September 22, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


Proud Boy-Affiliated III%er Group to Rally in Philly @ independence Visitor Center
Nov 17 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Proud Boy-Affiliated III%er Group to Rally in Philly @ independence Visitor Center | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | United States

In today’s political climate one cannot predict much, but we are still going to say not to expect the neo-fascist Proud Boys running around trying to play their games over the next year or so as much as they are now. After the fight at the Republican Club recently, they became the crew that everyone wants a piece of, and everyone will have their piece, you can bank on that. Even the right-wing New York Post – which is owned by News Corp, which also owns Fox News, who once employed Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes – called them out as a “far-right hate group” in an article about right wing activists harassing Nancy Pelosi during a visit to Florida because someone in the crowd of activists beating on the windows repped the group.

Well, Philly is going to get their shot at them. A Facebook event page is up for something called the “We the People Rally” which is being organized by two groups, Patriot Events and Sports Beer and Politics, whose own Facebook page has two Proud Boys as administrators. As of now, the page is particularly benign with a disclamer saying the following:

We at Patriot Events and Sports Beer and Politics do not condone the use of violence by any party at this event. This event is to allow the people to make their voices heard. Any violence, racism, or display of hate by any group or individual is extremely prohibited. Any group or party violating these conditions will be removed from this event immediately.

The hosts, planners, security, speakers or their affiliates, members or family will not be held liable for bodily injury or personal damages to anyone in attendance. All civil claims, attorneys costs for the aforementioned will be paid by the claimant.

There is a reason for that. Just before the Proud Boys made asses of themselves in NYC, they were boasting on this page that they were going to come to this event with the purpose of fighting people:

After NYC, these postings were scrubbed from the event page, but too late. Somebody already saw them. This is what people will be mobilizing against, despite the usual tapdancing from the organizers that they don’t condone violence and be vigilant against it. Folks are used to that tapdancing and are not buying into it. The Proud Boys also are good for the “I’m not racist” routine and their supporters point to their members of color. Well, they repped at both Unite the Right rallies in Charlottesville last year and Washington, DC this year, the DC outing featuring a Hispanic Proud Boy. So folks stopped giving them quarter, and are going to do something about them before they really cause innocents to be hurt.


Screening: ALT-RIGHT: AGE OF RAGE @ Emanuel Lutheran Church
Dec 15 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Screening: ALT-RIGHT: AGE OF RAGE @ Emanuel Lutheran Church

The subject of this powerful documentary will be there to take questions and talk about his experiences leading up to this film. A great chance to come out and network with people fighting hate in New Jersey, see a great movie, and have a discussion after.

New Brunswick, NJ, December 07, 2018 –(– One’s People’s Project will be showing the documentary “Alt-Right: Age of Rage” at Emanuel Lutheran Church in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on Saturday, December 15th. The event will run from 6pm to 10pm and will feature a post-film discussion with activist and One People’s Project founder Daryle Lamont-Jenkins. The event is sponsored by the Socialist Party of Central Jersey, New Jersey Revolution Radio, The Green Party of New Jersey and others.

“Alt-Right: Age of Rage” focuses on the ascendance of the alt-right movement in the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump and concludes with the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017. The film, according to, addresses head-on the question, “does talking about neo-Nazis help expose the flimsy hatred that fuels their ideologies, or does giving oxygen to toxic firebrands like Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos only make them stronger?”

Daryle Lamont-Jenkins also features prominently in the film as a leader vocal and active in the movement against white nationalist and racist groups. “Hate speech is protected under the First Amendment,” says Jenkins in the film, “but if what you say does cause some sort of harm people are going to have to respond.”

The screening of the film is timely given recent hate crimes such as the massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Additionally, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are at least six active white nationalist or racist skinhead organizations in New Jersey alone.

According to Film Threat, “No person of conscience can watch (the film) without wanting to stand and howl in rage.”

The event is s fund raiser for the One People’s Project, admission is free, although there is a suggested donation.

