September 22, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


ALERT! March 4 Trump Rally @ Mar-a-Lago
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

It seems that Trump supporters are feeling they and the guy they elected president is a little unloved, so they are planning a nationwide event that will give us all the illusion otherwise – at least where there isn’t opposition to it. It’s called “March 4 Trump” and the attempt is to hold a rally or something in as many cities as possible to, as Steve Bannon’s old haunt Breitbart put it according to the Inquisitr, “to thwart ‘hardcore progressive leftists that have been marching against President Trump and his appointments.’” Yeah, well good luck with that. We will make an alert for each locality we see scheduled, with pertinent information concerning each, especially if opposition announces a counter-demo.

Yes, this is at Trump’s resort. It’s a pro-Trump rally. And if some of his supporters actually knew how to read, they would leave posts on the Facebook page for this rally like this:

ALERT! ‘March 4 Trump’ Rally @ Arizona State Capitol Building
Mar 4 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
ALERT! 'March 4 Trump' Rally @ Arizona State Capitol Building | Phoenix | Arizona | United States

It seems that Trump supporters are feeling they and the guy they elected president is a little unloved, so they are planning a nationwide event that will give us all the illusion otherwise – at least where there isn’t opposition to it. It’s called “March 4 Trump” and the attempt is to hold a rally or something in as many cities as possible to, as Steve Bannon’s old haunt Breitbart put it according to the Inquisitr, “to thwart ‘hardcore progressive leftists that have been marching against President Trump and his appointments.’” Yeah, well good luck with that. We will make an alert for each locality we see scheduled, with pertinent information concerning each, especially if opposition announces a counter-demo.

This particular rally in Phoenix is going to be special because Ex-Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce will be among the speakers. He is not one of Arizona’s favorite people, given how he likes to hobknob with neo-Nazis like the late J.T. Ready and peddle information from the neo-Nazi National Alliance. He’s an Ex-Senator because in 2011 he was the first legislator in Arizona history to be so removed from office via a recall election.

ALERT! ‘March 4 Trump’ Rally @ City Hall (MLK Civic Center Park)
Mar 4 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
ALERT! 'March 4 Trump' Rally @ City Hall (MLK Civic Center Park) | Berkeley | California | United States

It seems that Trump supporters are feeling they and the guy they elected president is a little unloved, so they are planning a nationwide event that will give us all the illusion otherwise – at least where there isn’t opposition to it. It’s called “March 4 Trump” and the attempt is to hold a rally or something in as many cities as possible to, as Steve Bannon’s old haunt Breitbart put it according to the Inquisitr, “to thwart ‘hardcore progressive leftists that have been marching against President Trump and his appointments.’” Yeah, well good luck with that. We will make an alert for each locality we see scheduled, with pertinent information concerning each, especially if opposition announces a counter-demo.

The one in Berkeley is going to be special because it is more of a march for Milo Yiannopoulos, who was chased out of there by antifa in January. This event is being put together by the Proud Boys, the group founded by Vice co-founder, Fox News regular and neo-Fascist Gavin McInnes as “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” They are particularly pissed about how Milo was routed in Berkeley, so they are using this event to throw a temper tantrum about it.

ALERT! March 4 Trump Rally @ Colorado State Capitol Building (West Steps)
Mar 4 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
ALERT! March 4 Trump Rally @ Colorado State Capitol Building (West Steps) | Denver | Colorado | United States

It seems that Trump supporters are feeling they and the guy they elected president is a little unloved, so they are planning a nationwide event that will give us all the illusion otherwise – at least where there isn’t opposition to it. It’s called “March 4 Trump” and the attempt is to hold a rally or something in as many cities as possible to, as Steve Bannon’s old haunt Breitbart put it according to the Inquisitr, “to thwart ‘hardcore progressive leftists that have been marching against President Trump and his appointments.’” Yeah, well good luck with that. We will make an alert for each locality we see scheduled, with pertinent information concerning each, especially if opposition announces a counter-demo.

ALERT! March 4 Trump Rally @ Washington Monument
Mar 4 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
ALERT! March 4 Trump Rally @ Washington Monument | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

It seems that Trump supporters are feeling they and the guy they elected president is a little unloved, so they are planning a nationwide event that will give us all the illusion otherwise – at least where there isn’t opposition to it. It’s called “March 4 Trump” and the attempt is to hold a rally or something in as many cities as possible to, as Steve Bannon’s old haunt Breitbart put it according to the Inquisitr, “to thwart ‘hardcore progressive leftists that have been marching against President Trump and his appointments.’” Yeah, well good luck with that. We will make an alert for each locality we see scheduled, with pertinent information concerning each, especially if opposition announces a counter-demo.

