September 21, 2024


The Media Outlet of One People's Project


ALERT! Dick Spencer to Speak at Texas A&M @ Memorial Student Center Texas A&M
Dec 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
ALERT! Dick Spencer to Speak at Texas A&M @ Memorial Student Center Texas A&M | College Station | Texas | United States

Preston Wiginton is a White Supremacist out of College Station, Texas who for the past eleven years has been hosting neo-Nazi and other assorted Fascists at Texas A&M via speaking events, and whenever he does protests break out while the school says they are powerless to do something about it, as they did  for his latest event in a statement noting “private citizens are permitted to reserve space available to the public as we are a public university.” Wiginton’s next one however, is going to be damned interesting as he will now host Dick Spencer of the National Policy Institute, who is still trying to benefit from his newfound notoriety coming from the White Supremacist conference he held in Washington DC on Nov. 19. Spencer, who was born and raised in Dallas and is fresh from getting his ass handed to him by Texas A&M alum Roland Martin on Martin’s News One television program (and yes he reached out to his alma mater about this), is probably going to see more opposition than anyone Wiginton has ever had on campus only because Spencer is the Nazi scumbag that everyone has been seeing on the news as of late. Dick should get used to that. He and everyone that went to that conference are now pariahs of the highest order and people are more than happy to remind them all just how much they are pariahs.

Mapping Fascist Propaganda in the Seattle Area
Dec 9 @ 7:17 pm

In the past few months, there has been an uptick in fascist propaganda in the Seattle area. Predominantly in the form of posters and stickers, but including graffiti and physical confrontations, local fascists affiliated with American Renaissance, Identity Evropa and The Right Stuff seem to be trying to spread their propaganda across many neighborhoods in Seattle. We began receiving emails with pictures and accounts of physical confrontations and have been mapping these out for the past couple of months. If you are the Pacific Northwest and see something, please feel free to (safely) document and email to us at antifa206 (at) riseup (dot) net. If you are outside of the Pacific Northwest, hopefully this project serves as some inspiration for creative work for other antifascist networks.

“Celebrate the Light” Event Planned to Celebrate Diversity & Inclusion in Richard Spencer’s Hometown
Dec 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
“Celebrate the Light” Event Planned to Celebrate Diversity & Inclusion in Richard Spencer's Hometown @ Whitefish | Montana | United States

Whitefish, Mont, – It’s been two years since the Whitefish City Council adopted a resolution supporting diversity and tolerance in the community, taking a stance in support of community values that promote inclusion and acceptance for all of the city’s inhabitants and visitors.

“I was very proud of Whitefish that day,” said Councilor Frank Sweeney, who moved to adopt the resolution.  “The chamber was packed with people and citizen after citizen spoke out in favor of the measure. In essence, our community was collectively saying that ‘all are welcome in Whitefish.’”

In recent weeks, individuals and groups espousing white supremacy, the so-called “alt-right,” have inserted Whitefish into state and national media coverage, claiming they have “roots” in the town.

Community leaders are pushing back on this idea, citing the resolution as documentation that Whitefish celebrates the dignity and diversity of all its citizens and visitors, and rejects such hate-based ideologies. The Resolution adopted December 1, 2014 reads “The Whitefish City Council declares its support of Whitefish community values that recognize and celebrate the dignity, diversity, and inclusion of all of its inhabitants and visitors, and condemn ideologies, philosophies and movements that deny equality of human rights and opportunities and challenge our Constitutional freedoms granted by the United States and the State of Montana, and protect and safeguard the right and opportunity of all persons to exercise their civil rights, including the rights of free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom from discrimination.” It continues: “Nothing in this Resolution is intended to alter or abridge other rights, protections, or privileges secured by state or federal law, including state and federal constitutional protections of freedom of speech, assembly, and exercise of religion.

“Our community cannot be defined by one person’s extreme ideologies. As Mayor let me assure you, all are welcome in Whitefish.” said Mayor John Muhlfeld. “It’s the people who live and work in Whitefish every day, those who run local businesses and volunteer their time to help make our town better, that represent our shared sense of community values.”

Love Lives Here, a non-profit organization committed to creating caring, open, and welcoming communities throughout the Flathead, led the charge on the 2014 Resolution and continues to take an active role in organizing against hate-based extremism in the area.  On December 9, 2016, the group will “Celebrate the Light,” to honor the fact that, for only the fourth time in the last 100 years, Christmas and Chanukah will fall on the same day. All are welcome to the event of music, singing and celebrating diversity.

“Whitefish is blessed to have dedicated faith leaders that are committed to bringing light to the darkness,” said Ina Albert, a founder of Love Lives Here in Flathead Valley. “Separatism can only grow if the soil is receptive to prejudice. Truth, love and kindness will always win out if our community can find ways to accept and validate each others’ liberties and freedoms.”

Love Lives Here is also encouraging local businesses to display “Love Lives Here” signs in their store windows to show their patrons that Whitefish businesses support a diverse and unified community based on mutual respect.

