September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


J20 Pizza Party Fundraiser @ Rebecca's
Aug 5 @ 4:00 pm – Aug 6 @ 4:00 am
J20 Pizza Party Fundraiser @ Rebecca's | New York | United States


More than 230 people were arrested during an anti-capitalist, anti-fascist march in Washington DC on January 20 (J20), Inauguration Day. Many of those arrested, including members of the Industrial Workers of the World and its General Defense Committee, are now facing up to 80 years in prison. Fighting these charges comes at considerable expense, but we will not allow state repression to proceed without resistance.

In order to raise funds for the J20 defendants, the New York City General Defense Committee is hosting a radical pizza party at Rebecca’s in Bushwick. Come for the solidarity, stay for the drinks, pizza and jamz. There’ll be FREE PIZZA from Norbert’s from 4 to 5 PM, so show up early!

If you can’t make it in person, please consider donating online and sharing this event and appeal widely:

ALERT! Nazis to Rally in Charlottesville, VA @ Emancipation Park
Aug 12 @ 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
ALERT! Nazis to Rally in Charlottesville, VA @ Emancipation Park | Charlottesville | Virginia | United States

The third in a series of rallies in Charlottesville, VA by White Supremacists to protest the removal of Confederate memorials will take place on Aug. 12, and this one will be organized by local bonehead Jason Kessler. This one however might be particularly interesting because it is basically a call for every neo-Nazi and neo-Fascist that we have been seeing all over the place to come out to what is now called Emancipation Park, and they pretty much answered the call at this point. Of course, being that one of them is Matthew Heimbach and his Traditionalist Worker Party, that means due to the coalition of boneheads he and the National Socialist Movement and League of the South cooked up, that means those two groups are coming as well! This just might be the first time we have see the likes of Richard Spencer – who just stepped down as Executive Director of the White Supremacist National Policy Institute – rubbing elbows with National Socialist Movement’s Jeff Schoep! The fact that in-the-beltway, suit-and-tie Nazis are perfectly fine with being seen with the uniformed ones (and in the case of Spencer, especially given how much he said they hated him) has definitely been noticed not just by antifa, but also by a community that has grown weary of one rally after another by this crowd. And they have been planning to play with this crowd for a while now. Hell, they are even urging people to call the hotels that might be booked by Nazis attending! Failing that, however they are planning to be out there before during and after the Nazis show and they want those who support them as they work to dismantle memorials to white supremacy to come out and join them in confronting those that are upset about that. Considering that 1500 came out to oppose the Klan on July 8 when they came out, and Spencer and his crew were opposed in a clandestine attempt to hold a rally holding torches May 13, this one does not bode well for those pushing neo-Fascism coming to defend the neo-Fascism of yesteryear.

ALERT! Neo-Confederate Rally in San Antonio Will See Opposition
Aug 12 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
ALERT! Neo-Confederate Rally in San Antonio Will See Opposition @ San Antonio | Texas | United States

From SATX4:

“This is Texas Freedom Force” (TITFF) has decided that they would like the monument of white supremacy– the Confederate statue– in Travis Park to stay. They are masquerading their white supremacy behind the notion of “preserving history.”

SATX4 will not stay silent in the face of white supremacy. History of white power belongs in a museum, not in the heart of our city. Let’s show up and show San Antonio that we will not stay silent nor will we tolerate white supremacy and hate. Join us at our counter protest to continue to petition the removal of the Confederate statue.

Chris Cantwell to Appear in Court @ Albemarle County General District Court
Oct 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Chris Cantwell to Appear in Court @ Albemarle County General District Court | Charlottesville | Virginia | United States

The most satisfying thing to come out of Charlottesville is Christopher Cantwell of Keane, NH. This guy, who runs a Nazi podcast out of Keane, New Hampshire, was all about the shit talk in a video posted by Vice hours after Charlottesville blew up on Aug. 12. Scheduled to be one of the speakers, he boasted about being a racist and called for more violence on the part of himself and his fellow boneheads. In fact, he all but cheered on the death of Heather Heyer during the rally, saying  “I think that a lot more people are going to die before we’re done here.” For a refresher, this is the full video:

And when he got news about a warrant for his arrest and this gem was placed in everyone’s laps:

On Aug. 24, Cantwell surrendered to authorities and was charged with two felony counts of illegal use of tear gas and one felony count of malicious bodily injury by means of a caustic substance. Denied bond, he has been locked up ever since in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail and will more than likely be there until at least a preliminary hearing on Oct. 12, his next court appearance. We can only hope that he gives us even more tears as this case goes along, especially since he is looking at twenty years!