One People’s Project has been on the front lines reporting on and exposing the racist right, working hand in hand with countless coalitions to shut down ultra-nationalist conferences, and rehabilitating ex-white-supremacists for 17 years.


ALERT! ‘Former’ Proud Boy Jovi Val to hold DC rally for the Proud Boys, James Fields and Other neo-Fascists in Trouble, Prison for Attacking People @ Lafayette Square
Jan 5 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
ALERT! 'Former' Proud Boy Jovi Val to hold DC rally for the Proud Boys, James Fields and Other neo-Fascists in Trouble, Prison for Attacking People @ Lafayette Square

This specimen of stupid we are dealing with here calls himself Jovi Val, but his real name is Jovanni Valle. He is one of those Proud Boys that all of a sudden wasn’t one when he is called out for publicly associating with something that makes them look bad – like Nazis – but still is supportive of the Proud Boys. That’s what happened to Valle after he joined another former Proud Boy named Jason Kessler as he held his second “Unite the Right Rally” in DC on the anniversary of his first in Charlottesville, VA that after a massive riot ended with the death of Heather Heyer at the hands of James Fields, Jr., one of the neo-Fascists Kessler invited there. According to reporter Ford Fischer, Valle wants to hold a rally somewhere in Washington, DC in Lafayette Park – the location of that “Unite the Right Rally 2” event last summer – in support of those he says are “the men and women who put their lives on the line for freedom and liberty.” And who might those men and women be? Well, they would include Fields, now serving the rest of his worthless life in prison for the murder of Heather Heyer, the members of the Rise Above Movement, for going around the country assaulting people who aren’t down with their brand of neo-Fascism and was in Charlottesville, and of course, the Proud Boys who were arrested for attacking antifa in NYC while their founder (but doesn’t want to be called leader) Gavin McInnes was inside the Manhattan Republican Club mocking the killing of a Socialist leader in Japan over fifty years ago. The poster is a load of laughs, as it displays people wearing MAGA hats falling victim to – among other things – police. When you are through laughing, you can read the thread below:

For the record, with all the hell coming down on the Proud Boy’s head, they are distancing themself from this thing. They are publicly saying that they have absolutely nothing to do with this rally and do not want to have their name associated with it. And the Hispanic Valle responded in a Dec. 17 two-hour YouTube rant saying that he had “distanced” himself from the Proud Boys – which he says was about giving White men a voice in politics – because making a Black man as their leader made them “self loathing whites”, and that they are “not a White Nationalist group…anymore!” There’s a lot of giving away the store in that video, including where he notes that one of those Proud Boys arrested in NYC has a Confederate Rag tattooed on his arm that the group won’t let him display (16:46 timestamp), so we have to post it here!

He is still supporting those Proud Boys during his rally, and is making no bones about the fact that he believes White Nationalism is “a beautiful thing”. So if you see him in DC on Jan. 5, that’s what he is going to be defending. This one is going to be about the corniest thing you will ever see. Valle is good for that.

CANCELED! White Supremacist Group NOT to March on Princeton on Saturday @ Palmer Square
Jan 12 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
CANCELED! White Supremacist Group NOT to March on Princeton on Saturday @ Palmer Square

UPDATE: According to a post Gab and Twitter accounts, the New Jersey European Heritage Association called off their rally, saying it was all a big joke or whatever and that everyone was “punk’d” by them. Folks are taking it as a face-saving move considering they don’t have a history of going toe to toe with the opposition without police guarding them or sneaking around to post flyers everyone will see long after they are gone. So take a bow, Princeton! You chumped these clowns! More on this later.

On the same day as the Three Percenter/Proud Boy rally in Philly last November, a group called the New Jersey European Heritage Association did a flash mob rally of five people where they just walked around with “It’s Okay to be White” placards. They posted a video of them doing this, and this was the only way anyone even knew they did this thing. We have gotten used to this stunt over the past year since Charlottesville of groups trying to avoid antifa with clandestine marches and rallies. Hell, the first rally in Charlottesville in May 2017 was a similar flash mob – and it still saw opposition.

