – 20 minutes walk that are cheap, especially booking so far in advance! We are also in the meantime in talks to organise cheap accomodation for people attending the festival, at the moment here are a few cheap ones to check out…

247 Hotel —

Holiday Inn —

Premier Inn —

Budget Ibis —

Hatters Hostel —

YHA Manchester —

Ashton House Hotel —

Hostel Bookers —

Travel Information

Travel from Manchester City Centre to the venue is very easy:

Train — You can get the train from Manchester Victoria Station to Moston Train Station which is a few minutes walk from the venue. Maps are available above as well.

Tram — Newton Heath + Moston and Failsworth are the Metrolink stops nearest to the venue, again at a few minutes walk. Maps are available above as well.

Bus — 88 / 112 / 80 all go very near the venue from Manchester City Centre regularly. Get off at the stop Moston, Moston Lane/Broadhurst Fields. Maps are available above as well.

“If you need any of this information in another language, they are available so just ask or e-mail us.”

“Si vous avez besoin de cette information dans une autre langue, ils sont disponibles si juste demander ou nous envoyer un courriel.”

“Si necesitas este informacion en otra idioma estan disponibles, simplemente mandanos un correo.”

Tickets :

Weekend Ticket – £31.50
Weekend Ticket + AFA Donation – £33.50

Tickets available at –

Thanks for reading, and see you soon!

/// 0161 Festival Crew ///

Black Rock Coalition Get Down Revue at Midsummer Night Swing @ Lincoln Center Damrosch Park Bandshell
Jul 2 @ 6:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Black Rock Coalition Get Down Revue at Midsummer Night Swing @ Lincoln Center Damrosch Park Bandshell | New York | New York | United States

Dateline New York City: BRC 30 Summer continues in TWO WEEKS with Lincoln Center’s Midsummer Night Swing, featuring The Black Rock Coalition Get-Down Revue at Lincoln Center Damrosch Park Bandshell, Saturday, July 2nd at 6:30PM. Celebrating the rock & soul catalog of Atlantic Records. FREE TO ALL (although if you want the lessons, you’ll have to pay)! Bring ya foot spray, ’cause it’s gon’ be funky!!!

International African Arts Festival @ Commodore Barry Park
Jul 4 @ 6:00 am – 9:00 pm

From the IAAF website:

The International African Arts Festival began in 1971 as the African Street Carnival, a PTA’s block party fundraiser for an independent school in Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn with local entertainers, about 20 arts and crafts vendors, along with food prepared by the parents. Almost 2,000 people came to the event and it was a success. The International African Arts Festival (IAAF) has been part of the Brooklyn’s cultural landscape for 40 years. Each year a committed team of Board members, consultants, part-time seasonal staff and volunteers, work together to transform a city park into an outdoor African cultural oasis that celebrates traditional and contemporary expression of various African cultural art forms.

iaa festivalToday, the IAAF is a community-based, non-profit organization that produces an annual event attracting an estimated 75,000 attendees from all over Brooklyn, New York City, the United States and from around the world.

In 2001 the IAAF relocated to Commodore Barry Park which is the third transition to a larger venue to accommodate its growing audience. The original line-up of local folk arts entertainment which has included dance companies such as Dinizulu African Dancers and Drummers, Marie Brooks Pan-Caribbean Dancers, emerging singers like Martha Redbone and many others continues to be an important part of the Festival’s programming. Over the years, the stages of the Festival have featured renowned artists such as Blue Magic, The Mighty Sparrow, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, KRS-1, Lauryn Hill, India Arie; artists who grew to achieve national and international acclaim.

The small vendor market has grown into an African Marketplace with over a hundred micro-enterprise vendor/small business membership database of entrepreneurs. The market place offers an array of one of a kind, handcrafted, original designs of merchandise ranging from jewelry, urban fashion, t-shirts, body oils to imported African fabric, artifacts and furniture, original paintings, hand-carved marble sculptures and much more. In addition, the outdoor Food Court offers the community an array of talented cooks and chefs preparing a wide variety of scrumptious foods. The savory favors range from traditional soul food to spicy Caribbean dishes, to African, Latin, vegetarian food, seafood and even gourmet style raw foods

The IAAF offers family focus entertainment and resources to the community.

Anti-Bigotry American Muslim March to be held in Washington, DC @ National Mall
Jul 23 all-day
Anti-Bigotry American Muslim March to be held in Washington, DC @ National Mall | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

Al Jazeera

Washington DC – A group of American Muslims, joined by interfaith leaders, have launched an initiative to get thousands of Americans to take part in a march in Washington DC on July 23, in what they call a stand against bigotry, “extremism”, and gun violence.

The American Muslim March will take place at the National Mall – home to various large-scale historical gatherings – to also condemn “terrorism” and vocally eschew the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), organisers said.

Rally sponsors include more than 20 organisations representing the three monotheistic regions, as well as the Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, and Bahai communities.

The initiative comes at a time when anti-Muslim sentiment is high, in part driven by the rhetoric of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called for the banning of foreign Muslims from the United States.

Trump has made his Muslim ban a centrepiece of his candidacy: he recently reiterated his proposal following an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, which left 49 people dead. He also suggested profiling Muslims, citing Israel as an example, and implied that US President Barack Obama was complicit or sympathetic to radicalised Muslims.