Dick Spencer to Speak University of Florida @ Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Oct 19 @ 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Dick Spencer to Speak University of Florida @ Phillips Center for the Performing Arts | Gainesville | Florida | United States

Once again, in the name of free speech, someone who doesn’t want you to have yours – or any other freedoms – if you are not his kind of American is coming to a college campus near you. The University of Florida, here in the hometown of musician Tom Petty, who died Oct. 2, tried to keep Dick Spencer off their campus, when he tried to organize an appearance last month in the wake of Charlottesville.  But it’s on again and folks are preparing for him and his crew of boneheads to make it down to the Sunshine State. They have been preparing for a few months as it is, so expect numbers.  The University of Florida has a website up for anyone who has questions.  The Torch Network also has a call out for everyone to come and oppose this event.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Receive ‘Daniel Pearl Multimedia Award’ at Pocono Mountains Film Festival @ Mt. Airy Resort & Casino
Oct 21 @ 6:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Daryle Lamont Jenkins to Receive 'Daniel Pearl Multimedia Award' at Pocono Mountains Film Festival @ Mt. Airy Resort & Casino | Mount Pocono | Pennsylvania | United States

Celebrating it’s 15th anniversary, the Pocono Mountains Film Festival honors the iconic and creative genius in the entertainment industry, affording the opportunity for future filmmakers to network with the best of the best. It’s mission statement states its objectives and goals to be to increase self-esteem and positive role models, provide choices and a vision on how to secure a viable socioeconomic status, remove the uninvited stereo types that enter our homes through television and media out-lets and eliminate the option to join a gang and replace it with the option to succeed. DLJ will be receiving the Daniel Pearl Multimedia Award this year, so named for the Jewish Wall Street Journal reporter that was kidnapped and murdered by members of Al-Qaeda in 2002. Past Daniel Pearl honorees have included syndicated journalist Kam Williams, “Cocoon” author David Saperstein and photographer Catherine Bauknight.

Other honorees for 2017 will be:

Special Ed, rapper “Entertainment Career Achievement Award”

Jennifer Wise   “Advocate for a Better America”

“Special Surprise Honoree  “Lifetime Career Achievement Award”

15th Annual Pocono Mountains Film Festival

Honorary Awards Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Mount Airy Resort & Casino

312 Woodland Road, Mount Pocono PA

Saturday, October 21st 2017

Red Carpet Meet & Greet 5:30p.m.

P.O. Box 871, Tannersville, PA 18372 570.234.6713

Pricing Schedule

Honorary Awards Dinner Tables Seats 10 people $650.00

Honorary Awards Dinner individual seats $65.00 per person

Includes Meet & Greet- Red Carpet, Photo-Op with Celebrities and Filmmakers.

Screening Tickets

$6.00 Individual Film Screening Pass $30 All Day Screening Pass​

$65.00 Awards Ceremony / Meet & Greet with celebrities and Filmmakers

$80.00 All Inclusive Awards Ceremony Dinner and Screenings


Make checks payable to: The Pocono Mountains Film Festival.

                                                 P.O. Box 871, Tannersville, PA 18372  

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. Email [email protected]

Nazis to Rally in Shelbyville, TN @ Shelbyville, TN
Oct 28 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Nazis to Rally in Shelbyville, TN @ Shelbyville, TN

Bradley Griffin, who posts under the name “Hunter Wallace” on his blog Occidental Dissent, has announced that a “White Lives Matter” rally will be held in Shelbyville, Tennessee three days before Halloween. According to him this will be organized by Nationalist Front, the coalition of of organizations that includes not only the White Lives Matter organization, but also Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Worker Party, the National Socialist Movement, League of the South and Vanguard America. In short the very same people who were responsible for the violence in Charlottesville are bringing it to Tennessee. In fact, before this was called a “White Lives Matter” Rally, it was called “Unite the Right 2.0” recalling the Aug. 12 event that ended with the death of Charlottesville resident Heather Heyer allegedly at the hands of someone who was seen earlier holding a Vanguard America shield.

This is the third event this year in Tennessee that locals are mobilizing against, the other two being the American Renaissance conference in July just outside Nashville and the Stormfront conference in Crossville just a few weeks ago. They are looking forward to making a go at this one as well!

Nazis to Rally in Murfreesboro, Tennessee @ Rutherford County Courthouse
Oct 28 @ 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Nazis to Rally in Murfreesboro, Tennessee @ Rutherford County Courthouse | Murfreesboro | Tennessee | United States

Looks like Tennessee is going to be a hotspot on Oct. 28, because in addition to the town of Shelbyville,  the Nationalist Front, a coalition of groups that include the National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Worker Party, League of the South and various Klan groups, will be holding a march in Murfreesboro as well. Below is the statement from Murfreesboro Loves, the main coalition organizing against them:


As you are aware by now, several groups of bonafide white supremacists (League of the South, National Socialist Movement, and Traditionalist Workers Party) have decided to hold a “White Lives Matter” rally in Murfreesboro. The League of the South applied for a permit to rally from 11-4 on Saturday, October 28, 2017, in the inner circle area of the County Courthouse on Murfreesboro’s square. That application is pending.