Well, it looks like the NJEHA has plans for Princeton again, and this time they decided to announce it via flyers they put all over town. Someone actually caught one of their guys doing it and ran him off, and they proceeded to take the flyers down and alert antifa to their plans for this weekend. So there should be a lot of opposition coming out for this thing, even if NJEHA decides to change theirs.

This group was with Jason Kessler in Washington, DC on the anniversary of Charlottesville for his “Unite the Right 2” rally. Only a dozen boneheads made it to that event, and that included them. That was enough for someone to dox the head of the group apparently.

It seems that NJEHA loves to harass Princeton, so we don’t think this will be the last stunt we will see from them. What will be different however is the fact that the local opposition will be able to introduce themselves. This is from a Facebook event page:

“We have the displeasure of informing you all that a fascist group will be holding a rally at Palmer Square in Princeton on Saturday the 12th at noon. Central Jersey DSA, along with a local rapid response group, the IWW GDC, and SPUSA, are organizing a counter-protest. We believe that the best way to avoid a violent confrontation will be to overwhelm them with numbers and deny them the space to spread their genocidal ideology. It would mean the world to us to have DSA comrades from all over New Jersey join the demonstration.

By dominating the space with sheer numbers, we believe that we can show them that they are not welcome, in New Jersey or anywhere else, and steal away their platform to promote our own vision of a better world.

Please remember, we will be counter-protesting with non-violence in solidarity with those who have been targeted by the fascists..”

Music Fest: Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019 @ Brooklyn Bazaar
Jan 25 @ 7:00 pm – Jan 27 @ 12:00 pm
Music Fest: Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019 @ Brooklyn Bazaar | New York | United States

Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019 is a new two-day anti-fascist extreme metal festival coming to NYC on January 25-26.

A Friday night show will be followed by an all-day Saturday event that will include an all-day vendor market of band merch, label distros, radical publishers, activist organizations, local artisans, and more, and it’s all going down at Brooklyn Bazaar in Greenpoint.

This event is for those of us who reject and push back against that poison—who adhere by the mantra that “metal is for everyone (except Nazis),” and who are committed to cleaning up our own backyard. The artists on the lineup all have different identities and come from different backgrounds, but are all united under the same ethos: FUCK NSBM.

As we all know, metal is an incredibly vibrant, diverse subculture with sounds, fans, and artists who span the globe; as we also know, there’s a small but unfortunately vocal contingent in our midst who care more about gatekeeping and upholding toxic ideologies like white supremacy, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and bigotry in general than in seeing the genre thrive. The worldwide rise of violent white supremacy and fascism has put every one of us—but especially those in marginalized communities—at risk, and metal should not be allowed to remain a breeding ground for right-wing extremism. Metal is too good for Nazis.

It’s time to raise the black flag, throw the horns, and take our scene back!








Friday tickets:

Saturday tickets:

Weekend passes:


ALERT! White Supremacists to Hold Second ‘Rock Stone Mountain’ in Georgia to Oppose Black Lives Matter @ Stone Mountain Park
Feb 2 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

So here we go again. Fresh from stealing the Governor’s seat from Stacy Abrams, the characters that gave us the 2016 rally to oppose Black Lives Matter is coming back because the Super Bowl is being held in Atlanta in 2019, and they are scared that the NAACP use the publicity around it to raise funding to remove the neo-Confederate Stone Mountain carving. “This is a Resistance to Communism rally to call attention to the attempt by the Marxist left to remove the landmarks of Our People. While they kneel in the NFL, we shall Stand for what this country originally was.”

The turnout at the last rally in 2016.

Two hints of irony here. When you are supporting a monument to people that waged a war against this country, it might make one wonder what they might mean in saying “what this country originally was”. Two, if they are so worried about how the NAACP is going to use the publicity around the Super Bowl, imagine the field day the media will have with a Nazi rally not too far away! The group organizing the counter-demo is FrontLine Organization Working to End Racism (FLOWER), and they will make sure that media will get an earful about what the boneheads are up to. “If the Klan holds another Rock Stone Mountain II rally on February 2, 2019, we must be present in large numbers, bearing a bouquet of tactics to prevent them,” they say on their website. “We must bring a clear message: Hate has no place here.” So if there is an effort to remove the carving, the Nazis pretty much expedited it!