Washington, DC’s event is at the Washington Monument, and it will see opposition. The opposition’s call to action reads as follows:

DC over the past 3 months has been lit. We swarmed the streets on J20 and J21, shut down highways, occupied airports, and stood up to an administration at every turn.

We won’t sit idly by when Trump supporters come to town and celebrate: fear, hate, and misogyny.

Antifascist ROAR Conference to Take Place in Bay Area @ Omni Commons
Mar 11 @ 10:00 am – Mar 12 @ 5:00 pm
Antifascist ROAR Conference to Take Place in Bay Area @ Omni Commons | Oakland | California | United States

ROAR aka Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism Conference is a FREE two day event, organized by Northern California Anti-Racist Action, that will be held on March 11th at OMNI Commons in Oakland and March 12th at California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco. ROAR will be a space to gather, build, and learn from each other’s struggles and continue to build an anti-racist front in the Bay Area and beyond. During these times more and more attention is being paid to those of us who use direct action and hold liberatory and revolutionary politics. We can use this moment not only to inspire others through our actions, but to also inspire with our ideas. To draw a line not just against this or that politician, or this or that alt-right figure, but to construct revolutionary positions such as returning land to the indigenous, centering black folks and their perspectives, community self defense, taking care of one another, putting women and gender non conforming people to the front, obliterating borders, opening prison doors, and gaining our freedom from the state, capitalism, and all the other damning institutions.
Themes and topics that will be covered at the conference include but are not limited to:

Black Liberation/Black Power
Indigenous Struggles
Police Brutality
Community self-defense
Political Prisoners
Intersections of racism and disability
Undocumented + Immigrant struggles
Muslim struggles
Black + Brown unity
Anti-Patriarchy, Transphobia + Homophobia
​​Anti-Racism for White people
​History Lessons from Movements past

Childcare Available


Antifascist ROAR Conference to Take Place in Bay Area @ California Institute for Integral Studies
Mar 12 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Antifascist ROAR Conference to Take Place in Bay Area @ California Institute for Integral Studies | San Francisco | California | United States

ROAR aka Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism Conference is a FREE two day event, organized by Northern California Anti-Racist Action, that will be held on March 11th at OMNI Commons in Oakland and March 12th at California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco. ROAR will be a space to gather, build, and learn from each other’s struggles and continue to build an anti-racist front in the Bay Area and beyond. During these times more and more attention is being paid to those of us who use direct action and hold liberatory and revolutionary politics. We can use this moment not only to inspire others through our actions, but to also inspire with our ideas. To draw a line not just against this or that politician, or this or that alt-right figure, but to construct revolutionary positions such as returning land to the indigenous, centering black folks and their perspectives, community self defense, taking care of one another, putting women and gender non conforming people to the front, obliterating borders, opening prison doors, and gaining our freedom from the state, capitalism, and all the other damning institutions.
Themes and topics that will be covered at the conference include but are not limited to:

Black Liberation/Black Power
Indigenous Struggles
Police Brutality
Community self-defense
Political Prisoners
Intersections of racism and disability
Undocumented + Immigrant struggles
Muslim struggles
Black + Brown unity
Anti-Patriarchy, Transphobia + Homophobia
​​Anti-Racism for White people
​History Lessons from Movements past

Childcare Available
Doing it for Dave: A Tribute to Dave Franklin @ Asbury Park Convention Hall
Apr 2 @ 11:30 am – 11:00 pm
Doing it for Dave: A Tribute to Dave Franklin @ Asbury Park Convention Hall | Asbury Park | New Jersey | United States

Last month, we lost Dave Franklin, the lead singer of the band Vision. The impact that was felt across generations of the hardcore scene was unmeasurable, and he is truly missed. Below is the announcement

Friends…This is the OFFICIAL announcement for the Dave Franklin Tribute Show at the Asbury Park Convention Hall on April 2. Tickets go on sale through Ticketmaster at 10:00am TODAY, February 10 (see link on this flyer). Please note that the ticket price for this amazing bill is only $25, and proceeds will benefit two organizations that Dave would have strongly supported – the North Shore Animal League and the Riot Fest Foundation. There will also be a fantastic afterparty/show featuring World Inferno/Friendship Society and Hub City Stompers, with more details provided soon. PLEASE REPOST/SHARE this announcement far and wide! Do it for Dave and come out with us to memorialize him in a way he would truly love on April 2!!’

