September 22, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


#RefuseFascism Announces Nationwide Rally Against Trump @ Nationwide
Nov 4 @ 1:02 am – 2:02 am
#RefuseFascism Announces Nationwide Rally Against Trump @ Nationwide

Now III%ers are trying to make this sound like this is the start of the next civil war, but that will only be if they start it. This is what #RefuseFascism has to say:

Take To The Streets And Public Squares
in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met:

This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

A Nightmare:

Immigrants living in terror—their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones.

A Nightmare:

Muslims and refugees demonized, banned and cast out.

A Nightmare:

Millions—children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor—denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live.

A Nightmare:

Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law.

A Nightmare:

LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized, and denied civil rights recently won.

A Nightmare:

Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred.

A Nightmare:

People all over the world facing bombings, occupations, war and the threat of nuclear war with Donald Trump’s “America First” finger on the nuclear trigger.

A Nightmare:

The truth bludgeoned—lies and more lies—critical thinking being destroyed in education and public discourse.

A Nightmare:

The whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections.

A Nightmare:

A regime step by step discarding basic democratic rights, targeting group after group, and suppressing dissent and resistance. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-semites, and fascist thugs. This is fascism—a qualitative change in how society is governed. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

THIS NIGHTMARE MUST END. Millions feel this and ache with the question of how to stop this unrelenting horror. The stakes are nothing less than the future of humanity and the planet itself.

Who will end this nightmare? We will. Only the determined struggle of millions of people acting together with courage and conviction can drive this regime from power.

ON NOVEMBER 4, 2017:

We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power.

Our actions will reflect the values of respect for all of humanity and the world we want—in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime.

Our determination to persist and not back down will compel the whole world to take note. Every force and faction in the power structure would be forced to respond to our demand. The cracks and divisions among the powers already evident today will sharpen and widen. As we draw more and more people forward to stand up, all of this could lead to a situation where this illegitimate regime is removed from power.

Spread the word and organize now. Be a part of making history. Don’t let it be said that you stood aside when there was still a chance to stop a regime that imperils humanity and the Earth itself. Join in taking to the streets and the public squares day after day and night after night demonstrating that In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.

On November 4, 2017, we will stand together with conviction and courage, overcoming fear and uncertainty, to insist that: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

Demonstration against Hate and Racism
Nov 12 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Demonstration against Hate and Racism @ Montréal | Québec | Canada

From Greda Canada:

A large popular movement against Hate, Racism and the Far-right is organizing a mass demonstration on the streets of Montréal. This Sunday, November 12, the rallying point is at Place Émilie Gamelin, Métro Berri-UQAM, at 2 PM, at the corner of Ste-Catherine Street and Berri Street. As of November 8, 163 groups from all horizons have joined and supported the mass demonstration of this Sunday. 

A growing movement of support

Following the press conference held on November, 1st, there has been a growing numbers of groups joining in the efforts to create a large community response to Hate and Racism.

Following the event, a series of meetings, forums were held to gather more support from the various communities to this important event. With the rise of racism and prejudices, we have also seen Far-right groups coming out of their virtual world. They try to have a presence in the public space by staging demonstrations, having meetings and sometime even assaulting members of visible minorities. We need to put a STOP to Hate and Racism. We need to build bridges in order to develop a large community based response to Hate and Bigotry. This demonstration is an important step in building such community response to defend our democratic and social rights. Here is the listing of the 163 groups endorsing the event, as of November, 8, 2017;

Rock Against Fascism II: The Punks And Skins Strike Back! @ Cider Riot
Mar 29 @ 6:00 pm – Mar 30 @ 12:00 am
Rock Against Fascism II: The Punks And Skins Strike Back! @ Cider Riot | Portland | Oregon | United States

RASH NW and the Red and Black Subculture Club presents:
ROCK Against Fascism II: The Punks and Skins Strike Back with:
The Brass: East Coast antifascist oi!
Petite: Female fronted PDX poltical Punk
Empire Justice: Seattle antifascist oi/hardcore
Violent Traditions: PDX antifascist hardcore

The Red and Black Subculture Club’s Soul Survivor, DJ Dispissed and DJ Mcskally will play the best in boss reggae, antifascist oi, soul and punk

$5 donation to an antifascist charity. No turn away.