ALERT! Neo-Confederate Group Hiwaymen to Rally in Oxford, MS @ The Square
Feb 23 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
ALERT! Neo-Confederate Group Hiwaymen to Rally in Oxford, MS @ The Square

All monuments to the Confederacy in this country will eventually come down. It might take longer in some places than others, but they will all be put on the trash heap of history. In the meantime, we have to deal with neo-Confederate clowns who want to make hold events that they way are “to draw the line in the sand!” That was pretty much what the so-called “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville two years ago was supposed to be about, and the end as we know, was especially tragic. Well two groups who attended that rally, the Hiwaymen (an Arkansas-based group that was in Portland with Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys on Aug. 4) and Confederate 901 are mad at students of the University of Mississippi who are demanding that all their Confederate tributes end, and they are going to go to Oxford, home of Ole Miss, to throw their little temper tantrum. There will be some opposition to this crew however because no one wants two groups that are all about trying to engage in assaults because no one likes their flag anymore to just run free on their campus. The following statement was released by Students Against Social Injustice (SASI)

“On January 14, 2019, Students Against Social Injustice were informed of a rally planned by George “K-Rack” Johnson, of the Memphis-based group Confederate 901, and Billy Mack Helton, also known as Billy Sessions, of the Arkansas-based group the Hiwaymen, as part of an effort to disrupt the United Students Against Sweatshops’ 22nd National Convention, an event planned with the intention of educating students on how they can become great organizers.

The Confederate Memorial statue on campus is one that represents hate. It is a celebration of honor for Confederate soldiers that knowingly fought for the institution of slavery and for the demise and degradation of black lives. As long as the statue remains on campus, it will continue to function as a tool to uphold these values and to allow room for racism to remain rampant on campus and in the Oxford community.

The Mississippi Stands Rally poses an imminent threat to students on campus, as both planners for this event have encouraged their followers to bring weapons to other events in the past, and have stated that they will “be vigilant” and do “what the law will not do for them,” and that our existence as a student organization is a threat that protectors of confederate ideals will “no longer tolerate.”

The university’s primary duty should be to facilitate educational opportunities for students while maintaining their safety, not to serve as a playground for extremist militant groups affiliated with white supremacists.

For these reasons, Students Against Social Injustice will continue to stand by our demand that the University of Mississippi removes the statue from campus as well as our decision to host the USAS 22nd National Convention. As it is an educational event, we will not be engaging with participants of this rally, and will be requesting means of precaution from University Administration and UPD.”

WEEKEND ALERT! Identity Evropa Conference in Burkeville, KY @ Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park
Mar 9 @ 12:09 am – Mar 10 @ 1:09 am
WEEKEND ALERT! Identity Evropa Conference in Burkeville, KY @ Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park

Unicorn Riot has spent the past week dragging the neo-Fascist group Identity Evropa with a ton of information coming from their Discord chats, and they are not done. In fact, because of their work the conference that they have planned for next week and tried to keep under wraps is now out in the wind for everyone to know about. As of right now, they are at the Dale Hollow Lake State Resort in Burkeville, Kentucky, the same place they were for their conference last year.

The beauty about all of this is how IE continues to think that they are always one step ahead of everyone, while that has never been the case. Unicorn Riot even learned that Billy Ciancaglini, the GOP candidate in Philadelphia’s 2020 Mayor race, met with Identity Evropa members just this week! Needless to say, he’s going to lose, so maybe he was meeting with the Identity Evropa to get an idea of what losing feels like!