– Go to this event because it’s the best way for friends to honor the memory of Dave
– Go to this event because proceeds go to GREAT charitable organizations
– Go to this event because the roster of bands playing/showing love to Dave is pretty insane
– Just GO for these reasons and many more!

Bands Performing

Vision (and Friends)
Killing Time
Performances by members of Bouncing Souls & Lifetime
Sheer Terror
Maximum Penalty
Murphy’s Law
Ex Number Five
Shades Apart
Dave Smalley and Don’t Sleep (Performing the songs of Dag Nasty and Down By Law)
Damage Done
Point Blank

Daryle Lamont Jenkins to participate in Antifa Unmasked: A Day of Learning @ The Electric Maid
Apr 8 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Daryle Lamont Jenkins to participate in Antifa Unmasked: A Day of Learning @ The Electric Maid | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

From Smash Racism DC:

Antifa is badass
But not in a scary way (unless you’re a Nazi)
And really, racists should be afraid to be racist

You might have heard of masked rabble-rousers in Berkeley chasing off professional racist, transphobic, and sexist troll Milo Yiannopoulos (whose CPAC speech and book deal was also cancelled).

Or, in our own DC, there was the face punching of Nazi Richard Spencer – which followed a campaign to hound and discredit him and the fascist “Alt-Right.”

You might be curious, who are these Antifa folks? Maybe you’re looking to get involved? Or maybe you just want to hang out? Either way, come to the extravaganza of learning: “Antifa Unmasked,” an afternoon of learning, games, and community.

Learn about Antifa’s story and how to fight Fascism today. See behind the mask. Learn little known facts.

For Example, did you know:

* Antifa activists don’t always wear masks (there are people under there!)
* Black Bloc is a tactic not a group – (with origins in European Anti-fascism)
* No platform is an expression of free speech, saying people have a right not to be oppressed by bigots
* Not all Antifa are Anarchists, but Anarchists are fly
* Some famous Anti-fascists include Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell.
* Antifa stands for anti-fascist, and no one agrees on how to pronounce it

In one day, you’ll be a lot smarter. Over a dozen workshop presenters will be speaking on the most important topics in antifa, as we continue a dangerous global descent into fascism. The ideas behind antifa will be discussed in workshops called “What is Fascism?” and “The History of the Fight Against Fascism.” Many antifascists are also anarchists, so we will discuss the philoshophies of anarchy and anarchism in an “Anarchism 101” workshop. We will talk about the current struggles to oppose contemporary Nazis and the “Alt Wrong,” like why we say yes to frogs and no to Pepe. We will also talk about “Theory and Strategy behind the Black Bloc.” The black bloc are the lovable activists in the black masks who tend to appear when fascists are about. And if all of that learning weren’t enough for you, we’ll even break for a nutritious lunch, because, you know, an army runs on its stomachs.

More details and a full schedule will be forthcoming.

This event is created by the DC Anti-Fascist Coalition. The DC Anti-Fascist Coalition is an anti-racist, anti-fascist coalition; united along these principles:

We confront, and do not ignore, oppressors.

We don’t rely on the cops or the courts. Cops reinforce oppressive systems. We rely on ourselves to protect ourselves and fight for deeper justice.

Within the movement we have differing opinions and approaches, but we agree to support each other.

We commit to doing the necessary work to build a broad, strong
movement against racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination against the disabled, the oldest, the youngest, and the most oppressed people.

We want a classless, free society. We intend to win!

Neo-Fascist Pro-Trump Rally to be held on Tax Day @ Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park
Apr 15 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Neo-Fascist Pro-Trump Rally to be held on Tax Day @ Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park

To those Trump Supporters who are not about the neo-Nazism/neo-Fascism (yes, there are a few of them out there), you might want to heed this warning. The Pro-Trump rally in Berkeley, California on April 15 is a Nazi rally. Make no mistake about it. The key people participating in it are straight up an unabashed part of the neo-Fascism that we have seen over the past year and a half trying to exalt Donald Trump, and all they want to do is fight antifa. That’s it. Nothing more. That’s why they are having yet another rally so soon after their last on March 4. And yes, antifa will be there. They will be holding a Bloc Party and Cookout in the same park in anticipation for what the neo-Fash will do. “Let’s fill MLK park with our resilient bodies before these bigots can even show their faces, prevent their rally, and send the message that we aren’t down with the hate — all while enjoying dope beats and delicious BBQ,” they say on their own announcement, and given who this park is named after, and given the kind of event they will be opposing,  it’s kind of an obligation.