September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


Jason Kessler on Trial for Perjury
Mar 20 @ 9:00 am – Mar 21 @ 5:00 pm
Jason Kessler on Trial for Perjury

It is only by pure coincidence that we are posting this on the one year anniversary of the day White Supremacist Jason Kessler assaulted someone at Charlottesville, Va’s Downtown Mall. He got in trouble for that and pled guilty to a misdemeanor. Now it would have been nice if they charged him with perjury then for saying that he punched back in self defense when video shows otherwise, as opposed to after his so-called “Unite the Right” rally on Aug. 12. We probably all could have avoided the tragedy that we would eventually see that day. But it is what it is, and he did indeed get charged. He has a motion hearing for Jan. 30, but if all goes as it is currently planned, two-day trial is set for March 20. We don’t think Kessler is going to fare well in this or any of the other things that may be coming his way to take him down, and this will be the first shot at him that serves as a comeuppance for his bullshit over the past year. If the dates change, we will note it here.

Rock Against Fascism II: The Punks And Skins Strike Back! @ Cider Riot
Mar 29 @ 6:00 pm – Mar 30 @ 12:00 am
Rock Against Fascism II: The Punks And Skins Strike Back! @ Cider Riot | Portland | Oregon | United States

RASH NW and the Red and Black Subculture Club presents:
ROCK Against Fascism II: The Punks and Skins Strike Back with:
The Brass: East Coast antifascist oi!
Petite: Female fronted PDX poltical Punk
Empire Justice: Seattle antifascist oi/hardcore
Violent Traditions: PDX antifascist hardcore

The Red and Black Subculture Club’s Soul Survivor, DJ Dispissed and DJ Mcskally will play the best in boss reggae, antifascist oi, soul and punk

$5 donation to an antifascist charity. No turn away.

ALERT! Neo-Fascist Generation Identity to Hold Conference in London @ TBA
Apr 14 @ 12:00 am – 11:45 pm
ALERT! Neo-Fascist Generation Identity to Hold Conference in London @ TBA | London | England | United Kingdom

From the Oppose ‘Generation Identity’ website:



The frightened little snowflakes think they can keep us from figuring out where they’re gonna be hosting all their filthy little fascist mates from across Europe for their “European Reunion” conference, setting up ridiculous amounts of security just to get a ticket – but that hasn’t stopped us, so follow the @OpposeGI handle on Twitter for updates and locations on the day 😉


‘Generation Identity’ (to be referred to as ‘Generation Snowflake’ from here on in) are a fascist group for the 21st century, using the language of liberal identity politics to argue that white Europeans, rather than being aggressive imperialists who have raped and pillaged the entire globe, are in fact victims of some great conspiracy, using terms like ‘the Great Replacement’ as code for the popular fascist conspiracy theory that ‘liberal’ world leaders are orchestrating ‘white genocide’ in the West. This movement, which began in France and is strongest in Germany and Austria, targets university campuses with its carefully worded propaganda in an effort to normalize hateful and racist discourse in mainstream education. The ultimate goal of this movement? Ethno-pluarlism. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? Pluralism is a good thing, isn’t it? Well, no, not in this context – ethno-pluralism means apartheid, racial segregation and the creation of states along racial and ethnic lines. So in simple terms – ‘Generation Snowflake’ wants to ethnically cleanse all people of colour from Europe to create a series of white ethnostates.

The most high profile stunt so far by ‘Generation Snowflake’ was the failed ‘Defend Europe’ project in summer 2017, which saw ‘Generation Snowflake’ members take to the seas and try, unsuccessfully, to block the boats of NGOs from coming to the rescue of migrants drowning in the Mediterranean. The UK chapter of ‘Generation Snowflake’ launched in the autumn with a *super dramatic* banner drop on Westminster bridge. Their actions have largely been confined to stunts like this – giving out (pork) dinners to the (British only) homeless in branded hi-vis tops an taking some pics, coming onto university campuses, putting up stickers or handing out a couple of leaflets, getting some pics for the all important social media. Then fucking off as quick as they can. So far, this has meant that they have been easy to miss –  until an attempted banner drop at Birkbeck University last week, which led to the ‘Generation Snowflake’ banner being quickly seized and disposed of by students and the fascists being chased off the campus with their tails between their legs. But these aren’t just students playing pranks – the recent revelation that ‘Generation Snowflake’ member Jacob Bewick was a member of now banned Nazi terror group ‘National Action’ shows that they are attracting members who are deadly serious about their goals.