Left Forum Screening: “Antifa” & “The Battle for The Real” @ John Jay College
Jun 3 @ 10:00 am – 11:45 am
Left Forum Screening: "Antifa" & "The Battle for The Real" @ John Jay College | New York | New York | United States

The Left Forum will be held June 1-3 at John Jay College in New York City, and we definitely want to encourage everyone to come out for the entire thing. On it’s last day, One People’s Project is the sponsor of an important presentation. The following is from Left Forum’s announcement:

Two films about the rise of the fascist right will be screened, one a ten-minute short “The Battle for the Real”, a film that shows how both activists and fascists have used media tools, while calling for an ethical use of platforms, and “Antifa”, a 30-minute film about who Antifascists are and how they have fought the racists and misogynists that are taking advantage of the momentum given to them since the campaign and election of Donald Trump to the White House. The screenings will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Executive Director of the Philadelphia-based antifascist organization One People’s Project, and feature antifascist activists who have been on the frontlines over the past two years.


Daryle Lamont Jenkins

Daryle Lamont Jenkins is the Founder and Executive Director of One People’s Project a Philadelphia-based anti-hate organization that monitors the activities of far right and racist groups around the world. Founded in 2000 after a White Supremacist rally in New Jersey, One People’s Project has become a go to resource for those wanting to learn more about hate groups, the people behind them and the connections they have to mainstream politics. With Trump’s rise to power and with it the rise of the so-called “alt-right”, Jenkins and OPP have been prominent in the media representing Antifascists and explaining what it is that antifa fights and why the public needs to join the fight. This week, shooting wrapped on a major motion picture based on the documentary Erasing Hate, which was about a former neo-Nazi that Jenkins helped out of the fascist circles he was a part of for 13 years.


Ash J.

Ash J. is a writer and journalist born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. When he’s not driving out the hipster colonizers and their occupying army of cops, he’s live-tweeting protests at @AshAgony! He has written for Mask Magazine Truthout, Waging Nonviolence and Injustice Today.

Rebecca Centeno

Rebecca Centeno is a Mexican-American award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her video work has been featured on Free Speech TV, The Washington Post, Last Real Indians, PAPERMAG, and Deep Dish TV. She is the co-founder of “Reels for Radicals”, a screening series by Deep Dish TV and the Paper Tiger TV collective, which highlights the work of political films and creates space for critical dialogue. She is the co-producer of “We Interrupt This Program” a new collaborative video/web series bringing together some of the most cutting edge media producers with episodes on the rise of far-right politics and resistance movements. Her film, “Earth Speaks” (2015, 12min), about fracking on Native American Reservations was featured in The Red Nation Film Festival, Santa Fe Film Festival, San Pedro International Film Festival, South Texas Underground Film Festival, Cinema Verde Environmental Film Festival, and the Green Unplugged Online Film Festival. Rebecca holds a BFA in Film and Television from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and an MFA from the Integrated Media Arts (IMA) Program at Hunter College.

Marisa Holmes

Marisa Holmes is an activist and media maker based in New York City. Her work has appeared in PBS, Al Jazeera,, Waging Nonviolence, Truthout and the AK Press compilation We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy. She is the producer and director of the feature film All Day All Week: An Occupy Wall Street Story and the forthcoming feature Dégagé! looking at the militarization of borders and refugee crisis in North Africa. She is also a collective member of Paper Tiger Television and champion of independent and radical media.


Screening: 206 Carlton, a documentary about Ernst Zundel (feat. Elise Hategan) @ Cinecycle
Jun 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Screening: 206 Carlton, a documentary about Ernst Zundel (feat. Elise Hategan) @ Cinecycle | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

On June 13, former neo-Nazi Elisa Hategan, will join filmmaker Sylvia Novak to screen and discuss the new documentary focusing on Ernst Zundel. Hategan, who worked with Zundel in the nineties, served as a consultant on the film. This will be one of two days that they will screen.

From the Doc Now website:

Using archival materials, 206 Carlton brings together a story of racism and resistance in the city of Toronto, through focusing on one address, one house. At the center of this story is Ernst Zundel, a former resident of 206 Carlton Street, and internationally infamous Holocaust denier. From this downtown Victorian townhouse he spread hate materials that found their way to the hands of hateful groups around the world.

About the Artist

Sylvia Nowak is a Toronto based activist, documentary maker and artist. Her academic background began in still photography but has shifted to include video and digital media. At the core of all her work is an interest in social issues and an investigative instinct. She is the current co-chair of the DocNow Documentary Festival.

PHILADELPHIA – Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It. A Discussion with Shane Burley and Matthew N. Lyons @ Wooden Shoe Books and Records
Jun 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
PHILADELPHIA - Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It. A Discussion with Shane Burley and Matthew N. Lyons @ Wooden Shoe Books and Records | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | United States

We can no longer ignore the fact that fascism is on the rise in the United States. What was once a fringe movement has been gaining cultural acceptance and political power for years. Rebranding itself as “alt-right” and riding the waves of both Donald Trump’s hate-fueled populism and the anxiety of an abandoned working class, they have created a social force that has the ability to win elections and inspire racist street violence in equal measure.