Murfreesboro’s citizens reject their white supremacist ideals. The diversity of faiths, nationalities, race and sexual orientation are the things that make our community such a beautiful place to live and work and raise our families. And we intend to show them that #murfreesboroloves on October 28th.

This will be a peaceful, nonviolent, non-confrontational event.
Details coming soon. But this will include a march, prayers, speakers, fellowship, food and more.
We plan to make it family friendly.
This event will still take place even if the hate rally is canceled.
This will depend on the rally permit.
It will be in the afternoon.


The following organizations support this event.
if you want your organization to be added please message one of the hosts.

AAUW Murfreesboro ❤
Advent Lutheran Church ❤
American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) ❤
Key United Methodist Church ❤
MTSU Student Coalition Against Hate ❤
Murfreesboro Cold Patrol ❤
Murfreesboro Muslim Youth ❤
Radical Arts (theatre org) ❤
Roots for Refugees ❤
Rutherford County Democratic Party ❤
Rutherford County Interfaith Council
Rutherford County Chapter – SOCM ❤
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition [TIRRC] ❤

ALERT! Mike Cernovich to Speak at Columbia University @ Room 501 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University
Oct 30 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
ALERT! Mike Cernovich to Speak at Columbia University @ Room 501 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University | New York | New York | United States

It looks like the College Republicans at Columbia U. are trying to get their Fash on,  booking two fascists to speak at the university in recent week. The first one was Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League, and that didn’t go over too well last week. The other is “Pizzagate” hypeman Mike Cernovich, and he’s coming to the school on Mischief Night. Now Cernovich is more than just the peddler of debunked conspiracy theories. This garbage in human skin who pushes the routine that “diversity is code for white genocide” believes that Black women should be slut shamed to prevent them from getting AIDS, says that date rape does not exist and was actually charged with rape in 2003 (it was knocked down to misdemeanor battery), promoted a campaign of harassment against women in the video game industry called Gamergate, and according to one tweet, will not support immigration of Muslims into the U.S. (as if it is his choice in the first place) until we all stop talking about white privilege and Islamophobia:

Hell, he just doesn’t like Muslims period, nor does he likes Jews who call out antisemitism:

Freedom is not big on his list of favorite things, apparently:

And of course, he has a weird tweet about Harvey Weinstein:

So in the interest of preserving his right to question the rights of those he doesn’t like, especially those of women, he will be given a space to speak. And so be it. We are sure there will be people coming out and demanding that same space to speak in to call him out.

#RefuseFascism Announces Nationwide Rally Against Trump @ Nationwide
Nov 4 @ 1:02 am – 2:02 am
#RefuseFascism Announces Nationwide Rally Against Trump @ Nationwide

Now III%ers are trying to make this sound like this is the start of the next civil war, but that will only be if they start it. This is what #RefuseFascism has to say:

Take To The Streets And Public Squares
in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met:

This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

A Nightmare:

Immigrants living in terror—their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones.

A Nightmare:

Muslims and refugees demonized, banned and cast out.

A Nightmare:

Millions—children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor—denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live.

A Nightmare:

Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law.

A Nightmare:

LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized, and denied civil rights recently won.

A Nightmare:

Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred.

A Nightmare:

People all over the world facing bombings, occupations, war and the threat of nuclear war with Donald Trump’s “America First” finger on the nuclear trigger.

A Nightmare:

The truth bludgeoned—lies and more lies—critical thinking being destroyed in education and public discourse.

A Nightmare:

The whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections.

A Nightmare:

A regime step by step discarding basic democratic rights, targeting group after group, and suppressing dissent and resistance. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-semites, and fascist thugs. This is fascism—a qualitative change in how society is governed. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

THIS NIGHTMARE MUST END. Millions feel this and ache with the question of how to stop this unrelenting horror. The stakes are nothing less than the future of humanity and the planet itself.

Who will end this nightmare? We will. Only the determined struggle of millions of people acting together with courage and conviction can drive this regime from power.

ON NOVEMBER 4, 2017:

We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power.

Our actions will reflect the values of respect for all of humanity and the world we want—in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime.

Our determination to persist and not back down will compel the whole world to take note. Every force and faction in the power structure would be forced to respond to our demand. The cracks and divisions among the powers already evident today will sharpen and widen. As we draw more and more people forward to stand up, all of this could lead to a situation where this illegitimate regime is removed from power.

Spread the word and organize now. Be a part of making history. Don’t let it be said that you stood aside when there was still a chance to stop a regime that imperils humanity and the Earth itself. Join in taking to the streets and the public squares day after day and night after night demonstrating that In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.

On November 4, 2017, we will stand together with conviction and courage, overcoming fear and uncertainty, to insist that: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!