“An open and accepting community draws visitors, welcomes everyone, and keeps Whitefish a place where we all love to live,” said Kelly Marchetti, owner of Sprouts, a children’s clothing store located in downtown Whitefish. “Hate can only hurt us and we have to stand up to it.”

Love Lives Here is a non-profit organization located in northwest Montana with it’s headquarters in Kalispell and serving communities like Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Kalispell and the surrounding areas within the Flathead Valley. Love Lives Here is committed to co-creating a caring, open, accepting and diverse community, free from discrimination and dedicated to equal treatment for all our citizens.

For more information and to download a Love Lives Here sign to display in the window of a home or business, visit:

For current events, follow:


ALERT! Oppose Milo at University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee @ University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Dec 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
ALERT! Oppose Milo at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee @ University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | Milwaukee | Wisconsin | United States

Before Dick Spencer became the face of the neo-fascism calling itself the “alt-right”, his friend Milo Yiannopoulos had that role. As one of the editors at he was the writer who gave away the store when he wrote a flowery article about the “alt-right”, putting that spotlight on for good. He even got banned from Twitter before Spencer was. We could go on for days about all of his stunts of harassing people in the name of fascism, but if people are protesting him you can pretty much surmise that folks know how much of a scumbag he is. That’s why people are opposing him at every college campus he shows up at during his speaking tour, where all he will do is stand on a stage, call people names and leave without teaching anyone anything except hate politics is profitable. This is just one of several places he is scheduled to appear. We have provided links to the opposition that will greet him when he infests a campus. In the case of this event, Turning Point USA, the latest in organizations that goes out to college campuses to create conservative student activists, is sponsoring this outing.

ALERT! Oppose Milo at Minnesota State University @ Ostrander Auditorium
Dec 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
ALERT! Oppose Milo at Minnesota State University @ Ostrander Auditorium | Mankato | Minnesota | United States

Before Dick Spencer became the face of the neo-fascism calling itself the “alt-right”, his friend Milo Yiannopoulos had that role. As one of the editors at he was the writer who gave away the store when he wrote a flowery article about the “alt-right”, putting that spotlight on for good. He even got banned from Twitter before Spencer was. We could go on for days about all of his stunts of harassing people in the name of fascism, but if people are protesting him you can pretty much surmise that folks know how much of a scumbag he is. That’s why people are opposing him at every college campus he shows up at during his speaking tour, where all he will do is stand on a stage, call people names and leave without teaching anyone anything except hate politics is profitable. This is just one of several places he is scheduled to appear. We have provided links to the opposition that will greet him when he infests a campus.

ALERT! Neo Confederate ‘Memorial Service’ in Lexington, VA
Jan 13 @ 10:00 am – Jan 14 @ 4:00 pm
ALERT! Neo Confederate 'Memorial Service' in Lexington, VA @ Lexington | Virginia | United States

As America observes the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend, Virginia has other plans. Friday, January 13th is the Virginia State Holiday for Lee-Jackson Day, and Saturday, January 14th is officially recognized as Lee-Jackson Day in Lexington. This is just fine fort he neo-Confederate Virginia Flaggers who want to flag the town of Lexington for action taken by City Council to ban all flags from city light pole flag stands, rather than allow the Confederate Rag to fly for the week leading up to the holiday. They are also pissed at Washington and Lee University, which is in town because they removed the Confederate Rag from Robert E. Lee’s grave on campus and refused to allow the Sons of Confederate Veterans to hold a memorial service in the Lee Chapel. Their plans are tentatively to meet at Stonewall Jackson Cemetery Friday at 10:00 a.m, Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Unfortunately for them, there are others that want to do things differently:

From Workers Assemble 

Three “Southern Heritage” groups with white supremacist ties – ACTBAC from Alamance County, the Virginia Flaggers, and League of the South – are coordinating to organize an annual Confederate memorial service in Lexington, VA on January 14, 2017, in retaliation against the MLK Community Parade organized by CARE Rockbridge, an anti-racist organization.

ACTBAC held a rally for Trump on 11.08, has issued threats on social media against a planned mosque, held Confederate memorial rallies at UNC-Chapel Hill, and has had members show up armed at HB2 protests. They are a pro-Confederacy organization that wants to have confederate flags raised on the Interstate. They are likewise the “sister” organization of Citizens of North Carolina Against Relocation of Muslim Refugees. The Virginia Flaggers also want Confederate flags raised on the I-95, and they protested the removal of a confederate memorial in 07.15. The League of the South is an open white-supremacist and neo-confederate organization with ties to the KKK, National Socialist Movement (NSM), and the Traditionalist Worker Party. Matthew Heimbach is also a member of LoS.

We are not going to allow these organizations to march. This is a call out to all #antifa crews, affinity-groups and local chapters to mobilize and #shutitdown.

#WorkersAssemble will be organizing a caravan of #antifa/anti-racist comrades to shut down “Southern Heritage” white-supremacists. We will be assembling a caravan to leave for Lexington at 8:00AM from Durham, NC. It’s time to organize, protect one another, and #fightback. We will be coordinating our caravan with any others that are heading to Lexington.