There isn’t just one good reason to shut down fascist gathering like this one. There. Are. Shitloads. Firstly, of course, it sends a message of solidarity to those people being targeted by their hateful rhetoric. It is also to demonstrate to those that hold such dangerous views as the desire for a white-only Europe that they will not be tolerated in society and any attempts that they make to organise with others to execute those ideas will be resisted by any means necessary. Make no mistake, this is what the ‘Generation Snowflake’ conference is – a meeting of like minded people from across the continent, seeking to work together to organise and execute the ethnic cleansing of Europe. We cannot – we will not –  let this happen. We’ll see you on Saturday the 14th.




ALERT! Neo-Fascist Proud Boys to Rally on Patriots Day, where the American Revolution Began @ Minute Man National Historical Park
Apr 16 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
ALERT! Neo-Fascist Proud Boys to Rally on Patriots Day, where the American Revolution Began @ Minute Man National Historical Park | Concord | Massachusetts | United States

The Proud Boys are saying they are commemorating the anniversary of the 1775 start of the American Revolution, but let’s be real. That other anniversary three days from this date, where 168 people, many of them children lost their lives in Oklahoma City at the hands of a bomber who had the same kind of ideals that the Proud Boys have is more akin to what you are going to see them represent. One of the rally organizers is John Medlar, the guy who tried to hold a rally in Boston last summer just after Charlottesville’s Unite the Right rally and was met by over 40,000 angry counter-protesters. This time around he is saying he doesn’t want to rile up the opposition noting of his little rally, “We’re here to celebrate a battle, not fight one.” That might be news to Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman, who is one of the speakers and is always looking to fight someone. In fact, the Proud Boys themselves are a organization formed out of the need for political violence. At one point in their two-year existence, they required you to engage in some act of violence against someone you politically disagree with to gain full membership. So we hope they understand if the “We’re not here to fight a battle” sentiment rings a little hollow with most folks. Expect the opposition to be thick.

ALERT! 2018 National Socialist Movement Conference in Temple, GA
Apr 20 @ 12:00 pm – Apr 21 @ 5:00 pm

It’s that time of year again. On Hitler’s 129th birthday, his followers will come out to remind everyone why he didn’t live long enough to see his 57th. The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is putting on their conference and rally for 2018 in Temple, Ga. Per their announcement, the opposition is organizing. What the plan for that weekend is still not known as of this time, but it will more than likely go the same way it always goes. There will be some sort of conference the evening of the 20th, and a rally at the local courthouse on the 21st where NSM members and their supporters will stand behind a phalanx of police officers and dare everyone opposing them to cross over and fight that fight. Of course since then Charlottesville has happened and these are the guys that popped all the violence off. So it remains to be seen how stupid they get. The timing could not be better either because the following weekend, Nashville, which is only four hours away, has to deal with the American Renaissance (AmRen) Conference, so basically antifa will be particularly busy that week! So be it!

One People’s Project endorses the action against the NSM Conference. From Atlanta Antifascists:

Oppose the Nazi Rally in Newnan, GA, April 21!

The National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization, is having its national meeting in Georgia on April 20-21. While most of the meeting will be in Temple, Georgia (almost certainly at Patrick Lanzo’s Georgia Peach Oyster Bar), the Nazis are also having a public rally in Newnan, Georgia on the afternoon of Saturday, April 21. (Newnan is part of the Metro Atlanta area and is approximately 45 minutes southwest from Atlanta.) The Nazis are expecting 50-100 people to attend their rally at the Greenville Street Park in Newnan.

no nazis in newnanNeo-Nazis often believe that smaller cities (such as Newnan) will be more receptive to their racist message, and that they can come in and recruit. Let’s show the Nazis that they’re wrong and that they are not welcome!

Gather in downtown Newnan, 2PM, April 21st. Follow Atlanta Antifascists’ social media and the #nonazinewnan hashtag for updates.

Please spread the word! Print and distribute posters (download here) and half-sheet flyers (download here)!

Facebook event here:

If your organization wishes to endorse this mobilization, get in contact and we will add you to the list of endorsers.

Protest endorsers:

  • Atlanta Antifascists
  • Atlanta General Defense Committee
  • Atlanta Industrial Workers of the World
  • Northeast Georgia Democratic Socialists of America
  • One People’s Project
  • Raleigh-Durham Industrial Workers of the World (NC)
  • Workers’ Solidarity Alliance – Atlanta Local
American Renaissance 2018: Twitter Might Have Banned Jared Taylor, but Not Montgomery Bell Park Inn! @ Montgomery Bell Park Inn
Apr 27 @ 5:00 pm – Apr 29 @ 5:00 pm
American Renaissance 2018: Twitter Might Have Banned Jared Taylor, but Not Montgomery Bell Park Inn! @ Montgomery Bell Park Inn | Burns | Tennessee | United States

During last year’s American Renaissance (AmRen) Conference the website’s publisher Jared Taylor said that the conference might have outgrown the Montgomery Bell Park Inn that they have held this event for the past six years and may have to find a larger venue for 2018. Of course, the fact that the largest opposition to the conference was right outside as he said this could have made him thought that it might be time to go. But something must have changed because they will be back once again to infest this park just outside Nashville, and they are having it again in the spring as opposed to the summer outing of 2017.