Some Muslim groups have been more vocal about terrorism, gun violence and Islamophobia, since a married couple, inspired by ISIL ideology, killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California.

“We were motivated to take action after San Bernardino,” said Khaled al-Mufti, a member of the rally organising committee. “We wanted to denounce ISIS as an ideology that claims to be representative of Islam, but it’s not. That’s not the religion we practise. We want to make it loud and clear to all the world: This is not Islam.”

‘Hostility towards minorities’

The rally is being organised by the Islamic Society of Central Florida, and the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Washington DC, which recently hosted Secretary of State John Kerry and Hollywood actress and activist Angelina Jolie with Syrian refugees in recognition of World Refugee Day.

For the event, organisers are reaching out to renowned Muslims such as Yousef Islam, previously known as Cat Stevens, retired basketball legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and influential Islamic scholar Hamza Yusuf. They are hoping to attract about 100,000 people from the Muslim and immigrant communities and anybody “affected by the recent surge in hostility towards minorities”, Mufti told Al Jazeera.

“The rhetoric going on in the presidential campaigns is creating an atmosphere of bigotry,” he said. “This is not only towards Muslim, but also towards immigrant communities. We therefore wanted to provide a platform for everyone to speak about those issues.”

The Southern Poverty Law Centre, which tracks hate groups, said anti-Muslim attacks rose sharply in 2015, “egged on by a steady drumbeat of propaganda from Islamophobes and given a megaphone by the press and a presidential frontrunner given to racist and Muslim-hating oratory”. Last year, three young Muslim Americans were shot dead by a man known for his hatred of Islam in the university town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

 Also in 2015, there were approximately four times as many attacks on mosques than the previous year, according to a recent report released by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and the Centre for Race and Gender at UC Berkeley.

The 78 instances where Muslim houses of worship were targeted – via arson, vandalism or other methods – partly show the pervasiveness of Islamophobia in all aspects of society, according to Hatem Bazian, the centre’s director of the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project, who contributed to the report.

“The report gives the widest view of the situation facing Muslims today in America and we are still speaking about 2015 and not yet accounting for the full impact of Trump’s campaign and the shift that he made in making Islamophobia acceptable and patriotic,” Bazian told Al Jazeera.

‘Muslim-free zones’

The report highlights the various methods in which Islamophobia is manifested, including the rise in anti-Islam groups, armed demonstrations outside of mosques, hate crimes against Muslim Americans, and private businesses declaring themselves ‘Muslim-free zones’.

In 2014, there were 74 Islamophobic groups, the report found – 33 whose primary purpose is to promote prejudice against Islam and Muslims, and the rest whose “work regularly demonstrates or supports Islamophobic themes”, such as Fox News Channel and the Rush Limbaugh Show.

Islamophobia is also driven by a political elite, Bazian said, who, “facing trickle down economic failure and dead-end domestic policies they championed over 40 years since the Reagan administration … offer the Muslim subject as the springboard to avoid all issues and thus win seats”.

Leif Erickson Day in Philly is Going to be Observed on Antifa’s Time This Year! @ Thorfin Karlsefeni Statue, Boathouse Row
Oct 9 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Leif Erickson Day in Philly is Going to be Observed on Antifa's Time This Year! @ Thorfin Karlsefeni Statue, Boathouse Row | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | United States

This year, it’s not about what Keystone State “Skinheads” has planned. We already know they really don’t want to see us and are going to do everything they can to avoid us. We have already won that battle. This year, it’s about coming out on our time to say there is still work to be done.

From Antifa Philadelphia:

It’s that time of the year again.

Every October, The Keystone State “Skinheads” attempt to hold a public rally along boathouse row in Fairmount Park. This rally is billed as a “Leif Erikson Day Celebration.” It is, in reality, the one time a year that KSS tries to hold a space in Philly, if only for an hour. This grants them some measure of legitimacy as “activists” and represents their last foothold of a street presence in Philadelphia. They have encountered opposition most of the past 10 years. Last year, in order to avoid Anti-Fascists, KSS held their event in the middle of the night after announcing they would be in the park at noon.

Antifa Philadelphia intends to be in Fairmount Park on October 9th, Leif Erikson Day. We will gather at the Thorfin Karlsfeni statue on Boathouse row and rally against Racism, Colonialism, and KSS organizing in our city and state. We are calling on all Anti-Racists and Anti-Fascists to join us in confronting KSS and showing them that they are (still) not welcome in Philadelphia.

Rock Against Trump Show with Barra Brava, Revolucion Oi, The Loveless, Sober Hate, Malditas Drogas & Sufre @ The Dive Bar
Nov 19 @ 9:00 pm – Nov 20 @ 2:00 am
Rock Against Trump Show with Barra Brava, Revolucion Oi, The Loveless, Sober Hate, Malditas Drogas & Sufre @ The Dive Bar | Las Vegas | Nevada | United States

Giant Hamburger presents:

punx and skins united against fascism fest


Barra Brava (mexico)

Revolucion oi (texas)

The Loveless (ohio)

Sober Hate(anaheim)

Malditas Drogas(anaheim)

Sufre (anaheim)