Fascism Today looks at the changing world of the far right in Donald Trump’s America. Examining the modern fascist movement’s various strains, Shane Burley has written an accessible primer about what its adherents believe, how they organize, and what future they have in the United States. The ascension of Trump has introduced a whole new vocabulary into our political lexicon—white nationalism, race realism, Identitarianism, and a slew of others. Burley breaks it all down. From the tech-savvy trolls of the alt-right to esoteric Aryan mystics, from full-fledged Nazis to well-groomed neofascists like Richard Spencer, he shows how these racists and authoritarians have reinvented themselves in order to recruit new members and grow.

Just as importantly, Fascism Today shows how they can be fought and beaten. It highlights groups that have successfully opposed these twisted forces and outlines the elements needed to build powerful mass movements to confront the institutionalization of fascist ideas, protect marginalized communities, and ultimately stop the fascist threat.

Shane Burley is a writer, filmmaker, and antifascist based in Portland, Oregon.

Matthew Lyons has been writing about right-wing politics for over 25 years. His work focuses on the interplay between right-wing movements and systems of oppression, and responses to these movements by leftists, liberals, and the state. He writes regularly for Three Way Fight, a radical antifascist blog, and his work has also appeared in the Guardian, New Politics, Socialism and Democracy, teleSUR, Upping the Anti, and other publications.

DC – Fascism Today: Author Talk with Shane Burley and Matthew N. Lyons @ The Potter's House
Jun 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
DC - Fascism Today: Author Talk with Shane Burley and Matthew N. Lyons @ The Potter's House | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

Fascism Today looks at the changing world of the far right in Donald Trump’s America. Examining the modern fascist movement’s various strains, Shane Burley has written an accessible primer about what its adherents believe, how they organize, and what future they have in the United States. The ascension of Trump has introduced a whole new vocabulary into our political lexicon—white nationalism, race realism, Identitarianism, and a slew of others. Burley breaks it all down. From the tech-savvy trolls of the alt-right to esoteric Aryan mystics, from full-fledged Nazis to well-groomed neofascists like Richard Spencer, he shows how these racists and authoritarians have reinvented themselves in order to recruit new members and grow. Just as importantly, Fascism Today shows how they can be fought and beaten. It highlights groups that have successfully opposed these twisted forces and outlines the elements needed to build powerful mass movements to confront the institutionalization of fascist ideas, protect marginalized communities, and ultimately stop the fascist threat.

Shane Burley is a writer, filmmaker, and antifascist based in Portland, Oregon. His work on fascism and anti-fascism has appeared on PBS, Salon, TruthOut, In These Times, Alternet, Waging Nonviolence, Antifascist News, and more.

Screening: 206 Zundel, a documentary about Ernst Zundel @ Ryerson Image Arts
Jun 23 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Screening: 206 Zundel, a documentary about Ernst Zundel @ Ryerson Image Arts | New York | United States

From the Doc Now website:

Using archival materials, 206 Carlton brings together a story of racism and resistance in the city of Toronto, through focusing on one address, one house. At the center of this story is Ernst Zundel, a former resident of 206 Carlton Street, and internationally infamous Holocaust denier. From this downtown Victorian townhouse he spread hate materials that found their way to the hands of hateful groups around the world.

About the Artist

Sylvia Nowak is a Toronto based activist, documentary maker and artist. Her academic background began in still photography but has shifted to include video and digital media. At the core of all her work is an interest in social issues and an investigative instinct. She is the current co-chair of the DocNow Documentary Festival.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Live Call-in show on JZ 94.5 in Gulfport, MS @ JZ 94.5
Jul 10 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Live Call-in show on JZ 94.5 in Gulfport, MS @ JZ 94.5 | Gulfport | Mississippi | United States

One People’s Project Founder and Executive Director Daryle Lamont Jenkins will be on the radio program It’s a New Day with Rip Daniels, which airs on JZ 94.5 a Black-owned radio station out of Gulfport, MS. For an hour he will be talking about various topics and taking your calls.

To listen live, click here.

Portland Presents Rock Against Fascism Show! @ Cider Riot
Aug 4 @ 5:59 pm – 6:59 pm
Portland Presents Rock Against Fascism Show! @ Cider Riot | Portland | Oregon | United States

R.A.S.H Northwest presents our third Rock Against Fascism PDX a benefit concert. Local bands will be donating their time to help us raise money to support antifascist prisoners. Hard left from Oakland will be traveling up here to donate their time also.

Hard Left (punk)
The Faction (pdx hip hop)
All Worked Up (SHARP Oi!)
Rum Rebellion (pirate Punk)
Death Ridge Boys (left wing Oi!)

All proceeds will go to help antifascist prisoners.