Now last year’s conference took place just two weeks before the Unite the Right rally Charlottesville, Virginia, and that event, which left one person dead at the hands of a fascist, saw many that also attended AmRen 2017. Charlottesville also galvanized people around the world to be more proactive against this scum, and in the weeks and months that followed we saw not only more people coming out to oppose them at their events, some of their events being shut down beforehand, and a purge on Twitter of hatemongers to include Jared Taylor, we have also seen the neo-fascists become increasingly violent in response. “Our movement has seen dramatic progress but also startling setbacks,” AmRen says in their announcement. “We must take inspiration from the progress and learn from the setbacks.” So if the beautiful people of Middle Tennessee thought this might be over…nope.  They are still feeling their oats, and it is up to society to make oatmeal out of them! You can bet there will be opposition, and it will be larger than last year’s!

CONTINUED AGAIN! Josh Steever to Appear in Court on May. 8 @ Middle District of Pennsylvania, United States District Court
May 8 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
CONTINUED AGAIN! Josh Steever to Appear in Court on May. 8 @ Middle District of Pennsylvania, United States District Court

Josh Steever of Aryan Strikeforce might be coming to the end of his tenure as a perennial Nazi nuisance when he goes into court to face trial for on weapons and drug charges – basically being a part of a meth ring. Last Spring, he and several others were snatched up by the feds and they were supposed to face trial on July 10, and then on March 5, but another continuance has him in court on May 8, 2018. This is the fifth time it has been continued, the other dates being Sept. 11 and Dec. 4, so we shall see if this date holds. It is likely those he was arrested with will also face trial either that day or somewhere around that time, and we will let you know when that is.

Left Forum Screening: “Antifa” & “The Battle for The Real” @ John Jay College
Jun 3 @ 10:00 am – 11:45 am
Left Forum Screening: "Antifa" & "The Battle for The Real" @ John Jay College | New York | New York | United States

The Left Forum will be held June 1-3 at John Jay College in New York City, and we definitely want to encourage everyone to come out for the entire thing. On it’s last day, One People’s Project is the sponsor of an important presentation. The following is from Left Forum’s announcement:

Two films about the rise of the fascist right will be screened, one a ten-minute short “The Battle for the Real”, a film that shows how both activists and fascists have used media tools, while calling for an ethical use of platforms, and “Antifa”, a 30-minute film about who Antifascists are and how they have fought the racists and misogynists that are taking advantage of the momentum given to them since the campaign and election of Donald Trump to the White House. The screenings will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Executive Director of the Philadelphia-based antifascist organization One People’s Project, and feature antifascist activists who have been on the frontlines over the past two years.


Daryle Lamont Jenkins

Daryle Lamont Jenkins is the Founder and Executive Director of One People’s Project a Philadelphia-based anti-hate organization that monitors the activities of far right and racist groups around the world. Founded in 2000 after a White Supremacist rally in New Jersey, One People’s Project has become a go to resource for those wanting to learn more about hate groups, the people behind them and the connections they have to mainstream politics. With Trump’s rise to power and with it the rise of the so-called “alt-right”, Jenkins and OPP have been prominent in the media representing Antifascists and explaining what it is that antifa fights and why the public needs to join the fight. This week, shooting wrapped on a major motion picture based on the documentary Erasing Hate, which was about a former neo-Nazi that Jenkins helped out of the fascist circles he was a part of for 13 years.


Ash J.

Ash J. is a writer and journalist born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. When he’s not driving out the hipster colonizers and their occupying army of cops, he’s live-tweeting protests at @AshAgony! He has written for Mask Magazine Truthout, Waging Nonviolence and Injustice Today.

Rebecca Centeno

Rebecca Centeno is a Mexican-American award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her video work has been featured on Free Speech TV, The Washington Post, Last Real Indians, PAPERMAG, and Deep Dish TV. She is the co-founder of “Reels for Radicals”, a screening series by Deep Dish TV and the Paper Tiger TV collective, which highlights the work of political films and creates space for critical dialogue. She is the co-producer of “We Interrupt This Program” a new collaborative video/web series bringing together some of the most cutting edge media producers with episodes on the rise of far-right politics and resistance movements. Her film, “Earth Speaks” (2015, 12min), about fracking on Native American Reservations was featured in The Red Nation Film Festival, Santa Fe Film Festival, San Pedro International Film Festival, South Texas Underground Film Festival, Cinema Verde Environmental Film Festival, and the Green Unplugged Online Film Festival. Rebecca holds a BFA in Film and Television from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and an MFA from the Integrated Media Arts (IMA) Program at Hunter College.

