He was born the year the Revolution War started and died the year Nat Turner was born. (more…)
We do think we can reconcile the fact how two oppressed people who had no choice but fight and killed...
Slave who served in the Revolutionary War. Fought the in Battle of Bunker Hill. Died a free man at 89....
A War of 1812 veteran, when we know about him is from his autobiography. (more…)
We talked about the movie Glory earlier, but we should note that while it was based on the letters of...
Today is a day of celebration in North Dakota. Welcome Home, Brother Leonard! (more…)
The first African American surgeon in the Civil War, the first African American faculty appointed to any medical college in...
In the end, this guy did more damage to himself than those he saw as the enemy, and they should...
A lot of Black military heroes didn't get their get until years after they were they were gone. President Bill...
In doing this Black History Matters series, we are learning about people who few might have heard of, including us!...