To coordinate with us, please email us at, with the subject line “01.14 WorkersAntifa”. The location of the caravan will be given out only through email. If you’re coming with an affinity-group, let us know how many medics/legal-observers/scouts you’re coming with. If you’re part of an antifa crew, please let us know which. Bring banners, signs, flags, noisemakers, water, and snacks. We encourage folks to come to and leave the demo in pairs or in groups so no one is stranded and caught in a bad spot. We cannot emphasize this enough!

¡No Parasán! Durham is an #Antifa city!

Rally Against the Anglins of Daily Stormer in Ohio
Jan 14 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Rally Against the Anglins of Daily Stormer in Ohio @ Worthington | Ohio | United States

We must state for the record: We are not sure if the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin is actually going to pull of  his armed anti-Jewish rally in Whitefish, Montana on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. This is a guy who does not make public appearances, only talks trash from behind his computer and has not even filed the application for a permit to rally in Whitefish on that or any day in the near future (we called the city clerk and they confirmed to us that the application had not been received). But screw HIS timetable. Anti-Racist Action isn’t going by that. See, Anglin keeps wanting to be an asshole screwing with people with his Nazi BS from afar, but he is in the Columbus, Ohio area and Columbus is not only the home of one of the strongest chapters of ARA, but it’s also where we called home for a year and a half. To that end antifa is making other plans – zeroing in on his disreputable father Greg who seems to be a kind of silent partner of his son’s and just so happens to own an office building just outside town! So Andrew now has a choice: Go out and posture thousands of miles away from where people back home are calling him and his Daddy out, or stay home and deal with the mess he is making of his life that is now being dealt with in more offline scenarios.

DATE CHANGE! Daryle Lamont Jenkins Speaking in Culver City, CA @ Sepulveda Peace Center
Jan 15 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
DATE CHANGE! Daryle Lamont Jenkins Speaking in Culver City, CA @ Sepulveda Peace Center | Culver City | California | United States

This will be the first time DLJ has ever been on the West Coast, so we hope to see a lot of our friends while we are out there that we waited a long time to connect with. It takes place just a week before Donald Trump is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States, and with all the neo-Fascists thinking that is their big chance to shine, we all need to get together and figure out the best way to dim their lights significantly. There is definitely a lot to discuss!

Women’s March on Washington @ Lincoln Memorial
Jan 21 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Women's March on Washington @ Lincoln Memorial | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

OFFICIAL STATEMENT, National Organizers

On January 21, 2017 we will unite in Washington, DC for the Women’s March on Washington. We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families — recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.

The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us–women, immigrants of all statuses, those with diverse religious faiths particularly Muslim, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native and Indigenous people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, the economically impoverished and survivors of sexual assault. We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.

In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

We support the advocacy and resistance movements that reflect our multiple and intersecting identities. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us. This march is the first step towards unifying our communities, grounded in new relationships, to create change from the grassroots level up. We will not rest until women have parity and equity at all levels of leadership in society. We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for all. HEAR OUR VOICE.


This is an INCLUSIVE march, and EVERYONE who supports women’s rights are welcome.

PLEASE SHARE, we need to spread the word everywhere! And there are groups forming for EVERY STATE, so search for your local group as well!

We especially need HOSTS and ORGANIZERS from marginalized communities for this to be truly inclusive, please DM your state administrator to get involved! ♥


Idaho: Coming Soon
New Hampshire:
New Jersey:
New Mexico:
North Carolina:
North Dakota:
NYC-Upstate/Hudston Valley:
New York/Western New York:
Rhode Island:
South Carolina:
South Dakota: DM Nat’l State Coordinator Evvie Harmon to get involved!
Washington, DC:
West Virginia:
Wyoming: Coming soon!
Pureto Rico :
Mexico: Coming soon!

ALERT! Neo-Fascist ‘Atlanta Forum’ to Take Place Jan. 28
Jan 28 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
ALERT! Neo-Fascist 'Atlanta Forum' to Take Place Jan. 28 @ Atlanta | Georgia | United States

Atlanta Antifascists

On January 28th, 2017, white power activists intend to host an “Atlanta Forum” conference to bring together regional members of the Alt-Right and other white nationalists. In an attempt to head them off and disrupt their ability to organize in our city, anti-racists request that venues and event spaces in and around Atlanta be vigilant about bookings for this date.

The “Atlanta Forum” event was first mentioned on a Southern white nationalist podcast called The Rebel Yell, which is affiliated with The Right Stuff website. “Atlanta Forum” planning seems to have begun in early September of 2016. The organizers claim they have secured a number of speakers. However, they have not listed the event speakers or the venue where the conference will take place.  The event website does provide the following:

  • Date of conference (January 28, 2017)
  • Time of event (9:00AM – 4:00PM)
  • Cost of admission ($20 or $14.88 for students)
  • An email address for “TRS Confederates” (who host “The Rebel Yell” podcast)

We ask that anyone who can obtain additional information about the Atlanta Forum, or who has knowledge of suspicious bookings in or near Atlanta on Jan. 28th, contact Atlanta Antifascists:

email: afainatl [at] riseup [dot] net

phone: (470) 344 – 4868 (voicemail only)

Further Details / Context