ALERT! Hiwaymen to Rally in Little Rock, Arkansas @ Arkansas State House
Mar 9 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

The Hiwaymen were in Charlottesville for the “Unite the Right” rally, with Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys on Aug. 4 and most recently in Oxford, MS for a rally at Ole Miss that saw press only because the basketball team took a knee during a game going on at the same time to protest their rally (and they got love for it too). Now the neo-Confederate hate group is planning to hold a rally this weekend at the Arkansas State Capitol to protest gun laws and abortion. Now this is one of those neo-Confederate groups that try to say that they are not about hate and are not White supremacists, even though they keep showing up around them. In fact, they proclaimed the following on their event page:

“We are NOT affiliated with any other groups. We do not believe in ANY FORM of supremacy or hate. If anyone shows up at our event with any agenda other they and standing against abortion and the red flag laws you will be asked to leave our event. We will not tolerate any Hate speech.”

Well let’s see if that’s the case regarding Shieldwall’s Billy Roper because on Tuesday he posted this on Gab regarding his intentions:

Now needless to say, that’s not going to discourage antifa from coming out, since Roper – who to date the Hiwaymen curiously aren’t saying much about even thought Roper is talking up a storm about the rally –  is not really good at intimidating people. But that point about the rain is significant because they are expecting some serious thunderstorms. If we’re lucky, we might be able to witness some Nazis getting struck by lighting, and that will be worth it. Don’t laugh. It’s happened before.

Okay, fine. laugh. But seriously, stay safe if you go.


ALERT! Joint American Freedom Party/Council of Conservative Citizens Conference at Montgomery Bell
Mar 28 @ 7:31 pm – 8:31 pm
ALERT! Joint American Freedom Party/Council of Conservative Citizens Conference at Montgomery Bell

The locals of the Nashville, Tennessee area are getting real tired of nazis, fascists and White supremacists making their local park Montgomery Bell State Park, their safe space for conferences year after year, and last year the ante was up. See, it used to be just the American Renaissance Conference, which is holding their annual conference in the park May 17-19. As of last year the American Freedom Party and Council of Conservative Citizens, two groups that have a close relationship with the editor of American Renaissance (Jared Taylor was a onetime CCC board member and a spokesperson for the group in the wake of the Dylann Roof shootings in which CCC was said to have inspired him), started having their annual conference in the park as well. Well that conference will be back in the park in June and the roster of speakers is going to be a shitshow of neo-fascist. They include:

  • David Duke, the former Klan leader and Louisiana State Representative who pretty much everyone knows as the face of hate in the US.
  • Richard Spencer, the head of the National Policy Institute who hasn’t been heard much from since March of last year when he declared that going out holding events isn’t fun anymore because in his words, “Antifa is winning”, and who pretty much everyone knows as the face of hate in the US – that got punched.
  • James Edwards, a onetime bonehead who is a Council of Conservative board member who hosts a radio show called the Political Cesspool.
  • Kevin MacDonald, the anti-Semitic professor at California State University – Long Beach.
  • Rachael Pendergraft, the national spokesperson for what is called the Knights Party, which the flyer announcing the conference prefers to call it because using its actual name – the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan – might remind people that this is the group founded by David Duke back in the day.
  • William Johnson, a longtime White supremacist who runs the American Freedom Party, once known as American Third Position
  • Tom Sunic, a writer and speaker who appears regularly at neo-Nazi conferences, whether it is Council of Conservative Citizens putting it on or the less benign National Alliance.
  • Michael Hill, the founder and head of the League of the South, one of the groups responsible for instigating the violence in Charlottesville in 2017, where he, Duke and Spencer were supposed to speak.
  • Earl P. Holt III, President of the Council of Conservative Citizens who not only tried to make his organization the real victims in the Dylann Roof shootings, but has a history of saying some bizarre and threatening crap about Black people and others.
  • Adrien Kreig, a writer for the rag Nationalist Times and AFP member.

Part of the reason why the locals are ticked off is because this is their park and nowadays whenever these groups hold their conferences, no one is allowed to use it, particularly the Inn where they are holding them. Part of the lure for the nazis is how this is a public place that is open to all, but that is not the case, which is ironic because it is in the name of their rights that they are allowed to hold their events there, even while it is infringing on everyone elses. Harriet Tubman House is organizing groups in the area to assert themselves and those rights they are supposed to pretend they don’t have. So both conferences are going to be a big deal, you can be sure of that.