Marisa Holmes

Marisa Holmes is an activist and media maker based in New York City. Her work has appeared in PBS, Al Jazeera,, Waging Nonviolence, Truthout and the AK Press compilation We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy. She is the producer and director of the feature film All Day All Week: An Occupy Wall Street Story and the forthcoming feature Dégagé! looking at the militarization of borders and refugee crisis in North Africa. She is also a collective member of Paper Tiger Television and champion of independent and radical media.


ALERT! Patriot Prayer to Rally in Portland @ Terry Schrunk Plaza
Jun 3 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
ALERT! Patriot Prayer to Rally in Portland @ Terry Schrunk Plaza | Portland | Oregon | United States

From Rose City Antifa:

One year after the infamous June 4, 2017 far-right rally held by Joey Gibson, he and his group Patriot Prayer plan a return to Terry Schrunk Plaza in downtown Portland with a rally scheduled for June 3rd, 2018.

The 2017 rally– staged days after white supremacist Jeremy Christian murdered two people and critically injured a third who stood in the way of his racist tirade against two young women on a MAX train– drew a wide selection of racists, fascists, and far-right bigots into the city. The community answered, surrounding Gibson’s group on three sides and demonstrating clearly that organized hate would not be tolerated in Portland. The Portland Police Bureau then attacked anti-fascist activists with chemical weapons and explosives to facilitate the racists’ escape.

In the year that followed, the city of Portland has extensively witnessed just what sort of crowd Joey Gibson draws to himself:

It is no coincidence that Gibson is trying to come back into Portland on the anniversary of his previous defeat. As the widespread rise in far-right violence last year was met with fierce opposition from anti-fascists around the country, fascists and white nationalists have been forced into a retreat. While demoralized, they remain active. Many fascist groups have continued to grow in membership. Even now, white nationalists are planning to return to Charlottesville in August, on the anniversary of the fascist “Unite the Right” rally during which anti-fascist activist Heather Heyer was killed by a member of white nationalist group Vanguard America (since rebranded, they now operate under the name Patriot Front).

After being turned away from Portland time and time again by antifascists standing strong against his racist followers, Gibson began holding events elsewhere in Washington, and has begun a contentless campaign for the position of Senator in that state. While Gibson claimed he was done with rallies and ready to focus on “serious politics”, he has apparently now forgotten his ill-fated ventures into our city, and is testing the waters in Portland once again. Despite the fact that his run for the senate has received little attention from mainstream media, his ambitions continue to to make space for fascists and other violent reactionaries to march and organize, in a transparent bid to stoke his own ego and meager celebrity. He may hope that the people of Portland have forgotten his violent carnivals of 2017, and that the community’s guard has dropped and he might be celebrated by racists once again.

Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer have short memories, but our community does not. Rose City Antifa knows now, just as we did last year: Gibson is a magnet for violent white supremacists and bigots. The time between then and now has only reinforced our resolve, and the evidence of Patriot Prayer’s racist ties has accumulated to undeniable quantities.

We will not allow racists and fascists to parade through Portland’s streets, threatening activists and targeting at-risk communities. No matter how many times they try to sneak back in, this city will stand united against them. We ask the community to join us at 4:00 pm on June 3rd in Terry Schrunk Plaza, to show Patriot Prayer, just as we showed them last year, that their violence and hatred has no place in Portland.


Rose City Antifa

Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective

Eugene Antifa

To sign on to our coalition, please email us at [email protected]

Screening: 206 Carlton, a documentary about Ernst Zundel (feat. Elise Hategan) @ Cinecycle
Jun 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Screening: 206 Carlton, a documentary about Ernst Zundel (feat. Elise Hategan) @ Cinecycle | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

On June 13, former neo-Nazi Elisa Hategan, will join filmmaker Sylvia Novak to screen and discuss the new documentary focusing on Ernst Zundel. Hategan, who worked with Zundel in the nineties, served as a consultant on the film. This will be one of two days that they will screen.

From the Doc Now website:

Using archival materials, 206 Carlton brings together a story of racism and resistance in the city of Toronto, through focusing on one address, one house. At the center of this story is Ernst Zundel, a former resident of 206 Carlton Street, and internationally infamous Holocaust denier. From this downtown Victorian townhouse he spread hate materials that found their way to the hands of hateful groups around the world.

About the Artist

Sylvia Nowak is a Toronto based activist, documentary maker and artist. Her academic background began in still photography but has shifted to include video and digital media. At the core of all her work is an interest in social issues and an investigative instinct. She is the current co-chair of the DocNow Documentary Festival.